TV Server dies when trying to scan for rtsp IP Channels (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
February 9, 2009
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
For IPTV it must be installed on TV server, for OnlineVideos it must be on clients.
Thanks for the quick reply, unless I'm missing something, is there a way to install the splitter without using the mediaportal extension tool?
On TV server is missing MPEI installer? I never have such installation, but it is possible.

  1. stop TV service
  2. under TV service folder (default is "C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server" for x86 systems (32bit) or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server" for x64 (64bit) systems) create folder "MPUrlSourceSplitter"
  3. copy to "MPUrlSourceSplitter" folder filter files from any client (I assume that you have same filter version on all clients) - by default in "C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MPUrlSourceSplitter" for x86 or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MPUrlSourceSplitter" for x64
  4. run command prompt under administrator privileges
  5. type for x86:
    regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\MPUrlSourceSplitter\"
    or for x64:
    regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\MPUrlSourceSplitter\"
  6. information message about successful registration should appear
  7. start TV service

I've completed the steps above but when scanning the channel the TV server config windows crashes. I've noticed that I don't get the extra options under 'plugin' as pictured here.


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    I've completed the steps above but when scanning the channel the TV server config windows crashes. I've noticed that I don't get the extra options under 'plugin' as pictured here.
    Clear all tv server logs, try again (it will crash) and post logs. TV plugin is not installed on clients. But you can copy tv plugin DLL file from MediaPortalUrlSourceSplitter2.1.7.5510.mpe1 file. Just change extension to zip, unpack and from Installer{CopyFile} folder copy file {920c604c-5f30-43bb-a62a-4fb18af72b77}-MediaPortalIptvFilterAndUrlSourceSplitter.dll to Plugins folder in TV service folder, rename it to MediaPortalIptvFilterAndUrlSourceSplitter.dll and restart TV service. After that it should be able to enable plugin in TV server configuration.


    Portal Pro
    February 9, 2009
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    I've completed the steps above but when scanning the channel the TV server config windows crashes. I've noticed that I don't get the extra options under 'plugin' as pictured here.
    Clear all tv server logs, try again (it will crash) and post logs. TV plugin is not installed on clients. But you can copy tv plugin DLL file from MediaPortalUrlSourceSplitter2.1.7.5510.mpe1 file. Just change extension to zip, unpack and from Installer{CopyFile} folder copy file {920c604c-5f30-43bb-a62a-4fb18af72b77}-MediaPortalIptvFilterAndUrlSourceSplitter.dll to Plugins folder in TV service folder, rename it to MediaPortalIptvFilterAndUrlSourceSplitter.dll and restart TV service. After that it should be able to enable plugin in TV server configuration.

    I had some free time today so I've done what you asked. Attached are a copy of the logs. I have 2 IP cameras and I have tried 2 different stings, both are listed below, I do not know which one should work.



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  • September 1, 2008
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    I think the format that your IP cameras are delivering is not compatible:
    05-03-2015 13:11:56.729 [1980] [{CE0462DD-7C3A-4883-BA4B-2BF13EDBBD0B}] [Error] CMPIPTV_RTSP: OpenConnection(): H264 not supported

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