iPiMP (2 Viewers)

iPhone interface for MediaPortal
  • Sticky
Do you have Moving Pictures streaming also in 1.9..? I have TV series working excellent, however for the life of me I can not get the stream option under Moving Pictures? Can anyone offer any suggestions?
Do you have Moving Pictures streaming also in 1.9..? I have TV series working excellent, however for the life of me I can not get...
iPiMP 5.2.0 for MediaPortal 1.2.0 Beta. Live streaming is greatly improved thanks to the latest version of the SmoothStreaming...
  • Sticky
I was wondering if this already have been solved. I have the same issue, by default the second audiostream is selected. But it isn't always. Possible solution from Cheezey was to amend the ffmpeg parameters. I'm not shure how to. Attached the errorlogfile. In the Accesslogfile you can see a random selection of GET...
I was wondering if this already have been solved. I have the same issue, by default the second audiostream is selected. But it...
iPiMP 5.1.0 is released, the big new feature is the addition of TV Series. Live streaming is also greatly improved thanks to the...
  • Locked
  • Sticky
You get a MediaPortal crash when going into or coming out of standby. To resolve, update your MPCC plugin using this MPEI installer.
You get a MediaPortal crash when going into or coming out of standby. To resolve, update your MPCC plugin using this MPEI installer.
Sometimes the installer reports the error.... URL reservation failed The MPCC process plugin is what iPiMP uses to communicate...
  • Sticky
MP1 MP2 iPiMP Languages DE
Just a suggestion for spanish iPiMP translation... Inside uWiMPStrings.es.resx, instead of: <data name="watch" xml:space="preserve"> <value>Visto</value> </data> I would say <data name="watch" xml:space="preserve"> <value>Ver</value> </data> bye!
Just a suggestion for spanish iPiMP translation... Inside uWiMPStrings.es.resx, instead of: <data name="watch"...
iPiMP (installer and application) supports the following languages: Danish German French Dutch Norwegian (application only)...
  • Locked
  • Sticky
Re: iPhone interface for MediaPortal (iPiMP) - 4.2.0 Cool - an iPiMP sub-forum. :) Big thanks to the forum moderators for this. Let's close this thread since it's 135 pages long and difficult to find what you need. Start a new thread with any new feature requests, bugs or questions.
Re: iPhone interface for MediaPortal (iPiMP) - 4.2.0 Cool - an iPiMP sub-forum. :) Big thanks to the forum moderators for this...
iPiMP is a web interface for MediaPortal specifically designed for the iPhone, but also works with any Smartphone or device that...
TV portal is out for iOS. You can watch live tv as well as your recorded content. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id1129652599
TV portal is out for iOS. You can watch live tv as well as your recorded content. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id1129652599
Hi Been using MP extended for live TV on my android devices. Now I want to try IPimp to my iPad device to watch live TV and...
Trying to install ipimp for MP to view it on my iphone. Had it working and needed to do a clean install on my computer. Only change from before is Windows 7 to Windows 8 and of course a clean system. Here is what I have done so far: Installed Media Portal 1.5.0 Successfully previewed the one channel I want to broadcast. Installed...
Trying to install ipimp for MP to view it on my iphone. Had it working and needed to do a clean install on my computer. Only change...
Trying to install ipimp for MP to view it on my iphone. Had it working and needed to do a clean install on my computer. Only change...
Im curious to know if one could stream out using the quicksync codec with ipimp? How well does it work with handbrake?
Im curious to know if one could stream out using the quicksync codec with ipimp? How well does it work with handbrake?
Im curious to know if one could stream out using the quicksync codec with ipimp? How well does it work with handbrake?
Well I'll be, it works. The message I received must only be a warning, because iPiMP worked on 1.3RC when I tried the default URL. It was only I think out of disappointment that I even gave this a try, but what a nice surprise. My wife is very happy to have this working. Thanks for a handy tool and giving us all your time Mr developer.
Well I'll be, it works. The message I received must only be a warning, because iPiMP worked on 1.3RC when I tried the default URL...
Hi guys, Before I jump to 1.3.0a, I am checking to see if everything still works :D Has anyone got iPimp working ok with...
MP1 MP2 MP client crashes DE
Up please ?
Up please ?
Hi, I am facing a problem that is somehow related ti iPiMP, see the question and logs in...
This is still the best option I have tried for streaming to ios or Android devices. Sad to see de development has ceased.
This is still the best option I have tried for streaming to ios or Android devices. Sad to see de development has ceased.
since this plugin is dead. Are there any solutions to stream TV to iphones.
Hi, what should I do. used in the iPad 1-s, and if the Safari browser open iPiMP page, and then click the "Play" button, video image for about 6 seconds or20 seconds and then the picture disappears, but voice that there is a . As if the stream is still playing on, without images. I do not know any more about the test, I put it after...
Hi, what should I do. used in the iPad 1-s, and if the Safari browser open iPiMP page, and then click the "Play" button, video...
There are a number of reports now of this issue, could I ask anyone you wants to help diagnose this to post the following logs...
Hi, I have this issue only on HD streams. I'll try the -r 25 trick and report back soon.
Hi, I have this issue only on HD streams. I'll try the -r 25 trick and report back soon.
Hi Cheezey, First, great plugin! I really like being able to watch my directv on my iPhone ;-) however, I am having one issue...
I ran into the same issue. What I did was: disable IPv6 on client and on server disable firewall on client and on server strictly use ip-addresses between client and server (no hostnames in the configuration) everything works quite well except for 2 things: - when using ipimp I every now and them have to go to the logon screen and go...
I ran into the same issue. What I did was: disable IPv6 on client and on server disable firewall on client and on server strictly...
Hello, i´m using media-portal 1.1.3 and i installed ipimp. The Installation works fine. I have add an client configuration...
I am having some problem playing music by artist or album if they have language other than English. I tried the browser on iPad and Android phone both do nothing when I click on the sub menu that is not in English. On PC no problem with Firefox, I think may because of the non English character on the iPad or Android browser...
I am having some problem playing music by artist or album if they have language other than English. I tried the browser on iPad...
I am having some problem playing music by artist or album if they have language other than English. I tried the browser on iPad...
Hi, I have installed iPiMP onto my WHS 2011machine running under IIS and most of it working great, except 1 error. Whenever I choose iPiMP settings I get the following error: !! FUBAR !! Input string was not in a correct format. at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ParseDouble(String Value, NumberFormatInfo...
Hi, I have installed iPiMP onto my WHS 2011machine running under IIS and most of it working great, except 1 error. Whenever I...
Hi, I have installed iPiMP onto my WHS 2011machine running under IIS and most of it working great, except 1 error. Whenever I...
MP1 MP2 web server timeout DE
Hello ! I'm using ipimp as a remote for my mediaportal client but I have one issue for which I couln't find any workaround... Every time after logging to ipimp through web I am getting timed out after a few minutes of inactivity, so if I want to i.e. pause a movie I have to log in again. Thanks in advance for any help.
Hello ! I'm using ipimp as a remote for my mediaportal client but I have one issue for which I couln't find any workaround...
Hello ! I'm using ipimp as a remote for my mediaportal client but I have one issue for which I couln't find any workaround...
Hi guys, anyone able to give an opinion on running these two applications side by side on one server? I'm guessing if I'm careful with port selection then it should work?
Hi guys, anyone able to give an opinion on running these two applications side by side on one server? I'm guessing if I'm careful...
Hi guys, anyone able to give an opinion on running these two applications side by side on one server? I'm guessing if I'm careful...
have you tried converting the ts file? if nothing else works..I guess you cant try it this way. Moviebox is pretty good, I've been using it for some time and it supports ts files as well..(y)
have you tried converting the ts file? if nothing else works..I guess you cant try it this way. Moviebox is pretty good, I've been...
Hello I have a problem only with TS-Files and IPIMP. When I will be play a TS-File in Mediaportal from Ipimp-Webinterface, it...
I am a newbie who has MP set up to record TV to a NAS that is also mapped as a local drive. In the past all has worked well. But for some reason now the transcoding plugin has stopped working, both for scheduled transcoding and for transcoding on demand. I figure it might be easiest first to sort out transcoding on demand. If...
I am a newbie who has MP set up to record TV to a NAS that is also mapped as a local drive. In the past all has worked well...
I am a newbie who has MP set up to record TV to a NAS that is also mapped as a local drive. In the past all has worked well...
This looks promising, I will try this out on my Samsung i900 Omnia, WM 6.5. I hope it will work and i will have full remote control of music from my phone.
This looks promising, I will try this out on my Samsung i900 Omnia, WM 6.5. I hope it will work and i will have full remote control...
I have Windows Mobile 6.5.5 (custom ROM) on my HD2 which uses the Opera 10 and IE browsers. Neither of these are webkit to my...
Hi, I'm streaming per-recorded videos from the tv-series extension, but seem unable to fast-forward or rewind (either on iPad or Windows). Is this something wrong with my transcoding setup or just not supported? Also, although I get the 'stream' option for tv-series, I only get 'play' when browsing Moving Pictures? Thanks in advance!
Hi, I'm streaming per-recorded videos from the tv-series extension, but seem unable to fast-forward or rewind (either on iPad or...
Hi, I'm streaming per-recorded videos from the tv-series extension, but seem unable to fast-forward or rewind (either on iPad or...
MP1 MP2 Flash Overlay DE
After a lot of mucking around I finally solved this problem for me. Deleting browser cache didn't solve anything. I needed to access the global flash settings in a browser (by right clicking on the flash stream) and delete settings for all browsers in the storage tab which solved the problem across all browsers (along with replacing...
After a lot of mucking around I finally solved this problem for me. Deleting browser cache didn't solve anything. I needed to...
Hi, first thanks for the super interface. I use it on my "Android" Smartphone. It runs really great. What bothers me a little...
Hi there, You need a router that supports port forwarding and static ARP definition. I use DDNS with my router (as I dont have a fixed IP) for external name resolution I use a web based (or iphone app) to send a WOL packet on a specific port to my DDNS name (which is the IP of my broadband), the router than changes the public WOL...
Hi there, You need a router that supports port forwarding and static ARP definition. I use DDNS with my router (as I dont have a...
Hi all! I love this app! Im trying to get my iPhone to connect over the internet to iPiMP. I have a cable...
Hello everyone, first of all I want to thank cheezey for this wonderfull plugin. I just want you to know that it is quite possible that some ISP blocks port 80. This means that even if you forward port 80 on your router, you can not log onto your server. This was my case Blocked ports FAQ Videotron Internet English | DSLReports.com...
Hello everyone, first of all I want to thank cheezey for this wonderfull plugin. I just want you to know that it is quite possible...
Hello everyone, first of all I want to thank cheezey for this wonderfull plugin. I just want you to know that it is quite possible...
I've finally upgraded MediaPortal to 1.2.1 and updated iPimp, everything seems to be working, streaming to iPad, multiple client control etc. however my old iPhone won't accept the stream, it just shows a text header explaining the Smoothstream version. Is there any way I can get this to work with the original iPhone (iOS v3)...
I've finally upgraded MediaPortal to 1.2.1 and updated iPimp, everything seems to be working, streaming to iPad, multiple client...
I've finally upgraded MediaPortal to 1.2.1 and updated iPimp, everything seems to be working, streaming to iPad, multiple client...
MP1 MP2 uPNP support? DE
ah nvm i got it working just took a reinstall of ipimp (and ther service was not started for some reason) .. then the new router took getting some use to .. all good now!! ty so muc for the hard work putting this together.. i can schedule tv recordings when im out and about =) so god damn handy =)
ah nvm i got it working just took a reinstall of ipimp (and ther service was not started for some reason) .. then the new router...
Hi all! Im wondering if uPNP support will be added to iPiMP? The reason im asking is due to getting a new router(non-Dlink)...
MP1 MP2 Firewall Setting DE
AW: Firewall Setting incoming ports or outgoing ports ?
AW: Firewall Setting incoming ports or outgoing ports ?
Hi, yesterday i played the first time with ipimp. And wooo .... what a usefull plugin. Great thanks for this. I have an Multiseat...
Please Please can someone shed some light on this for me?:S I used to love using this excellent plugin on my ipad and itouch, but can not justify a full windows reinstall when everything else appears to be working. I assume that I can not provide logs given this is an error whilst installing? What additional information would be...
Please Please can someone shed some light on this for me?:S I used to love using this excellent plugin on my ipad and itouch, but...
Tried to install latest beta version and getting an error as follows: " iPimp Apache service installation failed - Reason there...
GOOD NEWS! Yesterday, in just 30 minutes, I've upgraded the server and "client 3" to MP 1.2.0. (I had to do something for my remote control and was happy to find the updated version of the messenger plugin made for MP 1.2) Before I want to re-test ipimp on the main client (3), I've done this on client 2 today: - remove ipimp...
GOOD NEWS! Yesterday, in just 30 minutes, I've upgraded the server and "client 3" to MP 1.2.0. (I had to do something for my...
Hi, I just installed iPiMP on my mediaportal server, it looks great. I have mediaportal and client installed on the same...
I got a new system and also upgraded to Windows 7. Everything works great now, thank you for this wonderful porgram. And for the ip, i still took the internal address, because it didnt want to take a dyndns address. It still seems to work.
I got a new system and also upgraded to Windows 7. Everything works great now, thank you for this wonderful porgram. And for the...
I am trying to get my ipimp installation to work properly. I have some installation errors and what to seem some random errors...
AW: iPiMP with IIS7 ApplicationPool stops you 're right, Yesterday i installed IpIMP with the Apache on the SBS on Port 8080 and it runs perfect. We've the same Idea ant the same time. I can say to everybody the uses SBS-Servers: Don't modfy the IIS on the wrong part - you can destroy your installation So thank you for your...
AW: iPiMP with IIS7 ApplicationPool stops you 're right, Yesterday i installed IpIMP with the Apache on the SBS on Port 8080 and...
Hi, i installed the for MP 1.2.0 Beta - Version on following System MP 1.2.0 Beta full installation (Client &...
MP1 MP2 My Radio? DE
Ah, I see. Yes this has been asked many times (well, changing TV channels has). I will re-visit this and have a look.
Ah, I see. Yes this has been asked many times (well, changing TV channels has). I will re-visit this and have a look.
Hello all First of all thank you for a good plugin. I installed it today and got it to work quite easy, But i read in the...
Sorry I don't have an android phone so cannot advise, there are Android iPiMP users though who have posted in this forum, is there anything showing in a search? Also - there is a native Android app for MediaPortal here. You may want to look at that.
Sorry I don't have an android phone so cannot advise, there are Android iPiMP users though who have posted in this forum, is there...
Hi all, I can successfully login to Ipimp from my Huawei Sonic phone and start a stream, but I'm not sure what to do next as I...
Transcoding HD is a resource intensive job, especially with the SmoothStreaming module. It will only ever be single threaded too so you wont gain from multiple cores. I'm unable to advise on CPU requirements, your PC resources far outweigh any I have access too. The default settings for Live TV streaming should be OK for 3G, so...
Transcoding HD is a resource intensive job, especially with the SmoothStreaming module. It will only ever be single threaded too so...
Hey Guys, I am running Win7 x64 with iPIMP with 1080i HD recorded content. My experience so far has shown stuttering in the...
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