# rename me to config.txt # 0 is MSSQL | 1 is mysql $usemysql = 1; # optimize mysql tables every X hours (0 for disabling) $optimizemysqltables = 2; # DB Settings # for MySQL simply insert the hostname / IP $dbhost = 'MEDIASERVER'; $dbname = 'MpTvDb'; # for mysql root | for mssql sa $dbuser = 'root'; # standard password when mediaportal has installed the Database Engine is MediaPortal $dbpw = 'verratichnicht'; # 4tr (4therecord) $use4tr = 0; # on/off # we use the database data from above $dbname_4tr = 'fortherecord'; # activate search on wunschliste.de / only GERMAN $use_wunschliste = 0; # activate search on fernsehserien / only GERMAN $use_fernsehserien = 1; # activate search on thetvdb.com $use_tvdb = 1; # TVDB (www.thetvdb.com) API Key - NOT Account Identifier # you can create your own API key in your account on www.thetvdb.com # if you leave this field blank it would use a global API key # so this is optional $tvdb_apikey = ''; # you can also use multiple languages by splitting the iso codes with a | $thetvdb_language = 'de|en'; # episodename substitutions # here you can define substitiutions for your episodenames # f.e. "1" to "one" # f.e. "part1" to "one" # this avoids problems with different namings # you can use regex on the left side here if you want %episode_stubstitutions = ( 'Teil\s+\(1\)' => '(1)', 'Teil\s+\(2\)' => '(2)', 'Teil\s+\(3\)' => '(3)', 'Teil\s+\(4\)' => '(4)', 'Teil\s+1' => '(1)', 'Teil\s+2' => '(2)', 'Teil\s+3' => '(3)', 'Teil\s+4' => '(4)', ' & ' => ' und ', ' and ' => ' und ', ); # SQLite database backup every X hours (NOT MSSQL or MySQL) $db_backup = 0; # on/off $db_backup_interval = 2; # in hours $db_backup_delete = 48; # delete backups older than $db_backup_sqlite_path = 'O:\\DB\\*.db3'; $db_backup_sqlite_backuppath = 'O:\\DB\\backup'; # remove recordings which are also listed at tvseries $cleanup_recordings_tvseries = 1; # on / off $cleanup_recordings_tvseries_db = '\\Clientwohnzimme\database\TVSeriesDatabase4.db3'; $cleanup_recordings_tvseries_db_mainpath = '\\\\\\mp.data\\VID\\'; $cleanup_recordings_tvseries_recordings_mainpath = 'c:\\VID\\'; # delete recordings from the recordings DB of MP when the file does not exist $cleanup_recordingdb = 0; # on / off # delete empty folders and deletes .xml, .txt, .logo, .jpg files (if the .ts file is removed) in recordingdir $cleanup_recordingfiles = 0; # video file extensions @cleanup_recordingdir_ext = ('.ts', '.avi', '.mkv'); # folder where the recordings are stored $cleanup_recordingdir = 'L:\Datenbank\Recordings'; # use thumb generation? $thumbs = 0; # create thumbs for the following folders and subfolders @thumb_dirs = ('o:\\VID', 'D:\\VID123\\ABC'); # try to crrate thumb for tiles with the following file extensions @thumb_fileext = ('.ts', '.avi', '.mkv'); # use the following programs to create thumbs @thumb_progs = ( { # internal MTN prog => 'mtn\\mtn.exe -D 6 -B 420 -E 600 -c 1 -r 1 -s 300 -t -i -w 0 -n -P "${filename}"', thumb_filename => '${basedir}\\${basefile}_s.jpg', timeout => 10, }, { # external videoLAN prog => '"C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --video-filter scene -V dummy --intf dummy --dummy-quiet --scene-width=-1 --scene-height=576 --scene-format=jpg --scene-replace --scene-ratio 24 --start-time=600 --stop-time=601 --scene-replace --scene-prefix=thumb --scene-path="O:\\" "${filename}" "vlc://quit"', thumb_filename => 'c:\\thumb.jpg', timeout => 3, }, { # internal MTN variant 2 prog => 'mtn2\\mtn.exe -D 8 -B 0 -E 0 -c 1 -r 1 -s 60 -t -i -w 0 -n -P "${filename}"', thumb_filename => '${basedir}\\${basefile}_s.jpg', timeout => 10, } ); # you can setup here the running of external commands every X hours # example: # run C:\path\tool every 5 hours and C:\path2\tool2 every 10 hours # @run_external_commans = ('C:\\path\\tool|5', 'C:\\path2\\tool2|10'); @run_external_commans = (); # after each run sleep for x seconds $sleep = 60; 1;