[2013-11-15 17:47:19,076] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST (PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND) [2013-11-15 17:47:19,082] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: Resuming operation [2013-11-15 17:47:19,097] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: OnResume - set GUIGraphicsContext.State.RUNNING [2013-11-15 17:47:19,100] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: VideoDatabaseV5.db3 sqllite database disk cache activated. [2013-11-15 17:47:19,101] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: OnResume - Init Input Devices [2013-11-15 17:47:19,104] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - MAP: using custom mappings for DirectInput [2013-11-15 17:47:19,121] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Windows has been resumed from standby/hibernate [2013-11-15 17:47:19,122] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connecting [2013-11-15 17:47:24,208] [Log ] [20 ] [INFO ] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Call monitor is connected with [2013-11-15 17:47:24,273] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST (PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC) [2013-11-15 17:47:24,275] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: Resuming is already in progress [2013-11-15 17:47:24,278] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - CecRemote: PowerControl: System resuming from sleep (APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC) [2013-11-15 17:47:24,282] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - MAP: using custom mappings for CecRemote [2013-11-15 17:47:24,294] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: RESUMEAUTOMATIC [2013-11-15 17:47:24,296] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: System has resumed from standby [2013-11-15 17:47:24,299] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Run external command [2013-11-15 17:47:24,294] [Log ] [CEC_RES_A] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Loading configuration... [2013-11-15 17:47:24,303] [Log ] [CEC_RES_A] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Configuration loaded succesfully. [2013-11-15 17:47:24,304] [Log ] [CEC_RES_A] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Lib created succesfully. [2013-11-15 17:47:24,307] [Log ] [CEC_RES_A] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Opening connection to CEC-Adapter... [2013-11-15 17:47:24,301] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal "Resume" to the StandbyWakeupThread [2013-11-15 17:47:24,361] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Send "ResumedFromStandby" event [2013-11-15 17:47:24,361] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread resumed [2013-11-15 17:47:24,411] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 17:47:24,414] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Bluetooth-Gerät (PAN) [2013-11-15 17:47:24,422] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DISPLAYCHANGE [2013-11-15 17:47:24,427] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST (PBT_POWERSETTINGCHANGE) [2013-11-15 17:47:24,432] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: The display is on [2013-11-15 17:47:24,432] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: POWERSETTINGCHANGE [2013-11-15 17:47:24,442] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO Start (MaxSize: 1920x1080 - MaxPostion: 0,0 - MinTrackSize: 2x2 - MaxTrackSize: 1932x1092) [2013-11-15 17:47:24,462] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO End (MaxSize: 1920x1080 - MaxPostion: 0,0 - MinTrackSize: 1920x1080 - MaxTrackSize: 1920x1080) [2013-11-15 17:47:24,501] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnPaint() [2013-11-15 17:47:25,367] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 17:47:25,644] [Log ] [20 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: Fritz: FRITZ!Box firmware version is 5.50 on FRITZ!Box 6360 Cable [2013-11-15 17:47:25,650] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 17:47:25,677] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 17:47:25,678] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:47:25,680] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 17:47:25,681] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 17:47:25,683] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 17:47:25,684] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:47:25,687] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 17:47:25,689] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 17:47:25,690] [Log ] [3 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: DeviceVendorId Parameters: 0903E [2013-11-15 17:47:25,690] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 17:47:25,693] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 17:47:25,695] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is idle [2013-11-15 17:47:25,696] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check whether the next event is almost due [2013-11-15 17:47:25,731] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyAllowed) [2013-11-15 17:47:25,764] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is idle and may go to standby [2013-11-15 17:47:25,798] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Active standby is disabled - standby is handled by Windows [2013-11-15 17:47:25,949] [Log ] [20 ] [INFO ] - FRITZ!Box Manager: Fritz: Successfully logged in to FRITZ!Box [2013-11-15 17:47:26,000] [Log ] [20 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Forcing data load after login [2013-11-15 17:47:26,071] [Log ] [7 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: BackGroundWorker: Running call list load task [2013-11-15 17:47:26,137] [Log ] [7 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: Fritz: Loading call list items directly from FRITZ!Box [2013-11-15 17:47:27,126] [Log ] [7 ] [INFO ] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Loaded 400 call list item(s) [2013-11-15 17:47:27,234] [Log ] [7 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: BackGroundWorker: Running GUI properties update task [2013-11-15 17:47:27,359] [Log ] [7 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Updating GUI properties [2013-11-15 17:47:27,399] [Log ] [7 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: BackGroundWorker: Running refresh view task [2013-11-15 17:47:27,811] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - LatestMediaHandler Translation: Cannot find translation file C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language\LatestMediaHandler\de.xml. Failing back to English [2013-11-15 17:47:27,848] [Log ] [StartupWorker] [DEBUG] - MusicDatabase: GetSongsByFilter - SQL: select distinct strAlbumArtist, strAlbum, dateAdded, strGenre, strPath from tracks order by dateAdded desc limit 50;, Filter: tracks [2013-11-15 17:47:28,340] [Log ] [3 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: GiveOsdName [2013-11-15 17:47:28,785] [Log ] [3 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: GiveDeviceVendorId [2013-11-15 17:47:29,136] [Log ] [StartupWorker] [INFO ] - SQLiteClient: Closing database: PictureDatabase.db3 [2013-11-15 17:47:29,156] [Log ] [3 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: GetCecVersion [2013-11-15 17:47:29,756] [Log ] [3 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: ReportPowerStatus Parameters: 0 [2013-11-15 17:47:29,757] [Log ] [CEC_RES_A] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Connected succesfully to CEC-adapter on port: COM3 [2013-11-15 17:47:29,758] [Log ] [CEC_RES_A] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: TV vendor: Philips [2013-11-15 17:47:29,933] [Log ] [3 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: VendorCommandWithId Parameters: 09B008020 [2013-11-15 17:47:30,206] [Log ] [3 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: GiveOsdName [2013-11-15 17:47:32,684] [Log ] [3 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: DeviceVendorId Parameters: 09B0 [2013-11-15 17:47:32,684] [Log ] [CEC_RES_A] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: AVR connected: True vendor: Onkyo [2013-11-15 17:47:40,844] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 17:47:40,844] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 17:47:40,901] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 17:47:40,903] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 17:47:40,904] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:47:40,905] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 17:47:40,905] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 17:47:40,906] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 17:47:40,906] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:47:40,909] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 17:47:40,910] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 17:47:40,911] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 17:47:40,911] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 17:47:40,912] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is idle [2013-11-15 17:47:40,913] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check whether the next event is almost due [2013-11-15 17:47:40,913] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyAllowed) [2013-11-15 17:47:40,914] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is idle and may go to standby [2013-11-15 17:47:40,914] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Active standby is disabled - standby is handled by Windows [2013-11-15 17:47:46,740] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DISPLAYCHANGE [2013-11-15 17:47:46,740] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED) [2013-11-15 17:47:46,740] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO Start (MaxSize: 1920x1080 - MaxPostion: 0,0 - MinTrackSize: 2x2 - MaxTrackSize: 1932x1092) [2013-11-15 17:47:46,740] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO End (MaxSize: 1920x1080 - MaxPostion: 0,0 - MinTrackSize: 1920x1080 - MaxTrackSize: 1920x1080) [2013-11-15 17:47:46,740] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnPaint() [2013-11-15 17:47:55,920] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 17:47:55,920] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 17:47:55,920] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 17:47:55,920] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 17:47:55,920] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:47:55,920] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 17:47:55,920] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 17:47:55,930] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 17:47:55,930] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:47:55,930] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 17:47:55,930] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 17:47:55,930] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 17:47:55,930] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 17:47:55,930] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is idle [2013-11-15 17:47:55,930] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check whether the next event is almost due [2013-11-15 17:47:55,930] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyAllowed) [2013-11-15 17:47:55,940] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is idle and may go to standby [2013-11-15 17:47:55,940] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Active standby is disabled - standby is handled by Windows [2013-11-15 17:47:56,090] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Checking connection [2013-11-15 17:47:56,090] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connection is OK [2013-11-15 17:48:06,032] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - X10 debug: Could not get interface [2013-11-15 17:48:06,032] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: OnResume - Autoplay start listening [2013-11-15 17:48:06,032] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: OnResume - Initializing volume handler [2013-11-15 17:48:06,042] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: OnResume - Done [2013-11-15 17:48:06,042] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TVHome.WndProc(): Windows has resumed from hibernate mode [2013-11-15 17:48:06,085] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome.OnResume() [2013-11-15 17:48:06,091] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome: WOL - GetHostAddresses(TV-Horst) returns: [2013-11-15 17:48:06,097] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - fe80::a9e3:2911:6864:7b6b%11 [2013-11-15 17:48:06,098] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - [2013-11-15 17:48:06,104] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome: WOL - Use stored MAC address: 78:AC:C0:AF:A4:A1 [2013-11-15 17:48:06,105] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TVHome: WOL - Start the TV server [2013-11-15 17:48:06,139] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WOLMgr: Increasing timeout for RemoteControl [2013-11-15 17:48:06,141] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WOLMgr: Ping TV-Horst [2013-11-15 17:48:06,151] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WOLMgr: TV-Horst already started [2013-11-15 17:48:06,152] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TVHome: WOL - The TV server started successfully! [2013-11-15 17:48:06,153] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome: HeartBeat Transmitter started. [2013-11-15 17:48:06,155] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TvNotify: start [2013-11-15 17:48:06,159] [Log ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [DEBUG] - RemoteControl: TCP connect took : 4 [2013-11-15 17:48:06,160] [Log ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [INFO ] - RemoteControl - Connected [2013-11-15 17:48:06,161] [Log ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [INFO ] - TVHome: OnRemotingConnected, recovered from a disconnection [2013-11-15 17:48:06,161] [Log ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [INFO ] - RemoteControl - Connected [2013-11-15 17:48:06,159] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - CecRemote: PowerControl: User input detected after sleep (APMRESUMESUSPEND) [2013-11-15 17:48:06,171] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: RESUMESUSPEND [2013-11-15 17:48:06,172] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: System has resumed from standby due to user activity - reset time of last user activity [2013-11-15 17:48:06,173] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Start thread to restore master volume mute state [2013-11-15 17:48:06,174] [Log ] [PS RestoreMute] [DEBUG] - PS: Control the master volume by accessing the Audio Endpoint Device directly [2013-11-15 17:48:06,176] [Log ] [PS RestoreMute] [DEBUG] - PS: Master volume is unmuted - nothing to do [2013-11-15 17:48:06,206] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 17:48:06,275] [Log ] [CEC_RES_U] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Wake Tv ... Done. [2013-11-15 17:48:06,276] [Log ] [CEC_RES_U] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Sent active source. [2013-11-15 17:48:06,384] [Log ] [CEC_RES_U] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: HDMI-device: RecordingDevice1 was activated. [2013-11-15 17:48:06,814] [Log ] [3 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: FeatureAbort Parameters: 8E0 [2013-11-15 17:48:06,884] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Detected new optical media: D [2013-11-15 17:48:06,884] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME [2013-11-15 17:48:06,884] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:06,894] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: Showing mouse cursor [2013-11-15 17:48:06,894] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnPaint() [2013-11-15 17:48:07,109] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Window: WindowPlugins.home.GUIBasicHome init [2013-11-15 17:48:07,145] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Check if we want to autoplay media type: AUDIO [2013-11-15 17:48:07,153] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WindowManager: route WindowPlugins.home.GUIBasicHome:35->MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogYesNo:100 [2013-11-15 17:48:07,160] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - DialogWindow: MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogYesNo init [2013-11-15 17:48:07,166] [Log ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [INFO ] - RemoteControl - Connected [2013-11-15 17:48:07,656] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_ACTIVATE (WA_INACTIVE) [2013-11-15 17:48:07,659] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: Deactivation request received [2013-11-15 17:48:07,662] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnLostFocus() [2013-11-15 17:48:07,668] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: Cursor state balanced from 1 to 0 [2013-11-15 17:48:07,778] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_ACTIVATE (WA_ACTIVE) [2013-11-15 17:48:07,778] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: Activation request received [2013-11-15 17:48:07,778] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnGotFocus() [2013-11-15 17:48:07,788] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:07,798] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:07,818] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:07,838] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:07,858] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:07,878] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:07,908] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:07,938] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:07,958] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:07,968] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:07,988] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,008] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,028] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,050] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,070] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,110] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,147] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,162] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,182] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,202] [Log ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [INFO ] - RemoteControl - Connected [2013-11-15 17:48:08,204] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,223] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,242] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,261] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,280] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,301] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,319] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,338] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,360] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,384] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,424] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,456] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,486] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,526] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,556] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,586] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,627] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,658] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,688] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,718] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,758] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,788] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,818] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,860] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,890] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,920] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,960] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:08,990] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,020] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,060] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,093] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,148] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,167] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,192] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,222] [Log ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [INFO ] - RemoteControl - Connected [2013-11-15 17:48:09,222] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,260] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,293] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,324] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,354] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,384] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,424] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,454] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,493] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,527] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,560] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,586] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,626] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,656] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,686] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,726] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,756] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,786] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,826] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,856] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,886] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,926] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,926] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: Hiding mouse cursor [2013-11-15 17:48:09,926] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: Cursor state balanced from -2 to -1 [2013-11-15 17:48:09,956] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,956] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:09,956] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnPaint() [2013-11-15 17:48:09,986] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:09,986] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,026] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,026] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,056] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,056] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,086] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,086] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,126] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,126] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,160] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,162] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,188] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,188] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,218] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,228] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,258] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,258] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,288] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,288] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,318] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,328] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,358] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,358] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,388] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,388] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,418] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,428] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,458] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,458] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,488] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,488] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,518] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,528] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,558] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,558] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,588] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,588] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,618] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,628] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,658] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,658] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,688] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,688] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,718] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,728] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,758] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,758] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,788] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,788] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,818] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,828] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,858] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,858] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,888] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,888] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,918] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,928] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,948] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 17:48:10,948] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 17:48:10,948] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,948] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,948] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:48:10,958] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 17:48:10,958] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 17:48:10,958] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,958] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:48:10,958] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,958] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 17:48:10,958] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 17:48:10,958] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 17:48:10,958] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 17:48:10,958] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is idle [2013-11-15 17:48:10,968] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check whether the next event is almost due [2013-11-15 17:48:10,968] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyAllowed) [2013-11-15 17:48:10,968] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is idle and may go to standby [2013-11-15 17:48:10,968] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Active standby is disabled - standby is handled by Windows [2013-11-15 17:48:10,968] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:10,988] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:10,988] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,018] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,028] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,058] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,058] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,088] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,088] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,118] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,128] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,158] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,158] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,188] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,188] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,218] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,228] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,258] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,258] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,288] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,288] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,318] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,328] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,358] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,358] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,388] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,388] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,418] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,428] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,458] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,458] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,488] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,488] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,518] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,528] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,558] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,558] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,588] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,588] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,618] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,628] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,658] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,658] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,688] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,688] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,718] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,728] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,758] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,758] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,788] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,788] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,818] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,828] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,858] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,858] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,888] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,888] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,918] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,928] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,958] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,958] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:11,988] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:11,988] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,018] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,028] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,058] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,058] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,088] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,088] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,118] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,128] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,158] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,158] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,188] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,188] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,218] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,228] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,258] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,258] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,288] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,288] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,318] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,328] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,358] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,358] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,388] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,388] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,418] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,428] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,458] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,458] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,488] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,488] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,518] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,528] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,558] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,558] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,588] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,588] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,618] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,628] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,658] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,658] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,678] [Log ] [3 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlPressed Parameters: 0 [2013-11-15 17:48:12,678] [Log ] [3 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Button: Select Code: 0 Duration: 0 [2013-11-15 17:48:12,688] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,688] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,718] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,728] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,758] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,758] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,788] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,788] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,818] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,828] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,858] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,858] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,888] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,888] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,918] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,928] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,958] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,958] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:12,988] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:12,988] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:13,018] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:13,028] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:13,058] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:13,058] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:13,088] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:13,088] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:13,108] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:13,118] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:13,118] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:13,128] [Log ] [3 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlPressed Parameters: 0 [2013-11-15 17:48:13,128] [Log ] [3 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Button: Select Code: 0 Duration: 0 [2013-11-15 17:48:13,138] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:13,138] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:13,148] [Log ] [3 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlRelease [2013-11-15 17:48:13,158] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WindowManager: unroute to MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogYesNo:100->WindowPlugins.home.GUIBasicHome:35 [2013-11-15 17:48:13,158] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:13,178] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Autoplay: Start playing media type 'AUDIO/AUDIO_CD' from drive 'D:' [2013-11-15 17:48:13,188] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 17:48:13,188] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D OnIdle: MP focus done [2013-11-15 17:48:13,198] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:13,690] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - MediaInfoWrapper: isVideo:False, isDVD:True[enabled:False] [2013-11-15 17:48:13,690] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - MediaInfoWrapper: disabled for this content [2013-11-15 17:48:13,690] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - g_Player.Play(D:\Track01.cda Music) [2013-11-15 17:48:13,700] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Loading external players plugins [2013-11-15 17:48:13,700] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - found plugin:MediaPortal.ITunesPlayer.ITunesPlugin in C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll [2013-11-15 17:48:13,700] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - player:iTunes. author: Frodo [2013-11-15 17:48:13,700] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - found plugin:MediaPortal.WinampPlayer.WinampPlugin in C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll [2013-11-15 17:48:13,700] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - player:Winamp. author: int_20h [2013-11-15 17:48:13,700] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: Initializing BASS audio engine... [2013-11-15 17:48:13,700] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: BASS audio engine was previously freed. Re-Init [2013-11-15 17:48:13,710] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: Using WASAPI device: AMD HDMI Output (AMD High Definition Audio Device) [2013-11-15 17:48:13,757] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: Device Information [2013-11-15 17:48:13,758] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: --------------------------------------------- [2013-11-15 17:48:13,759] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: Name: AMD HDMI Output (AMD High Definition Audio Device) [2013-11-15 17:48:13,759] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Id: {}.{54a16280-e610-4c31-91ea-d51793a56b7a} [2013-11-15 17:48:13,760] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Type: BASS_WASAPI_TYPE_HDMI [2013-11-15 17:48:13,761] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: Shared Mode Channels: 2 [2013-11-15 17:48:13,762] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: Shared Mode Samplerate: 48000 [2013-11-15 17:48:13,766] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: This device supports following formats in WASAPI Exclusive mode: [2013-11-15 17:48:13,767] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Rate Ch Maximum Supported [2013-11-15 17:48:13,832] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 32000 2 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:13,841] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 32000 4 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:13,851] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 32000 6 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:13,878] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 44100 2 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:13,887] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 44100 4 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:13,897] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 44100 6 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:13,925] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 48000 2 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:13,935] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 48000 4 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:13,945] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 48000 6 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:13,973] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 88200 2 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:13,984] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 88200 4 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:13,994] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 88200 6 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:14,023] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 96000 2 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:14,034] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 96000 4 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:14,045] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 96000 6 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:14,076] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 192000 2 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:14,087] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 192000 4 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:14,098] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: 192000 6 BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:14,115] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: --------------------------------------------- [2013-11-15 17:48:14,116] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: Initialization done. [2013-11-15 17:48:14,117] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PlayerFactory: Successfully created player instance for file - D:\Track01.cda [2013-11-15 17:48:14,135] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: --------------------------------------------- [2013-11-15 17:48:14,137] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: Creating BASS audio stream [2013-11-15 17:48:14,157] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: Stream Information [2013-11-15 17:48:14,158] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: --------------------------------------------- [2013-11-15 17:48:14,159] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: File: D:\Track01.cda [2013-11-15 17:48:14,160] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Type of Stream: BASS_CTYPE_STREAM_CD [2013-11-15 17:48:14,161] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: Number of Channels: 2 [2013-11-15 17:48:14,162] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: Stream Samplerate: 44100 [2013-11-15 17:48:14,163] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Stream Flags: BASS_MUSIC_FLOAT, BASS_STREAM_DECODE [2013-11-15 17:48:14,163] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: --------------------------------------------- [2013-11-15 17:48:14,164] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Registering stream playback events [2013-11-15 17:48:14,173] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: Successfully created BASS audio stream [2013-11-15 17:48:14,174] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: --------------------------------------------- [2013-11-15 17:48:14,183] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: --------------------------------------------- [2013-11-15 17:48:14,184] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Creating BASS mixer stream [2013-11-15 17:48:14,185] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Found more output channels (6) than input channels (2). Check for upmixing. [2013-11-15 17:48:14,186] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: No upmixing of Stereo selected [2013-11-15 17:48:14,187] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Creating 2 channel mixer with sample rate of 44100 [2013-11-15 17:48:14,189] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: Initialising WASAPI device [2013-11-15 17:48:14,204] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: --------------------------------------------- [2013-11-15 17:48:14,205] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Buffer Length: 20480 [2013-11-15 17:48:14,205] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Channels: 2 [2013-11-15 17:48:14,206] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Frequency: 44100 [2013-11-15 17:48:14,206] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Format: BASS_WASAPI_FORMAT_24BIT [2013-11-15 17:48:14,207] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: InitFlags: BASS_WASAPI_EXCLUSIVE, BASS_WASAPI_AUTOFORMAT [2013-11-15 17:48:14,208] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Exclusive: True [2013-11-15 17:48:14,208] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: --------------------------------------------- [2013-11-15 17:48:14,209] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: WASAPI Device successfully initialised [2013-11-15 17:48:14,209] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Successfully created BASS Mixer stream [2013-11-15 17:48:14,212] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: playback started [2013-11-15 17:48:14,217] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - g_Player.OnStarted() D:\Track01.cda media:Music [2013-11-15 17:48:14,878] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Window: WindowPlugins.home.GUIBasicHome deinit [2013-11-15 17:48:14,882] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TextureManager: CleanupThumbs() [2013-11-15 17:48:14,894] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Music.GUIMusicPlayingNow init [2013-11-15 17:48:14,902] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - GUIMusicPlayingNow: g_Player_PlayBackStarted for D:\Track01.cda [2013-11-15 17:48:14,915] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - ThreadPool.Init() [2013-11-15 17:48:14,918] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - ThreadPool.StartThreads() : Thread PoolThread5 started [2013-11-15 17:48:14,924] [Log ] [PoolThread5] [DEBUG] - FolderThumbCacher: No folder thumb at D:\Track01.cda\folder.jpg [2013-11-15 17:48:14,925] [Log ] [PoolThread5] [DEBUG] - ThreadPool.ProcessQueue() : total items processed: 1 [2013-11-15 17:48:14,925] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - ThreadPool.CheckThreadIncrementRequired() : incrementing thread count 1 with 1 [2013-11-15 17:48:14,929] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - ThreadPool.StartThreads() : Thread PoolThread31 started [2013-11-15 17:48:14,938] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Cacheing expression: #(eq(#skin.mymusic.info,'ArtistInfo')) [2013-11-15 17:48:14,939] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Cacheing expression: #skin.mymusic.info [2013-11-15 17:48:14,939] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Cacheing expression: 'ArtistInfo' [2013-11-15 17:48:14,944] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Cacheing expression: #(eq(#skin.mymusic.info,'AlbumInfo')) [2013-11-15 17:48:14,944] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Cacheing expression: 'AlbumInfo' [2013-11-15 17:48:14,945] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Cacheing expression: #(eq(#skin.mymusic.info,'TopTags')) [2013-11-15 17:48:14,945] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Cacheing expression: 'TopTags' [2013-11-15 17:48:15,109] [Log ] [PoolThread5] [DEBUG] - MyMusic: No imageurl. Can't download thumb [2013-11-15 17:48:15,797] [Log ] [PoolThread5] [DEBUG] - ThreadPool.ProcessQueue() : total items processed: 2 [2013-11-15 17:48:17,543] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:17,563] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:17,568] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:17,578] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:17,594] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 17:48:25,969] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 17:48:25,973] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 17:48:25,978] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 17:48:25,980] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 17:48:25,981] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:48:25,981] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 17:48:25,982] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 17:48:25,982] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 17:48:25,983] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:48:25,984] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 17:48:25,985] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 17:48:25,986] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 17:48:25,986] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 17:48:25,987] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 17:48:25,987] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 17:48:25,988] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 17:48:25,988] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [INFO ] - PS: System changed from idle state to busy state [2013-11-15 17:48:25,989] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 17:48:26,100] [Log ] [18 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Checking connection [2013-11-15 17:48:26,101] [Log ] [18 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connection is OK [2013-11-15 17:48:40,990] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 17:48:40,990] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 17:48:40,994] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 17:48:40,997] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 17:48:40,997] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:48:40,998] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 17:48:40,998] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 17:48:40,999] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 17:48:40,999] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:48:41,001] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 17:48:41,002] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 17:48:41,002] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 17:48:41,003] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 17:48:41,003] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 17:48:41,004] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 17:48:41,004] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 17:48:41,005] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 17:48:56,006] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 17:48:56,006] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 17:48:56,011] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 17:48:56,013] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 17:48:56,014] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:48:56,015] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 17:48:56,015] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 17:48:56,016] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 17:48:56,016] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:48:56,018] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 17:48:56,018] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 17:48:56,019] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 17:48:56,019] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 17:48:56,020] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 17:48:56,020] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 17:48:56,021] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 17:48:56,021] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 17:48:56,115] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Checking connection [2013-11-15 17:48:56,116] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connection is OK [2013-11-15 17:49:11,023] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 17:49:11,023] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 17:49:11,028] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 17:49:11,030] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 17:49:11,031] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:49:11,031] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 17:49:11,032] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 17:49:11,032] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 17:49:11,033] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:49:11,034] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 17:49:11,035] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 17:49:11,036] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 17:49:11,036] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 17:49:11,037] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 17:49:11,037] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 17:49:11,038] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 17:49:11,038] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 17:49:26,039] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 17:49:26,040] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 17:49:26,044] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 17:49:26,046] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 17:49:26,047] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:49:26,047] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 17:49:26,048] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 17:49:26,048] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 17:49:26,049] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:49:26,050] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 17:49:26,051] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 17:49:26,052] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 17:49:26,052] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 17:49:26,053] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 17:49:26,053] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 17:49:26,054] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 17:49:26,054] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 17:49:26,128] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Checking connection [2013-11-15 17:49:26,129] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connection is OK [2013-11-15 17:49:41,056] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 17:49:41,056] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 17:49:41,060] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 17:49:41,062] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 17:49:41,063] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:49:41,064] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 17:49:41,064] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 17:49:41,065] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 17:49:41,065] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:49:41,067] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 17:49:41,067] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 17:49:41,068] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 17:49:41,068] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 17:49:41,069] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 17:49:41,069] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 17:49:41,070] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 17:49:41,070] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 17:49:56,072] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 17:49:56,072] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 17:49:56,077] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 17:49:56,079] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 17:49:56,080] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:49:56,080] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 17:49:56,081] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 17:49:56,081] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 17:49:56,082] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 17:49:56,083] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 17:49:56,084] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 17:49:56,085] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 17:49:56,085] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 17:49:56,086] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 17:49:56,086] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 17:49:56,087] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 17:49:56,087] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 17:49:56,143] [Log ] [18 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Checking connection [2013-11-15 17:49:56,144] [Log ] [18 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connection is OK ...... ...... [2013-11-15 18:15:26,888] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Checking connection [2013-11-15 18:15:26,889] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connection is OK [2013-11-15 18:15:27,746] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:15:27,746] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:15:27,751] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:15:27,754] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:15:27,754] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:15:27,755] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:15:27,755] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:15:27,756] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:15:27,756] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:15:27,758] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:15:27,759] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:15:27,759] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:15:27,760] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:15:27,760] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:15:27,761] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check whether the next event is almost due [2013-11-15 18:15:27,761] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyAllowed) [2013-11-15 18:15:27,762] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is idle and may go to standby [2013-11-15 18:15:27,763] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Active standby is disabled - standby is handled by Windows [2013-11-15 18:15:42,764] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:15:42,764] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:15:42,768] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:15:42,770] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:15:42,771] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:15:42,772] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:15:42,772] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:15:42,773] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:15:42,773] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:15:42,775] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:15:42,776] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:15:42,777] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:15:42,777] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:15:42,778] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:15:42,778] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check whether the next event is almost due [2013-11-15 18:15:42,779] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyAllowed) [2013-11-15 18:15:42,779] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is idle and may go to standby [2013-11-15 18:15:42,780] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Active standby is disabled - standby is handled by Windows [2013-11-15 18:15:56,902] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Checking connection [2013-11-15 18:15:56,903] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connection is OK [2013-11-15 18:15:57,780] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:15:57,780] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:15:57,784] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:15:57,787] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:15:57,788] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:15:57,788] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:15:57,789] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:15:57,789] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:15:57,790] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:15:57,791] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:15:57,792] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:15:57,792] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:15:57,793] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:15:57,793] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:15:57,794] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check whether the next event is almost due [2013-11-15 18:15:57,795] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyAllowed) [2013-11-15 18:15:57,795] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is idle and may go to standby [2013-11-15 18:15:57,796] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Active standby is disabled - standby is handled by Windows [2013-11-15 18:16:12,797] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:16:12,797] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:16:12,801] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:16:12,803] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:16:12,804] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:16:12,805] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:16:12,805] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:16:12,806] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:16:12,806] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:16:12,808] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:16:12,809] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:16:12,809] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:16:12,810] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:16:12,810] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:16:12,811] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check whether the next event is almost due [2013-11-15 18:16:12,811] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyAllowed) [2013-11-15 18:16:12,812] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is idle and may go to standby [2013-11-15 18:16:12,812] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Active standby is disabled - standby is handled by Windows [2013-11-15 18:16:26,917] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Checking connection [2013-11-15 18:16:26,919] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connection is OK [2013-11-15 18:16:27,814] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:16:27,814] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:16:27,818] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:16:27,821] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:16:27,822] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:16:27,822] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:16:27,823] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:16:27,823] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:16:27,824] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:16:27,825] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:16:27,826] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:16:27,827] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:16:27,827] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:16:27,828] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:16:27,828] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check whether the next event is almost due [2013-11-15 18:16:27,829] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyAllowed) [2013-11-15 18:16:27,830] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is idle and may go to standby [2013-11-15 18:16:27,831] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Active standby is disabled - standby is handled by Windows [2013-11-15 18:16:42,832] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:16:42,832] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:16:42,837] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:16:42,839] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:16:42,839] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:16:42,840] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:16:42,840] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:16:42,841] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:16:42,841] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:16:42,843] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:16:42,844] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:16:42,844] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:16:42,845] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:16:42,845] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:16:42,846] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check whether the next event is almost due [2013-11-15 18:16:42,846] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyAllowed) [2013-11-15 18:16:42,847] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is idle and may go to standby [2013-11-15 18:16:42,847] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Active standby is disabled - standby is handled by Windows [2013-11-15 18:16:54,143] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST (PBT_POWERSETTINGCHANGE) [2013-11-15 18:16:54,143] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: The display is off [2013-11-15 18:16:54,144] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: POWERSETTINGCHANGE [2013-11-15 18:16:54,349] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST (PBT_APMSUSPEND) [2013-11-15 18:16:54,350] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: Suspending operation [2013-11-15 18:16:54,351] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TVHome.WndProc(): Windows is suspending [2013-11-15 18:16:54,351] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome.OnSuspend() [2013-11-15 18:16:54,354] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TvNotify: stop [2013-11-15 18:16:54,355] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome: HeartBeat Transmitter stopped. [2013-11-15 18:16:54,366] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - CecRemote: PowerControl: System going to sleep, stoppping CEC-client... [2013-11-15 18:16:54,458] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Put Tv to standby mode ... Done. [2013-11-15 18:16:54,585] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: SUSPEND [2013-11-15 18:16:54,585] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: System is going to suspend [2013-11-15 18:16:54,586] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal "Suspend" to StandbyWakeupThread [2013-11-15 18:16:54,586] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread suspended [2013-11-15 18:16:54,586] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Control the master volume by accessing the Audio Endpoint Device directly [2013-11-15 18:16:54,588] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Saved master volume mute state: False [2013-11-15 18:16:54,589] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Run external command [2013-11-15 18:16:54,589] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Send "EnteringStandby" event [2013-11-15 18:16:54,590] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: Stopping playback [2013-11-15 18:16:54,590] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: SaveLastActiveModule - enabled False [2013-11-15 18:16:54,591] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: Stopping Input Devices [2013-11-15 18:16:54,591] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: Stopping AutoPlay [2013-11-15 18:16:54,592] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: VideoDatabaseV5.db3 sqllite database cache flushed to disk. [2013-11-15 18:16:54,593] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: OnSuspend - Done [2013-11-15 18:16:54,593] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TVHome.WndProc(): Windows is suspending [2013-11-15 18:16:54,594] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome.OnSuspend() [2013-11-15 18:16:54,596] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TvNotify: stop [2013-11-15 18:16:54,597] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - CecRemote: PowerControl: System going to sleep, stoppping CEC-client... [2013-11-15 18:16:54,598] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: SUSPEND [2013-11-15 18:16:54,598] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: System is going to suspend [2013-11-15 18:16:54,599] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal "Suspend" to StandbyWakeupThread [2013-11-15 18:16:54,599] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Control the master volume by accessing the Audio Endpoint Device directly [2013-11-15 18:16:54,600] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Saved master volume mute state: False [2013-11-15 18:16:54,601] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Run external command [2013-11-15 18:16:54,601] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Send "EnteringStandby" event [2013-11-15 18:16:54,802] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Windows is suspending to standby/hibernate [2013-11-15 18:16:54,802] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Disconnecting call monitor [2013-11-15 18:16:54,803] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Call monitor is disconnected [2013-11-15 18:16:54,808] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - SQLiteClient: Closing database: FanartHandler.db3 [2013-11-15 18:16:54,916] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:54,920] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Microsoft-ISATAP-Adapter [2013-11-15 18:16:55,027] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,029] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Microsoft-ISATAP-Adapter #2 [2013-11-15 18:16:55,130] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,131] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface [2013-11-15 18:16:55,133] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_ACTIVATE (WA_ACTIVE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,134] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: Activation request received [2013-11-15 18:16:55,135] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnGotFocus() [2013-11-15 18:16:55,138] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 18:16:55,141] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 18:16:55,145] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,146] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Microsoft-ISATAP-Adapter [2013-11-15 18:16:55,157] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,164] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Microsoft-ISATAP-Adapter #2 [2013-11-15 18:16:55,166] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 18:16:55,177] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,179] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (IP) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,197] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,202] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (IPv6) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,226] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,231] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (Network Monitor) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,259] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,266] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (L2TP) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,275] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,278] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (IKEv2) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,281] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,283] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface [2013-11-15 18:16:55,289] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,291] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (PPPOE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,299] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,301] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (PPTP) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,306] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,307] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (IP) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,310] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,314] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (IPv6) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,319] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,320] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (Network Monitor) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,323] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,324] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (IKEv2) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,331] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,333] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (SSTP) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,336] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,337] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (PPPOE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,341] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,343] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (PPTP) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,351] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,353] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (SSTP) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,358] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,359] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Bluetooth-Gerät (PAN) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,363] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,365] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Bluetooth-Gerät (PAN) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,376] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 18:16:55,377] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 18:16:55,382] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,385] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Intel(R) PRO/1000 PL-Netzwerkverbindung [2013-11-15 18:16:55,391] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) [2013-11-15 18:16:55,392] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Intel(R) PRO/1000 PL-Netzwerkverbindung [2013-11-15 18:50:56,055] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:50:56,477] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Bluetooth-Gerät (PAN) [2013-11-15 18:50:57,016] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST (PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC) [2013-11-15 18:50:57,020] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: OnResume - set GUIGraphicsContext.State.RUNNING [2013-11-15 18:50:57,035] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: VideoDatabaseV5.db3 sqllite database disk cache activated. [2013-11-15 18:50:57,036] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: OnResume - Init Input Devices [2013-11-15 18:50:57,038] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - MAP: using custom mappings for DirectInput [2013-11-15 18:50:57,068] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST (PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND) [2013-11-15 18:50:57,069] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: Resuming operation [2013-11-15 18:50:57,071] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: Resuming is already in progress [2013-11-15 18:50:57,076] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TVHome.WndProc(): Windows has resumed from hibernate mode [2013-11-15 18:50:57,076] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome.OnResume() [2013-11-15 18:50:59,110] [Error ] [MPMain ] [ERROR] - TVHome: WOL - Failed GetHostAddress - Der angeforderte Name ist gültig, es wurden jedoch keine Daten des angeforderten Typs gefunden [2013-11-15 18:50:59,117] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome: WOL - Use stored MAC address: 78:AC:C0:AF:A4:A1 [2013-11-15 18:50:59,118] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TVHome: WOL - Start the TV server [2013-11-15 18:50:59,121] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WOLMgr: Increasing timeout for RemoteControl [2013-11-15 18:50:59,122] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WOLMgr: Ping TV-Horst [2013-11-15 18:51:01,147] [Error ] [MPMain ] [ERROR] - WOLMgr: Ping failed - Während einer Pinganforderung ist eine Ausnahme aufgetreten. [2013-11-15 18:51:01,153] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WOLMgr: Ping TV-Horst [2013-11-15 18:51:03,176] [Error ] [MPMain ] [ERROR] - WOLMgr: Ping failed - Während einer Pinganforderung ist eine Ausnahme aufgetreten. [2013-11-15 18:51:03,178] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WOLMgr: System TV-Horst still not reachable, waiting... 0s [2013-11-15 18:51:04,217] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WOLMgr: Ping TV-Horst [2013-11-15 18:51:05,283] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TVHome: WOL - The TV server started successfully! [2013-11-15 18:51:05,284] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome: HeartBeat Transmitter started. [2013-11-15 18:51:05,286] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TvNotify: start [2013-11-15 18:51:05,287] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - CecRemote: PowerControl: User input detected after sleep (APMRESUMESUSPEND) [2013-11-15 18:51:05,289] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - MAP: using custom mappings for CecRemote [2013-11-15 18:51:05,302] [Log ] [CEC_RES_U] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Loading configuration... [2013-11-15 18:51:05,303] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: RESUMESUSPEND [2013-11-15 18:51:05,304] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: System has resumed from standby due to user activity - reset time of last user activity [2013-11-15 18:51:05,304] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Start thread to restore master volume mute state [2013-11-15 18:51:05,303] [Log ] [CEC_RES_U] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Configuration loaded succesfully. [2013-11-15 18:51:05,306] [Log ] [CEC_RES_U] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Lib created succesfully. [2013-11-15 18:51:05,307] [Log ] [CEC_RES_U] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Opening connection to CEC-Adapter... [2013-11-15 18:51:05,308] [Log ] [PS RestoreMute] [DEBUG] - PS: Control the master volume by accessing the Audio Endpoint Device directly [2013-11-15 18:51:05,309] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Windows has been resumed from standby/hibernate [2013-11-15 18:51:05,310] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connecting [2013-11-15 18:51:05,311] [Log ] [PS RestoreMute] [DEBUG] - PS: Master volume is unmuted - nothing to do [2013-11-15 18:51:05,612] [Log ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [DEBUG] - RemoteControl: TCP connect took : 326 [2013-11-15 18:51:05,612] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:05,614] [Log ] [19 ] [INFO ] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Call monitor is connected with [2013-11-15 18:51:05,622] [Log ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [INFO ] - RemoteControl - Connected [2013-11-15 18:51:05,630] [Log ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [INFO ] - TVHome: OnRemotingConnected, recovered from a disconnection [2013-11-15 18:51:05,631] [Log ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [INFO ] - RemoteControl - Connected [2013-11-15 18:51:05,628] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Bluetooth-Gerät (PAN) [2013-11-15 18:51:05,703] [Log ] [19 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: Fritz: FRITZ!Box firmware version is 5.50 on FRITZ!Box 6360 Cable [2013-11-15 18:51:05,966] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: DeviceVendorId Parameters: 0903E [2013-11-15 18:51:06,034] [Log ] [19 ] [INFO ] - FRITZ!Box Manager: Fritz: Successfully logged in to FRITZ!Box [2013-11-15 18:51:06,062] [Log ] [19 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Forcing data load after login [2013-11-15 18:51:06,095] [Log ] [7 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: BackGroundWorker: Running call list load task [2013-11-15 18:51:06,130] [Log ] [7 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: Fritz: Loading call list items directly from FRITZ!Box [2013-11-15 18:51:06,637] [Log ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [INFO ] - RemoteControl - Connected [2013-11-15 18:51:07,091] [Log ] [7 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: No call list changes [2013-11-15 18:51:07,092] [Log ] [7 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: BackGroundWorker: Running GUI properties update task [2013-11-15 18:51:07,093] [Log ] [7 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Updating GUI properties [2013-11-15 18:51:07,663] [Log ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [INFO ] - RemoteControl - Connected [2013-11-15 18:51:07,674] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: ReportPowerStatus Parameters: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:07,739] [Log ] [CEC_RES_U] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Connected succesfully to CEC-adapter on port: COM3 [2013-11-15 18:51:07,792] [Log ] [CEC_RES_U] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: TV vendor: Philips [2013-11-15 18:51:08,678] [Log ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [INFO ] - RemoteControl - Connected [2013-11-15 18:51:10,254] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: DeviceVendorId Parameters: 09B0 [2013-11-15 18:51:10,283] [Log ] [CEC_RES_U] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: AVR connected: True vendor: Onkyo [2013-11-15 18:51:10,423] [Log ] [CEC_RES_U] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Wake Tv ... Done. [2013-11-15 18:51:10,425] [Log ] [CEC_RES_U] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Sent active source. [2013-11-15 18:51:10,548] [Log ] [CEC_RES_U] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: HDMI-device: RecordingDevice1 was activated. [2013-11-15 18:51:11,030] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: GiveDeviceVendorId [2013-11-15 18:51:11,150] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: FeatureAbort Parameters: 8E0 [2013-11-15 18:51:11,344] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - LatestMediaHandler Translation: Cannot find translation file C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language\LatestMediaHandler\de.xml. Failing back to English [2013-11-15 18:51:11,351] [Log ] [StartupWorker] [DEBUG] - MusicDatabase: GetSongsByFilter - SQL: select distinct strAlbumArtist, strAlbum, dateAdded, strGenre, strPath from tracks order by dateAdded desc limit 50;, Filter: tracks [2013-11-15 18:51:11,657] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST (PBT_POWERSETTINGCHANGE) [2013-11-15 18:51:11,659] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: The display is on [2013-11-15 18:51:11,661] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: POWERSETTINGCHANGE [2013-11-15 18:51:11,665] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:11,667] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Intel(R) PRO/1000 PL-Netzwerkverbindung [2013-11-15 18:51:11,680] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:11,686] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Intel(R) PRO/1000 PL-Netzwerkverbindung [2013-11-15 18:51:11,717] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:11,721] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Microsoft-ISATAP-Adapter [2013-11-15 18:51:11,730] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:11,738] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Microsoft-ISATAP-Adapter [2013-11-15 18:51:11,741] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:11,742] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Microsoft-ISATAP-Adapter #2 [2013-11-15 18:51:11,747] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:11,751] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Microsoft-ISATAP-Adapter #2 [2013-11-15 18:51:11,857] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:11,858] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (L2TP) [2013-11-15 18:51:11,859] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - X10 debug: Could not get interface [2013-11-15 18:51:11,860] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: OnResume - Autoplay start listening [2013-11-15 18:51:11,860] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: OnResume - Initializing volume handler [2013-11-15 18:51:11,862] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: OnResume - Done [2013-11-15 18:51:11,863] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - CecRemote: PowerControl: System resuming from sleep (APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC) [2013-11-15 18:51:11,870] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: RESUMEAUTOMATIC [2013-11-15 18:51:11,871] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: System has resumed from standby [2013-11-15 18:51:11,872] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Run external command [2013-11-15 18:51:11,873] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal "Resume" to the StandbyWakeupThread [2013-11-15 18:51:11,873] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PS: Send "ResumedFromStandby" event [2013-11-15 18:51:11,873] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread resumed [2013-11-15 18:51:11,875] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:11,930] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface [2013-11-15 18:51:11,933] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 18:51:11,940] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 18:51:11,956] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:11,957] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface [2013-11-15 18:51:11,958] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 18:51:11,961] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 18:51:11,975] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:11,976] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (IP) [2013-11-15 18:51:11,977] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 18:51:11,980] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 18:51:11,994] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:11,997] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (IP) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,001] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 18:51:12,065] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 18:51:12,084] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,102] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (IPv6) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,104] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 18:51:12,107] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 18:51:12,113] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,115] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (IPv6) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,120] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 18:51:12,145] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 18:51:12,160] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,161] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (Network Monitor) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,162] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 18:51:12,166] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 18:51:12,179] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 18:51:12,195] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 18:51:12,211] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,244] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (Network Monitor) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,309] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 18:51:12,333] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 18:51:12,347] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Window: WindowPlugins.home.GUIBasicHome deinit [2013-11-15 18:51:12,361] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TextureManager: CleanupThumbs() [2013-11-15 18:51:12,452] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Window: WindowPlugins.home.GUIBasicHome init [2013-11-15 18:51:12,502] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D FullRender: MP focus [2013-11-15 18:51:12,505] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D OnIdle: MP focus done [2013-11-15 18:51:12,507] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,508] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (IKEv2) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,509] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: MouseMoveEvent() [2013-11-15 18:51:12,512] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,513] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (IKEv2) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,545] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,546] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (PPPOE) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,562] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,563] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (PPPOE) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,629] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,630] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (PPTP) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,645] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,646] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (PPTP) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,712] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,714] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (SSTP) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,729] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,732] [Log ] [StartupWorker] [INFO ] - SQLiteClient: Closing database: PictureDatabase.db3 [2013-11-15 18:51:12,741] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: Device type is DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Name: WAN Miniport (SSTP) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,893] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:51:12,899] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:51:12,902] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:51:12,902] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:51:12,903] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:51:12,904] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:51:12,905] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:51:12,906] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:51:12,908] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:51:12,909] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:51:12,909] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:51:12,910] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:51:12,911] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:51:12,911] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check whether the next event is almost due [2013-11-15 18:51:12,912] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyAllowed) [2013-11-15 18:51:12,913] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is idle and may go to standby [2013-11-15 18:51:12,914] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Active standby is disabled - standby is handled by Windows [2013-11-15 18:51:14,733] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlPressed Parameters: 2 [2013-11-15 18:51:14,734] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Button: Down Code: 2 Duration: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:15,181] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlPressed Parameters: 2 [2013-11-15 18:51:15,182] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Button: Down Code: 2 Duration: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:15,183] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Button press ignored. Last button was received 445,0254 milliseconds ago and required delay is 450 milliseconds. [2013-11-15 18:51:15,204] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlRelease [2013-11-15 18:51:16,073] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlPressed Parameters: 2 [2013-11-15 18:51:16,074] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Button: Down Code: 2 Duration: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:16,569] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlRelease [2013-11-15 18:51:16,770] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlPressed Parameters: 1 [2013-11-15 18:51:16,771] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Button: Up Code: 1 Duration: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:17,211] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlPressed Parameters: 1 [2013-11-15 18:51:17,212] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Button: Up Code: 1 Duration: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:17,213] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Button press ignored. Last button was received 442,0252 milliseconds ago and required delay is 450 milliseconds. [2013-11-15 18:51:17,234] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlRelease [2013-11-15 18:51:17,570] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlPressed Parameters: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:17,571] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Button: Select Code: 0 Duration: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:17,851] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Window: WindowPlugins.home.GUIBasicHome deinit [2013-11-15 18:51:17,856] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TextureManager: CleanupThumbs() [2013-11-15 18:51:17,906] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlRelease [2013-11-15 18:51:17,963] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Titan\Themes\Dull Gold\mytvrecordedtv.xml' is missing control id 7 (window property: btnCompress) [2013-11-15 18:51:18,400] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Window: TvPlugin.TvRecorded init [2013-11-15 18:51:18,639] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - LoadDirectory() - finished loading '150' radiogroupIDs after '44' ms. [2013-11-15 18:51:18,654] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - LoadDirectory() - finished loading '57' recordings after '58' ms. [2013-11-15 18:51:18,657] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - LoadDirectory() - finished loading '1' activerecordings after '61 ms. [2013-11-15 18:51:18,772] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Die letzten Paradiese - 2013-07-06 - Dominikanische Republik und Costa Rica.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:18,787] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Costa Rica - Amerikas Musterländle - (Costa Rica - Amerikas Musterländle) - BR-alpha - 2013-05-10.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:18,813] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Die letzten 24 Stunden ... - ZDFinfo HD - 2013-01-19.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:18,828] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Ein Baumhaus in Costa Rica - (Ein Baumhaus in Costa Rica) - arte HD - 2013-04-24.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:18,851] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Eine pornographische Beziehung - arte HD - 2013-01-14.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:18,860] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Kaffee und Bananen aus Costa Rica - rbb Berlin - 2013-02-27.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:18,879] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Quartett d'Amour - Liebe, wen du willst( - Happy Few) - Das Erste HD - 2013-06-09.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:18,902] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Wilhelmshaven - (Marine, Matjes und viel Meer) - NDR FS NDS HD - 2013-03-22.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:18,925] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Femme Fatale( - Femme fatale) - zdf_neo HD - 2013-07-19.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:18,937] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Eine Nacht in Rom - 2013-07-26 - Habitación en Roma.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:18,945] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Wie gefährlich ist Zucker wirklich_ - WDR Köln - 2013-08-12.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:18,979] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Sherlock Holmes und das Halsband des Todes - 2013-08-15 - Sherlock Holmes et le collier de la mort.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:18,992] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Landpartie( - Spiekeroog - Inselurlaub_ Spiekeroog und Langeoog) - NDR FS NDS HD - 2013-08-25.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:19,012] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Dreiviertelmond - arte HD - 2013-10-18.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:19,034] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Costa Rica - Leben wie die Faultiere - 2013-10-19 - Costa Rica - Leben wie die Faultiere.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:19,051] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Klassiker der Weltliteratur - BR-alpha - 2013-10-21.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:19,065] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Costa Rica - Regenwald der Österreicher - 2013-10-28 - Regenwald der Österreicher.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:19,083] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - LoadDirectory() - finished loading facade items after '487' ms. [2013-11-15 18:51:19,115] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - LoadDirectory() - finished sorting facade after '519' ms. [2013-11-15 18:51:19,424] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TexturePacker: Loaded C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache\Titan\packedgfx218.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1 [2013-11-15 18:51:19,425] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:1892 [2013-11-15 18:51:19,615] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TexturePacker: Loaded C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache\Titan\packedgfx212.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1 [2013-11-15 18:51:19,616] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:1891 [2013-11-15 18:51:19,804] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TexturePacker: Loaded C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache\Titan\packedgfx214.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1 [2013-11-15 18:51:19,805] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:1890 [2013-11-15 18:51:21,536] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlPressed Parameters: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:21,537] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Button: Select Code: 0 Duration: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:21,574] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - LoadDirectory() - finished loading '150' radiogroupIDs after '9' ms. [2013-11-15 18:51:21,582] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - LoadDirectory() - finished loading '57' recordings after '17' ms. [2013-11-15 18:51:21,586] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - LoadDirectory() - finished loading '1' activerecordings after '21 ms. [2013-11-15 18:51:21,588] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Unser Sandmännchen - 2013-11-13 - Pondorondo_ Pondorondo spielt Puppentheater.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:21,606] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Unser Sandmännchen - 2013-11-14 - Ebb und Flo_ Ebb, der Piratenhund.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:21,628] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\TV\Recorded\Unser Sandmännchen - 2013-11-15 - Lolas Lieder_ Mambolo.jpg does not exist in local thumbs folder - get it from TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:21,630] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Thumbnail Unser Sandmännchen - 2013-11-15 - Lolas Lieder_ Mambolo.jpg not found on TV server [2013-11-15 18:51:21,631] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - LoadDirectory() - finished loading facade items after '66' ms. [2013-11-15 18:51:21,634] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - LoadDirectory() - finished sorting facade after '69' ms. [2013-11-15 18:51:21,897] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlRelease [2013-11-15 18:51:22,650] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlPressed Parameters: 2 [2013-11-15 18:51:22,651] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Button: Down Code: 2 Duration: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:22,980] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlRelease [2013-11-15 18:51:24,536] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlPressed Parameters: 44 [2013-11-15 18:51:24,537] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Button: Play Code: 68 Duration: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:24,570] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Titan\Themes\Dull Gold\DialogMenu.xml' is missing control id 2 (window property: btnClose) [2013-11-15 18:51:24,571] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Titan\Themes\Dull Gold\DialogMenu.xml' is missing control id 5 (window property: lblHeading2) [2013-11-15 18:51:24,699] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WindowManager: route TvPlugin.TvRecorded:603->MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu:2012 [2013-11-15 18:51:24,702] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - DialogWindow: MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu init [2013-11-15 18:51:24,990] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlPressed Parameters: 44 [2013-11-15 18:51:24,991] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Button: Play Code: 68 Duration: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:25,068] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlRelease [2013-11-15 18:51:25,323] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WindowManager: unroute to MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu:2012->TvPlugin.TvRecorded:603 [2013-11-15 18:51:25,327] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Titan\Themes\Dull Gold\DialogMenu.xml' is missing control id 2 (window property: btnClose) [2013-11-15 18:51:25,328] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Titan\Themes\Dull Gold\DialogMenu.xml' is missing control id 5 (window property: lblHeading2) [2013-11-15 18:51:25,332] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WindowManager: route TvPlugin.TvRecorded:603->MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu:2012 [2013-11-15 18:51:25,333] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - DialogWindow: MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu init [2013-11-15 18:51:27,916] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:51:27,916] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: New user input detected - set time of last user activity to 18:51:24 [2013-11-15 18:51:27,917] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:51:27,933] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:51:27,935] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:51:27,936] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:51:27,936] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:51:27,937] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:51:27,937] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:51:27,938] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:51:27,940] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:51:27,940] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:51:27,941] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:51:27,942] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:51:27,942] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:51:27,943] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check whether the next event is almost due [2013-11-15 18:51:27,943] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyAllowed) [2013-11-15 18:51:27,944] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is idle and may go to standby [2013-11-15 18:51:27,945] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Active standby is disabled - standby is handled by Windows [2013-11-15 18:51:29,049] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlPressed Parameters: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:29,050] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Button: Select Code: 0 Duration: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:29,379] [Log ] [30 ] [DEBUG] - CecRemote: Command: UserControlRelease [2013-11-15 18:51:29,517] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WindowManager: unroute to MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu:2012->TvPlugin.TvRecorded:603 [2013-11-15 18:51:29,559] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - PlayRecording:rtsp:// - using rtsp mode:True [2013-11-15 18:51:29,560] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - RefreshRateChanger.AdaptRefreshRate: 'auto refreshrate changer' disabled [2013-11-15 18:51:29,561] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - g_Player.Play(rtsp:// Recording) [2013-11-15 18:51:29,561] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - BASS: Freeing BASS. Non-audio media playback requested. [2013-11-15 18:51:29,562] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PlayerFactory: Successfully created player instance for file - rtsp:// [2013-11-15 18:51:29,563] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Already stopped. Don't execute Stop a second time [2013-11-15 18:51:29,564] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer play:rtsp:// radio:False [2013-11-15 18:51:29,564] [Log ] [BASS Stop] [DEBUG] - BASS: Stop of stream D:\Track01.cda. [2013-11-15 18:51:29,564] [Log ] [BASS Stop] [DEBUG] - BASS: Disposing Music Stream D:\Track01.cda [2013-11-15 18:51:29,564] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: live tv [2013-11-15 18:51:29,564] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode [2013-11-15 18:51:29,564] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: GUI_MSG_SWITCH_FULL_WINDOWED message is obsolete. [2013-11-15 18:51:29,564] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer:play rtsp:// [2013-11-15 18:51:29,564] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: GetInterfaces() [2013-11-15 18:51:29,564] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - DirectShowUtils: First try to insert new audio renderer AMD HDMI Output (AMD High Defin [2013-11-15 18:51:29,574] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - DirectShowUtils: Found audio renderer [2013-11-15 18:51:29,574] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - DirectShowUtils: added filter:AMD HDMI Output (AMD High Defin to graph [2013-11-15 18:51:29,574] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: Add TsReader to graph [2013-11-15 18:51:29,574] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: Open file: rtsp:// [2013-11-15 18:51:29,594] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer:OnRequestAudioChange() [2013-11-15 18:51:29,595] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome.OnAudioTracksReady() [2013-11-15 18:51:29,602] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome.GetPreferedAudioStreamIndex(): preferred LANG(s):deu;ger preferAC3:True preferAudioTypeOverLang:False [2013-11-15 18:51:29,603] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Audio streams avail: 3 [2013-11-15 18:51:29,604] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:29,604] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:29,605] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Stream 0 lang deu, lang priority index 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:29,605] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Setting mpeg pref [2013-11-15 18:51:29,606] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:29,606] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Stream 1 lang mis, lang priority index -1 [2013-11-15 18:51:29,607] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:29,607] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Stream 2 lang deu, lang priority index 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:29,608] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Setting AC3 pref [2013-11-15 18:51:29,608] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Audio stream: switching to preferred AC3 audio stream 2, based on LANG deu [2013-11-15 18:51:29,609] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:29,800] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: OnVideoFormatChanged - streamtype=H264 resolution=1280x720 aspect ratio=16:9 bitrate=15000000 isInterlaced=False [2013-11-15 18:51:29,815] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: Add codecs [2013-11-15 18:51:30,019] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - VMR9: added EVR Renderer to graph [2013-11-15 18:51:30,020] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - VMR9: Now active [2013-11-15 18:51:30,022] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - VMR9: Renderer successfully added [2013-11-15 18:51:30,030] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Added filter: LAV Video Decoder to graph [2013-11-15 18:51:30,030] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: UpdateFilters Video done [2013-11-15 18:51:30,033] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Added filter: LAV Audio Decoder to graph [2013-11-15 18:51:30,033] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: UpdateFilters Audio done [2013-11-15 18:51:30,034] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: PostProcessingEngine to DummyEngine [2013-11-15 18:51:30,035] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: Render TsReader outputs [2013-11-15 18:51:30,035] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Filter: TsReader - try to connect: Audio [2013-11-15 18:51:30,056] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Filter: TsReader - try to connect: Video [2013-11-15 18:51:30,116] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces [2013-11-15 18:51:30,118] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Filter: TsReader - try to connect: Subtitle [2013-11-15 18:51:30,126] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - - failed [2013-11-15 18:51:30,127] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: CleanupCC filter (Tv/Recorded Stream Detected) [2013-11-15 18:51:30,128] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: Enhanced Video Renderer [2013-11-15 18:51:30,129] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: AMD HDMI Output (AMD High Defin [2013-11-15 18:51:30,129] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: LAV Video Decoder [2013-11-15 18:51:30,130] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: LAV Audio Decoder [2013-11-15 18:51:30,130] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: TsReader [2013-11-15 18:51:30,132] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: Last subtitle index: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,211] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: OnInitialized [2013-11-15 18:51:30,213] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: position:0, duration:140,947 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,216] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - g_Player.OnStarted() rtsp:// media:Recording [2013-11-15 18:51:30,227] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome.GetPreferedAudioStreamIndex(): preferred LANG(s):deu;ger preferAC3:True preferAudioTypeOverLang:False [2013-11-15 18:51:30,229] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Audio streams avail: 3 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,230] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:30,231] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:30,231] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Stream 0 lang deu, lang priority index 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,232] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Setting mpeg pref [2013-11-15 18:51:30,233] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:30,234] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Stream 1 lang mis, lang priority index -1 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,234] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:30,235] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Stream 2 lang deu, lang priority index 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,236] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Setting AC3 pref [2013-11-15 18:51:30,237] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Audio stream: switching to preferred AC3 audio stream 2, based on LANG deu [2013-11-15 18:51:30,239] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVRecorded.OnPlayRecordingBackStarted(): setting audioIndex on tsreader 2 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,240] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - g_Player: ShowFullScreenWindow [2013-11-15 18:51:30,243] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TVHome: ShowFullScreenWindow switching to fullscreen tv [2013-11-15 18:51:30,246] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Window: TvPlugin.TvRecorded deinit [2013-11-15 18:51:30,255] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TextureManager: CleanupThumbs() [2013-11-15 18:51:30,270] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIFontManager: Font with the name 'dingbats' does not exist [2013-11-15 18:51:30,271] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIFontManager: Font with the name 'dingbats' does not exist [2013-11-15 18:51:30,272] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIFontManager: Font with the name 'dingbats' does not exist [2013-11-15 18:51:30,273] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIFontManager: Font with the name 'dingbats' does not exist [2013-11-15 18:51:30,281] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIFontManager: Font with the name 'dingbats' does not exist [2013-11-15 18:51:30,283] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIFontManager: Font with the name 'dingbats' does not exist [2013-11-15 18:51:30,284] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIFontManager: Font with the name 'dingbats' does not exist [2013-11-15 18:51:30,285] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIFontManager: Font with the name 'dingbats' does not exist [2013-11-15 18:51:30,295] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIFontManager: Font with the name 'dingbats' does not exist [2013-11-15 18:51:30,297] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIFontManager: Font with the name 'dingbats' does not exist [2013-11-15 18:51:30,298] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIFontManager: Font with the name 'dingbats' does not exist [2013-11-15 18:51:30,299] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIFontManager: Font with the name 'dingbats' does not exist [2013-11-15 18:51:30,302] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Window: TvPlugin.TvFullScreen init [2013-11-15 18:51:30,307] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Titan\Themes\Dull Gold\tvZAPOSD.xml' is missing control id 100 (window property: lblCurrentTime) [2013-11-15 18:51:30,312] [Log ] [MPMain ] [WARN ] - GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Titan\Themes\Dull Gold\tvZAPOSD.xml' is missing control id 100 (window property: lblCurrentTime) [2013-11-15 18:51:30,318] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TvFullScreen:init->OSD:Off [2013-11-15 18:51:30,487] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TvFullScreen: init, playing True, player.CurrentFile rtsp://, TVHome.Card.TimeShiftFileName .tsbuffer [2013-11-15 18:51:30,558] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - PlayRecording:rtsp:// - using rtsp mode:True [2013-11-15 18:51:30,559] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: Saving subtitle index: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,559] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: Cleanup DShow graph False [2013-11-15 18:51:30,580] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: Cleanup Get hr value -2147467262 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,581] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: Cleanup _audioRendererFilter [2013-11-15 18:51:30,582] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: Cleanup _fileSource [2013-11-15 18:51:30,582] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: Cleanup FreePostProcess [2013-11-15 18:51:30,583] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: Cleanup PostProcess [2013-11-15 18:51:30,583] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: Cleanup AudioCodec [2013-11-15 18:51:30,584] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: Cleanup VideoCodec [2013-11-15 18:51:30,585] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Disconnecting all pins from filter Enhanced Video Renderer [2013-11-15 18:51:30,586] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Remove filter from graph: Enhanced Video Renderer 2 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,587] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Disconnecting all pins from filter AMD HDMI Output (AMD High Defin [2013-11-15 18:51:30,588] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Remove filter from graph: AMD HDMI Output (AMD High Defin 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,606] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Disconnecting all pins from filter LAV Video Decoder [2013-11-15 18:51:30,606] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Disconnecting pin Output [2013-11-15 18:51:30,607] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Not connected [2013-11-15 18:51:30,613] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Remove filter from graph: LAV Video Decoder 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,614] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Disconnecting all pins from filter LAV Audio Decoder [2013-11-15 18:51:30,615] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Disconnecting pin Output [2013-11-15 18:51:30,615] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Not connected [2013-11-15 18:51:30,616] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Remove filter from graph: LAV Audio Decoder 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,616] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Disconnecting all pins from filter TsReader [2013-11-15 18:51:30,617] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Disconnecting pin Audio [2013-11-15 18:51:30,618] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Not connected [2013-11-15 18:51:30,618] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Disconnecting pin Video [2013-11-15 18:51:30,619] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Not connected [2013-11-15 18:51:30,619] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Disconnecting pin Subtitle [2013-11-15 18:51:30,620] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Not connected [2013-11-15 18:51:30,623] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Remove filter from graph: TsReader 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,625] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: Cleanup _graphBuilder [2013-11-15 18:51:30,626] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - VMR9: Dispose [2013-11-15 18:51:30,626] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - SubtitleRenderer: starting cleanup [2013-11-15 18:51:30,627] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - SubtitleRenderer: cleanup done [2013-11-15 18:51:30,628] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - VMR9: Inactive [2013-11-15 18:51:30,635] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces [2013-11-15 18:51:30,636] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode [2013-11-15 18:51:30,636] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: GUI_MSG_SWITCH_FULL_WINDOWED message is obsolete. [2013-11-15 18:51:30,637] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - RefreshRateChanger.AdaptRefreshRate: 'auto refreshrate changer' disabled [2013-11-15 18:51:30,637] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - g_Player.Play(rtsp:// Recording) [2013-11-15 18:51:30,638] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PlayerFactory: Successfully created player instance for file - rtsp:// [2013-11-15 18:51:30,639] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer play:rtsp:// radio:False [2013-11-15 18:51:30,639] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: live tv [2013-11-15 18:51:30,640] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode [2013-11-15 18:51:30,640] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: GUI_MSG_SWITCH_FULL_WINDOWED message is obsolete. [2013-11-15 18:51:30,641] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer:play rtsp:// [2013-11-15 18:51:30,641] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: GetInterfaces() [2013-11-15 18:51:30,644] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - DirectShowUtils: First try to insert new audio renderer AMD HDMI Output (AMD High Defin [2013-11-15 18:51:30,645] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - DirectShowUtils: Found audio renderer [2013-11-15 18:51:30,646] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - DirectShowUtils: added filter:AMD HDMI Output (AMD High Defin to graph [2013-11-15 18:51:30,648] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: Add TsReader to graph [2013-11-15 18:51:30,649] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: Open file: rtsp:// [2013-11-15 18:51:30,667] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer:OnRequestAudioChange() [2013-11-15 18:51:30,668] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome.OnAudioTracksReady() [2013-11-15 18:51:30,675] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome.GetPreferedAudioStreamIndex(): preferred LANG(s):deu;ger preferAC3:True preferAudioTypeOverLang:False [2013-11-15 18:51:30,676] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Audio streams avail: 3 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,677] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:30,677] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:30,678] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Stream 0 lang deu, lang priority index 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,678] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Setting mpeg pref [2013-11-15 18:51:30,679] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:30,679] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Stream 1 lang mis, lang priority index -1 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,680] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:30,680] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Stream 2 lang deu, lang priority index 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:30,681] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Setting AC3 pref [2013-11-15 18:51:30,681] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Audio stream: switching to preferred AC3 audio stream 2, based on LANG deu [2013-11-15 18:51:30,682] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:30,863] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: OnVideoFormatChanged - streamtype=H264 resolution=1280x720 aspect ratio=16:9 bitrate=15000000 isInterlaced=False [2013-11-15 18:51:30,877] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: Add codecs [2013-11-15 18:51:31,085] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - VMR9: added EVR Renderer to graph [2013-11-15 18:51:31,086] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - VMR9: Now active [2013-11-15 18:51:31,087] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - VMR9: Renderer successfully added [2013-11-15 18:51:31,089] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Added filter: LAV Video Decoder to graph [2013-11-15 18:51:31,090] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: UpdateFilters Video done [2013-11-15 18:51:31,091] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Added filter: LAV Audio Decoder to graph [2013-11-15 18:51:31,092] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: UpdateFilters Audio done [2013-11-15 18:51:31,093] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: PostProcessingEngine to DummyEngine [2013-11-15 18:51:31,093] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: Render TsReader outputs [2013-11-15 18:51:31,094] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Filter: TsReader - try to connect: Audio [2013-11-15 18:51:31,112] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Filter: TsReader - try to connect: Video [2013-11-15 18:51:31,176] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces [2013-11-15 18:51:31,178] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Filter: TsReader - try to connect: Subtitle [2013-11-15 18:51:31,186] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - - failed [2013-11-15 18:51:31,188] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: CleanupCC filter (Tv/Recorded Stream Detected) [2013-11-15 18:51:31,189] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: Enhanced Video Renderer [2013-11-15 18:51:31,190] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: AMD HDMI Output (AMD High Defin [2013-11-15 18:51:31,191] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: LAV Video Decoder [2013-11-15 18:51:31,192] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: LAV Audio Decoder [2013-11-15 18:51:31,193] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Check graph connections for: TsReader [2013-11-15 18:51:31,194] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TSReaderPlayer: Last subtitle index: 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:31,273] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: OnInitialized [2013-11-15 18:51:31,277] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TSReaderPlayer: position:0, duration:140,258 [2013-11-15 18:51:31,278] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - g_Player.OnStarted() rtsp:// media:Recording [2013-11-15 18:51:31,289] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVHome.GetPreferedAudioStreamIndex(): preferred LANG(s):deu;ger preferAC3:True preferAudioTypeOverLang:False [2013-11-15 18:51:31,290] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Audio streams avail: 3 [2013-11-15 18:51:31,291] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:31,292] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:31,292] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Stream 0 lang deu, lang priority index 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:31,293] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Setting mpeg pref [2013-11-15 18:51:31,294] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:31,295] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Stream 1 lang mis, lang priority index -1 [2013-11-15 18:51:31,296] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded [2013-11-15 18:51:31,296] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Stream 2 lang deu, lang priority index 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:31,297] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Setting AC3 pref [2013-11-15 18:51:31,298] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Audio stream: switching to preferred AC3 audio stream 2, based on LANG deu [2013-11-15 18:51:31,299] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - TVRecorded.OnPlayRecordingBackStarted(): setting audioIndex on tsreader 2 [2013-11-15 18:51:31,300] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - g_Player: ShowFullScreenWindow [2013-11-15 18:51:31,338] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnPaint() [2013-11-15 18:51:31,339] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - VMR9Helper: Playing -> Repainting, Frames 50 [2013-11-15 18:51:31,388] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - VMR9: Repainting -> Playing, Frames: 50 [2013-11-15 18:51:32,096] [Log ] [3 ] [DEBUG] - PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces [2013-11-15 18:51:32,167] [Log ] [28 ] [DEBUG] - PlaneScene: crop T, B : 0, 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:32,172] [Log ] [28 ] [DEBUG] - PlaneScene: crop L, R : 0, 0 [2013-11-15 18:51:32,176] [Log ] [28 ] [INFO ] - PlaneScene: video WxH : 1280x720 [2013-11-15 18:51:32,177] [Log ] [28 ] [DEBUG] - PlaneScene: video AR : 16:9 [2013-11-15 18:51:32,177] [Log ] [28 ] [INFO ] - PlaneScene: screen WxH : 1920x1080 [2013-11-15 18:51:32,179] [Log ] [28 ] [DEBUG] - PlaneScene: AR type : Normal [2013-11-15 18:51:32,179] [Log ] [28 ] [DEBUG] - PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1 [2013-11-15 18:51:32,180] [Log ] [28 ] [DEBUG] - PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(1280,720) [2013-11-15 18:51:32,181] [Log ] [28 ] [DEBUG] - PlaneScene: dst : (0,0)-(1920,1080) [2013-11-15 18:51:36,097] [Log ] [18 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Checking connection [2013-11-15 18:51:36,098] [Log ] [18 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connection is OK [2013-11-15 18:51:42,946] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:51:42,946] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:51:42,951] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:51:42,953] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:51:42,954] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:51:42,955] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:51:42,955] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:51:42,956] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:51:42,957] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:51:42,958] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:51:42,959] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:51:42,959] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:51:42,960] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:51:42,960] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 18:51:42,961] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 18:51:42,962] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 18:51:42,962] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [INFO ] - PS: System changed from idle state to busy state [2013-11-15 18:51:42,963] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 18:51:57,965] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:51:57,971] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:51:57,977] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:51:57,980] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:51:57,982] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:51:57,983] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:51:57,984] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:51:57,984] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:51:57,985] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:51:57,986] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:51:57,987] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:51:57,988] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:51:57,988] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:51:57,989] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 18:51:57,989] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 18:51:57,990] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 18:51:57,991] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 18:52:06,112] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Checking connection [2013-11-15 18:52:06,114] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connection is OK [2013-11-15 18:52:12,992] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:52:12,992] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:52:12,996] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:52:12,999] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:52:13,000] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:52:13,001] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:52:13,001] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:52:13,002] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:52:13,002] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:52:13,004] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:52:13,005] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:52:13,005] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:52:13,006] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:52:13,006] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 18:52:13,007] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 18:52:13,007] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 18:52:13,008] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 18:52:28,010] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:52:28,010] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:52:28,014] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:52:28,019] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:52:28,019] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:52:28,020] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:52:28,021] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:52:28,023] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:52:28,023] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:52:28,026] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:52:28,027] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:52:28,028] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:52:28,029] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:52:28,030] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 18:52:28,030] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 18:52:28,031] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 18:52:28,032] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 18:52:36,126] [Log ] [18 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Checking connection [2013-11-15 18:52:36,128] [Log ] [18 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connection is OK [2013-11-15 18:52:43,033] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:52:43,034] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:52:43,039] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:52:43,041] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:52:43,041] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:52:43,042] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:52:43,043] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:52:43,043] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:52:43,044] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:52:43,045] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:52:43,046] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:52:43,047] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:52:43,047] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:52:43,049] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 18:52:43,050] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 18:52:43,051] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 18:52:43,051] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 18:52:58,053] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:52:58,054] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:52:58,058] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:52:58,061] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:52:58,062] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:52:58,063] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:52:58,064] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:52:58,066] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:52:58,068] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:52:58,070] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:52:58,070] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:52:58,071] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:52:58,073] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:52:58,074] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 18:52:58,075] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 18:52:58,076] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 18:52:58,077] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 18:53:06,141] [Log ] [18 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Checking connection [2013-11-15 18:53:06,142] [Log ] [18 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connection is OK [2013-11-15 18:53:13,078] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:53:13,079] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:53:13,083] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:53:13,085] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:53:13,086] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:53:13,087] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:53:13,087] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:53:13,088] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:53:13,089] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:53:13,090] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:53:13,091] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:53:13,091] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:53:13,092] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:53:13,092] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 18:53:13,093] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 18:53:13,094] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 18:53:13,095] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 18:53:28,097] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:53:28,098] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:53:28,104] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:53:28,108] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:53:28,109] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:53:28,111] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:53:28,112] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:53:28,113] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:53:28,114] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:53:28,116] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:53:28,117] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:53:28,118] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:53:28,118] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:53:28,119] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 18:53:28,119] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 18:53:28,120] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 18:53:28,120] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 18:53:36,156] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Checking connection [2013-11-15 18:53:36,158] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connection is OK [2013-11-15 18:53:43,122] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:53:43,122] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:53:43,127] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:53:43,130] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:53:43,131] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:53:43,132] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:53:43,132] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:53:43,133] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:53:43,134] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:53:43,135] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:53:43,136] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:53:43,136] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:53:43,137] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:53:43,137] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 18:53:43,138] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 18:53:43,138] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 18:53:43,139] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 18:53:58,141] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:53:58,141] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:53:58,146] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:53:58,148] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:53:58,149] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:53:58,150] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:53:58,150] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:53:58,151] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:53:58,152] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:53:58,153] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:53:58,154] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:53:58,154] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:53:58,155] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:53:58,155] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 18:53:58,156] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 18:53:58,157] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 18:53:58,157] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 18:54:06,170] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Checking connection [2013-11-15 18:54:06,171] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connection is OK [2013-11-15 18:54:13,159] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:54:13,159] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:54:13,164] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:54:13,167] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:54:13,168] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:54:13,169] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:54:13,169] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:54:13,170] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:54:13,170] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:54:13,172] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:54:13,173] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:54:13,173] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:54:13,174] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:54:13,174] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 18:54:13,175] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 18:54:13,176] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 18:54:13,176] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 18:54:28,178] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval [2013-11-15 18:54:28,179] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer [2013-11-15 18:54:28,183] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings() [2013-11-15 18:54:28,185] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer() [2013-11-15 18:54:28,186] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableWakeupPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:54:28,186] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: [2013-11-15 18:54:28,187] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: No pending events found in the future which should wakeup the system [2013-11-15 18:54:28,187] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby() [2013-11-15 18:54:28,188] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting WakeableStandbyPlugins: [2013-11-15 18:54:28,189] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Processes: [2013-11-15 18:54:28,190] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Network: [2013-11-15 18:54:28,191] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Active Shares: [2013-11-15 18:54:28,191] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Check if user interface is idle [2013-11-15 18:54:28,192] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer [2013-11-15 18:54:28,193] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented [2013-11-15 18:54:28,193] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented) [2013-11-15 18:54:28,194] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby [2013-11-15 18:54:29,981] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_SYSCOMMAND (SC_SCREENSAVE) [2013-11-15 18:54:29,982] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Main: SC_SCREENSAVE [2013-11-15 18:54:29,983] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - Main: Active player - resetting idle timer for screen save to be turned on [2013-11-15 18:54:36,185] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Checking connection [2013-11-15 18:54:36,186] [Log ] [26 ] [DEBUG] - FRITZ!Box Manager: FritzBox: Connection is OK