[MPIPTVSource] ; maximum log size (in bytes) MaxLogSize = 10485760 ; log verbosity: 0 = nothing, 1 = error, 2 = warning, 3 = info, 4 = verbose, 5 = data LogVerbosity = 0 ; waiting timeout for conditional access (in ms) ConditionalAccessWaitingTimeout = 200 ; maximum plugins to load MaxPlugins = 256 ; count of IPTV buffers IptvBufferCount = 16 ; size of IPTV buffer (in bytes) IptvBufferSize = 32768 ; specifies if output from IPTV filter have to be saved to file: 0 = no dump, 1 = dump DumpRawTS = 0 ; specifies if discontinuities have to be analyzed: 0 = do not analyze, 1 = analyze AnalyzeDiscontinuity = 1 ; specifies if input packets to IPTV filter have to be saved to file: 0 = no dump, 1 = dump DumpInputPackets = 0 [UDP] ; waiting timeout for receiving data (in ms, multiplies of 1000) UdpReceiveDataTimeout = 2000 ; default multiplier for buffer size (buffer size is IptvBufferSize * UdpInternalBufferMultiplier) ; in default configuration is buffer size: 32768 * 8 = 262144 (256 kB) UdpInternalBufferMultiplier = 8 ; maximum multiplier for buffer size ; in default configuration is maximum buffer size: 32768 * 1024 = 33554432 (32 MB) UdpInternalBufferMaxMultiplier = 1024 ; maximum attempts of opening connection UdpOpenConnectionMaximumAttempts = 3 [RTP] ; RTP is based on UDP ; RTP applies all UDP configuration parameters (but some of them are overriden) ; waiting timeout for receiving data (in ms, multiplies of 1000) RtpReceiveDataTimeout = 2000 ; maximum failed RTP packets, after this count is RTP protocol switched to UDP protocol RtpMaxFailedPackets = 5 ; maximum attempts of opening connection RtpOpenConnectionMaximumAttempts = 3 [HTTP] ; waiting timeout for receiving data (in ms, multiplies of 1000) HttpReceiveDataTimeout = 20000 ; default multiplier for buffer size (buffer size is IptvBufferSize * HttpInternalBufferMultiplier) ; in default configuration is buffer size: 32768 * 8 = 262144 (256 kB) HttpInternalBufferMultiplier = 8 ; maximum multiplier for buffer size ; in default configuration is maximum buffer size: 32768 * 1024 = 33554432 (32 MB) HttpInternalBufferMaxMultiplier = 1024 ; maximum attempts of opening connection HttpOpenConnectionMaximumAttempts = 3 [KARTINA] ; KARTINA is based on HTTP ; KARTINA applies all HTTP configuration parameters (but some of them are overriden) ; waiting timeout for receiving data (in ms, multiplies of 1000) KartinaReceiveDataTimeout = 20000 ; maximum attempts of opening connection KartinaOpenConnectionMaximumAttempts = 3 [FILE] ; waiting timeout for receiving data (in ms, multiplies of 1000) FileReceiveDataTimeout = 2000 ; repeat limit for reading file : 0 = no limit, 1 = play only once, 2 = play twice, ... FileRepeatLimit = 0 ; default multiplier for buffer size (buffer size is IptvBufferSize * FileInternalBufferMultiplier) ; in default configuration is buffer size: 32768 * 8 = 262144 (256 kB) FileInternalBufferMultiplier = 8 ; maximum attempts of opening connection FileOpenConnectionMaximumAttempts = 3 [RTSP] ; RTSP is based on UDP ; RTSP applies all UDP configuration parameters (but some of them are overriden) ; waiting timeout for receiving data (in ms, multiplies of 1000) RtspReceiveDataTimeout = 10000 ; maximum payload size that we should expect to receive RtspUdpSinkMaxPayloadSize = 12288 ; minimum UDP port used for communication RtspUdpPortRangeStart = 45000 ; maximum UDP port used for communication RtspUdpPortRangeEnd = 46000 ; maximum count of tear down requests RtspTeardownRequestMaximumCount = 5 ; timeout for tear down request (in ms) RtspTeardownRequestTimeout = 100 ; maximum attempts of opening connection RtspOpenConnectionMaximumAttempts = 3