@echo off SET "TITANDIR=%programdata%\Team Mediaportal\Mediaportal\Skin\Titan" echo ################################################### echo. echo Titan Skin Directory echo %TITANDIR% echo. echo Theme will be installed to echo %TITANDIR%\Themes\ echo. echo ################################################### :Start echo. Echo Do you want to continue? [Y/N] Echo. Set /P ANSWER= Echo. if "%ANSWER%"=="y" Goto :Install if "%ANSWER%"=="Y" Goto :Install if "%ANSWER%"=="n" Goto :Abort if "%ANSWER%"=="N" Goto :Abort Goto :Start :Install Echo. Echo Copying Original XML Files... xcopy /i /y /q "%TITANDIR%\*.xml" ".\XML\*.xml" Echo. Echo Copying images... xcopy /i /y /q /s ".\Dull Gold\*.*" "%TITANDIR%\Themes\Dull Gold\*.*" Echo. Echo Changing Colours Codes... mtrw -qnb- .\XML\*.xml 00b7ff = 987e60 mtrw -qnb- .\XML\*.xml 6aa5cb = a99176 mtrw -qnb- .\XML\*.xml 6fafe1 = b8a58f mtrw -qnb- .\XML\*.xml 85cffe = c7b8a7 mtrw -qnb- .\XML\*.xml 85cfff = c7b8a7 mtrw -qnb- .\XML\*.xml a9d0f7 = d6cbbf mtrw -qnb- .\XML\*.xml bzd4f5 = e6dfd7 Echo colour codes changed. Echo. Echo Copying Changed XML Files... xcopy /i /y /q ".\xml\*.xml" "%TITANDIR%\Themes\Dull Gold\*.xml" Echo. echo Deleting the temporary files... rd /s /q .\XML echo Tempoary files deleted. Echo. Echo Deleting skin cache rd /s /q "%programdata%\Team Mediaportal\Mediaportal\Cache" Echo Skin Cache Deleted Echo. Echo ############################################# echo Installation Complete. echo ############################################# Echo. Goto :EndOfFile :Abort Echo. echo ############################################# Echo Installation Aborted echo ############################################# Echo. :EndOfFile pause