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Parents Guide for
Platoon (1986) More at IMDbPro »

The content of this page was created directly by users and has not been screened or verified by IMDb staff.
Since the beliefs that parents want to instill in their children can vary greatly, we ask that, instead of adding your personal opinions about what is right or wrong in a film, you use this feature to help parents make informed viewing decisions by describing the facts of relevant scenes in the title for each one of the different categories: Sex and Nudity, Violence and Gore, Profanity, Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking, and Frightening/Intense Scenes.
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Sex & Nudity

Suggested MPAA rating: R for Strong War Violence including Disturbing Images, Pervasive Language, and some Sexual Content

There is reference to soldiers raping/attempting to rape some villagers

A man talks about how he loves pussy

In one scene, in the background, you can see a poster of a fully nude woman.

A man reads Playboy.

A man holds a small statue of a nude woman.

Violence & Gore

As this is a war film, there is graphic war violence throughout the picture.

Examples are a man is shot in the lungs and has trouble breathing while oozing blood. A man is piecing his internals back in. Many men are shot and killed, wounded, and screaming. A brief scene of taking wounded men back to an Aid zone, though it is a short scene there are many sitings of wounded men, dead mutilated bodies, and medic is covered in blood. A scene of torturing a Vietnamese soldier ends in much blood shed (brains are implied but not seen).

One soldier loses a hand when another soldier accidentally throws a grenade in his direction (some blood is shown). Two men are in a Vietnamese bunker when it explodes, and one emerges with no arms. One soldier has his leg blown off by a booby trap (the injury is not shown). In one battle scene, a soldier runs away from his foxhole, but runs into a tree and is then bayoneted by a Vietnamese soldier.

The most disturbing scene is where the troops raid a village: a man with a mental illness gets beaten to death with the back of a gun and then they continue to shoot his distraught mother. Several adults and children get blown up with grenades (very graphic). A man shoots a woman in front of her son and grandaughter. He then put a gun to the head of the grandaughter, to torture the woman's son. He nearly shoots the girl before he is interrupted.


Contains frequent strong language, including blasphemy, the 'f' word is used about 159 times, and many uses of sh*t, a**, b*tch, and 1 use of the 'n' slur.

Alcohol, cigarette smoking and marijuana smoking are all depicted. It is implied that doing "shit" will wear you away from your worries.

a scene in which a Vietnamese villager is being tortured by soldiers, especially the conclusion, may be very disturbing to many viewers

one theme of the film is that of some of the soldiers who have been there for as short as two weeks going insane with bloodlust and mental visions. this may be disturbing to many viewers

2011 rating: R for Graphic War Violence with Accompanying Disturbing Images, Sexual Content including An Instance of Child Rape, Drug Usage and Content, and Strong Language.

Page last updated by bj_kuehl, 10 months ago
Top 5 Contributors: zimpiko28, luv_to_shop, sulliveb, chimpanzee_boyuk, XfreshfromitalyX
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