1.4.x Titan - Pulse8 Theme (1 Viewer)


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  • May 16, 2008
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    I solved the issue by changing views to Unwatched and then back to All. The latter suddenly showed text entries only for unwthed episodes, but then changing back to all brought up the full normal view.


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  • April 21, 2008
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    Just found out i don't have the 'temprature' in the upper right corner anymore since upgrading to version 1.6. Already reinstalled WorldWeather plugin. With 1.6 pre i didn't have this, the rest of the worldweather plugin seems to work just fine.


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  • May 16, 2008
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    One suggestion to you. Currently submenus open to the right for the four left buttons and to the left for the four right buttons.

    Personally I would prefer to have as many submenus as possible opening in the same direction as the main TV button. This would mainly effect the MovingPictures button (third from the left) whose submenu opening to the left is always irritating to me. Well, personal taste of course.


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  • May 16, 2008
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    One other problem: The Movie view displays an overlap of posters and description.


    It's not directly related to the mod as it does work correctly on a client. Any idea where I need to search for the root cause?


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  • June 12, 2012
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    If you want hover backgrounds it might be as simple as changing the backgrounds in the Skin settings to 'Default' if it is currently set to FanArt. This tells Titan (and Pulse8) to use the hover backdrops rather than the FanArt backdrops. If you are using FanArt for other buttons then you can add the backdrops you want for TV into the fanart TV backdrops folder and fanart handler will serve them up. But I believe that FanArt handler is broken in 1.6 until it gets re compiled. Although there is a 'try at your own risk' recompiled version on the forums that many people say works fine. I'm still on 1.5 at the moment so I've not had a chance to look into this.

    On Default setting Titan and Pulse8 use the file C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Titan\Media\hover_my tv.png
    On fanart setting Titan and Pulse8 both use any files in C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs\Skin FanArt\UserDef\tv

    As for the Moving Pictures menu, it would be a fairly simple job to move this to the right, need to write a new submenu and update which button hides when it is displayed but could be done. I'll look into it. The main reason I had it open to the left is that the latest mediaoverlay for My Films, Moving Pictures and MyVideo all open to the left (they have to as they need the space of two other buttons, so I thought it made sense for the submenu to open to the left as well.

    As for the Moving view being misaligned, I can only assume that in a newest version of Moving Pictures there has been some update to the layout of that view. To test it you could try deleting the 4 'movingpictures.xxxx.xml' files from the Pulse 8 Aqua directory and test how it looks, this will revert to using the default Titan xml files for this view and should be correct. It will however remove the ClearArt updates I made to the XML files. However if it this does fix the problem then it is definely that you are using a version of Moving Pictures my theme was not designed for in which case let me know and I will look into adding the clearArt content back into a new set of Moving Pictures views. If it is still misaligned after removing the files then I could only guess that something is wrong with your MovingPictures installation and you might need to uninstall and reinstall the Moving Pictures plug in.

    Please let me know how you get on and I'll look at anything further I can do to help. Thanks for the compliment on my Theme. :)


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  • July 21, 2011
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    I *love* this theme (the Aqua one). I do have a couple quick questions:

    - Can I get a copy of the "TV" icon on the main screen without the Freeview Sat logos on it? I'd like to put my providers logos on top of it, and realy like the background in use on that icon.

    - When Highlighting Music, and Videos, I see fanart, as expected, but when highlighting the TV icon, just shows the random living room backgroun - no fanart. Any idea what I need to enable to make it show fanart based on my daily TV recordings? I have a feeling this has nothing to do with the skin, just my implementation of MediaPortal and plugins :)

    Thank you!


    Portal Member
    February 26, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    Hello Gary,

    any chance for a mod that I can have weather instead Trakt on first page? How can I fill empty places with additional plugins on 2nd layer?


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