Your Answer, 25.7.2019 10:54

Your example
0 = PAT (always needed)
16 = NIT (needed for scanning)
17 = SDT (needed for scanning)
18 = EIT (needed for EPG data)
401 = first video PID
402 = first audio PID
501 = second video PID
502 = second audio PID
600 = PMT (needed for tuning)

Dein Beispiel 
0 = PAT (immer ben�tigt) 
16 = NIT (wird zum Scannen ben�tigt) 
17 = SDT (zum Scannen erforderlich) 
18 = EIT (f�r EPG-Daten erforderlich) 
401 = erste Video-PID 
402 = erste Audio-PID 
501 = zweite Video-PID 
502 = zweite Audio-PID 
600 = PMT (wird zur Abstimmung ben�tigt)

your file server log
[2019-07-22 17:33:56,944] [2105111] [28 ] [DEBUG] - subch:0 OnPMTReceived() pmt:258 ran:True dynamic:False
[2019-07-22 17:33:56,945] [2105112] [12 ] [DEBUG] - WaitForPMT: Found PMT after 0.2141316 seconds.
[2019-07-22 17:33:56,946] [2105113] [12 ] [INFO ] - subch:0 SendPmt:7036 7036 FFFFFFFF 1D
[2019-07-22 17:33:56,946] [2105113] [12 ] [DEBUG] - Decode pmt
[2019-07-22 17:33:56,947] [2105114] [12 ] [DEBUG] - Set descriptor data with length 3
[2019-07-22 17:33:56,948] [2105115] [12 ] [DEBUG] - Set descriptor data with length 3
[2019-07-22 17:33:56,951] [2105118] [12 ] [DEBUG] - PROBLEM : descriptor lengths dont match 6 9
[2019-07-22 17:33:56,952] [2105119] [12 ] [INFO ] - subch:0 SendPMT: Channel is FTA, nothing to do.
[2019-07-22 17:33:56,953] [2105120] [12 ] [DEBUG] - subch:0 SetMpegPidMapping
[2019-07-22 17:33:56,953] [2105120] [12 ] [DEBUG] - subch:0 pid:191 pcr
[2019-07-22 17:33:56,954] [2105121] [12 ] [DEBUG] - subch:0 pid:258 pmt
[2019-07-22 17:33:56,955] [2105122] [12 ] [DEBUG] - subch:0 pid:191 video type:MPEG-2
[2019-07-22 17:33:56,955] [2105122] [12 ] [DEBUG] - subch:0 map pid:191 video type:MPEG-2
[2019-07-22 17:33:56,956] [2105123] [12 ] [DEBUG] - subch:0 pid:192 audio lang:deu type:MPEG-1
[2019-07-22 17:33:56,956] [2105123] [12 ] [DEBUG] - subch:0 map pid:192 audio lang:deu type:MPEG-1

my file server log, my example in brackets
[019-07-25 19:29:33,290] [6324203] [96       ] [DEBUG] - subch:0 OnPMTReceived() pmt:15A4 ran:True dynamic:True
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,292] [6324205] [PMT update] [INFO ] - subch:0 SendPmt:6EA9 6EA9 A B
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,293] [6324206] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - Decode pmt
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,293] [6324206] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - Set descriptor data with length 3
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,294] [6324207] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - Set descriptor data with length 3
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,294] [6324207] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - PROBLEM : descriptor lengths dont match 6 9
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,295] [6324208] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - Set descriptor data with length 3
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,295] [6324208] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - PROBLEM : descriptor lengths dont match 7 10
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,296] [6324209] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - Set descriptor data with length 3
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,296] [6324209] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - Set descriptor data with length 3
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,297] [6324210] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - Set descriptor data with length 3
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,297] [6324210] [PMT update] [INFO ] - subch:0 SendPMT: Channel is FTA, nothing to do.
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,297] [6324210] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - subch:0 SetMpegPidMapping
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,298] [6324211] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - subch:0  pid:259 pcr  (601)
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,298] [6324211] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - subch:0  pid:15A4 pmt (5540)
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,299] [6324212] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - subch:0  pid:259 video type:MPEG-2   (601)
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,299] [6324212] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - subch:0    map pid:259 video type:MPEG-2    (601)
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,300] [6324213] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - subch:0  pid:25A audio lang:deu type:MPEG-1     (602)
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,300] [6324213] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - subch:0  pid:1F8 teletext type:6   (504)
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,300] [6324213] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - subch:0    map pid:1F8 teletext type:6    (504)
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,301] [6324214] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - subch:0  pid:87B type:B    (2171)
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,301] [6324214] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - subch:0  pid:942 type:5    (2370)
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,302] [6324215] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - subch:0  pid:948 type:C    (2376)
[2019-07-25 19:29:33,302] [6324215] [PMT update] [DEBUG] - OnPMTReceived: MDAPI disabled. Possible reasons are _mdplugs=null or provider not listed

my example:

In MediaPort URL saturday 10:40:

In DD viewer look file attachment 