Can not Find All ny YouSee channels (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 19, 2008
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Yes all the channels are in my mediacenter but as said the are marked as scrabmled and not viewable

There is nothing wrong with the channels, because I can see all the missing channels om all the televisions in my house


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Yes all the channels are in my mediacenter but as said the are marked as scrabmled and not viewable
    Okay. When you said "missing", to me it meant that the channels were not in the list at all. If the channels are only marked as scrambled, you should follow the instructions that I gave in my previous reply and see if they are really scrambled or not.


    Portal Member
    May 19, 2008
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    Denmark Denmark
    ok - sorry for the confusion.
    I ment missing like in missing to be abel to see the channels :)

    I will try your instruction to night and see if this solves the issue


    Portal Member
    May 19, 2008
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    I have now tried your instruktions but with the same result. Stil marked as scrambled and not viewable.
    Can there be a problem with the driver to the Fire DTV. IT is a old version 5.7 and I can not find a newer one as they are not produced anymore?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Stil marked as scrambled...
    This will not change. The point of the instructions was to configure TV Server to think that your tuner can decrypt those channels.

    ...and not viewable.
    Provide new log files please.

    Can there be a problem with the driver to the Fire DTV. IT is a old version 5.7 and I can not find a newer one as they are not produced anymore?
    No, it's not a problem with the FireDTV or its driver.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    To me it looks like you may have 2 copies/versions of some channels. One version - the YouSee version - is encrypted/scrambled, and the other version - your antenna company version - is not encrypted/scrambled.

    For example, TV3Sp2...

    At the start of the log files you try to view the YouSee version:
    [2016-04-13 17:11:29,074] [Log ] [14 ] [INFO ] - dvbc: Tune:DVBC:tv:YouSee TV3Sp2 Freq:530000 ONID:65024 TSID:1090 SID:880 PMT:0x379 FTA:False LCN:10000 SymbolRate:6875 Modulation:Mod64Qam

    TV Server can't show it because it is encrypted:
    [2016-04-13 17:11:45,080] [Log ] [14 ] [INFO ] - card: WaitForFile - no audio was found after 15,0072 seconds
    [2016-04-13 17:11:45,080] [Log ] [14 ] [INFO ] - card: WaitForFile - audio and video stream is scrambled

    Later you try to view the local antenna company version:
    [2016-04-14 06:18:27,089] [Log ] [29 ] [INFO ] - dvbc: Tune:DVBC:tv: TV3Sp2 Freq:714000 ONID:65024 TSID:1500 SID:881 PMT:0x379 FTA:True LCN:10000 SymbolRate:6875 Modulation:Mod64Qam

    Note the different provider and frequency details. This version of TV3Sp2 is working fine:
    [2016-04-14 06:18:27,989] [Log ] [29 ] [INFO ] - card: WaitForFile - video and audio are seen after 0 seconds

    There are also 2 versions of National Geographic (NGC):
    [2016-04-09 22:06:55,106] [Log ] [7 ] [INFO ] - Found: DVBC:tv:YouSee NatGeo Freq:506000 ONID:65024 TSID:1170 SID:540 PMT:0x225 FTA:False LCN:10000 SymbolRate:6875 Modulation:Mod64Qam
    [2016-04-09 22:08:36,561] [Log ] [36 ] [INFO ] - Found: DVBC:tv: NatGeo Freq:714000 ONID:65024 TSID:1500 SID:541 PMT:0x225 FTA:True LCN:10000 SymbolRate:6875 Modulation:Mod64Qam

    Maybe you are meant to have 2 copies of all channels...?


    Portal Pro
    August 2, 2007
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Yousee is a bit funny..
    You have to do a full search, before you find all the chanels.
    Using the yousee from the menu did not work for me.
    Had the same issue :)

    Also same setup, using the firedtv.


    Portal Member
    May 19, 2008
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Hi Caveman

    Nice to hear that I not alone wiht this issue. Would be wery nice with some tuning detailes

    I am out of the house until sunday, but as soon as I come home I will try if I can do a full search or if there are some tuning details uploaded.

    Hope it ok if I return f some help if I does not succed

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