[Question] Aspect ration and keeping size (1 Viewer)


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  • June 11, 2007
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark

    I'm streaming tv-server and using ffmpeg as encoder to minimize bitrate, and would like to keep the original size of 720 x 576 and an aspect ratio of 16/9
    (Actually the stream is feed back to TV-Server as an IP-TV stream)

    But the stream is resize to 720 x 404 and aspect ratio 720 x 404
    From Service.log:
    2012-05-07 19:58:03.0896 [(10)] INFO: Encoding: starting input named pipe \\.\pipe\413eb433-ca66-4f44-8a6c-4a365fbea488
    2012-05-07 19:58:03.0896 [(10)] INFO: Encoding: starting output named pipe \\.\pipe\a517e166-ac68-4b32-969d-d639c3207489
    2012-05-07 19:58:03.0896 [(10)] INFO: Encoder: Transcoder configuration dump
    2012-05-07 19:58:03.0896 [(10)] INFO: Encoder: hasStdin False, hasStdout False, hasStderr True
    2012-05-07 19:58:03.0896 [(10)] INFO: Encoder: path Streaming\ffmpeg.exe
    2012-05-07 19:58:03.0896 [(10)] INFO: Encoder: arguments -y -i "\\.\pipe\413eb433-ca66-4f44-8a6c-4a365fbea488" -s 720x404 -aspect 720:404 -map v:0 -map a:0 -codec:v libx264 -b:v 1536k -profile:v baseline -preset:v ultrafast -coder rle -codec:a copy -strict experimental -async 1 -sn -f mpegts "\\.\pipe\a517e166-ac68-4b32-969d-d639c3207489"

    Streaming profile:
    <description>TV-Server IP-TV profile</description>
    <transcoderConfiguration implementation="MPExtended.Services.StreamingService.Transcoders.FFMpeg">
    <codecParameters>-codec:v libx264 -b:v 1536k -profile:v baseline -preset:v ultrafast -coder rle -codec:a copy -strict experimental -async 1 -sn -f mpegts</codecParameters>

    I wold like the arguments to be:
    arguments -y -i "\\.\pipe\413eb433-ca66-4f44-8a6c-4a365fbea488" -s 720x576 -aspect 720:404 -map v:0 -map a:0 -codec:v libx264 -b:v 1536k -profile:v baseline -preset:v ultrafast -coder rle -codec:a copy -strict experimental -async 1 -sn -f mpegts

    Is it possibul ?


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 29, 2009
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    No, not at the moment. This happens because 16:9 encoded in 720x576 uses non-square pixels, while MPExtended only supports transcoding to square pixels. I have added an option (<noResize>true</noResize>) to MPExtended 0.5 to suppress adding the -s and -aspect options, so that you can fill them in manually.

    (Really, I have no idea why they didn't get rid of all this legacy crap when we migrated from analog to digital..).

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