We appreciate every help we get from the community, but posting incomplete reports is not helpful.
This is why all our moderators have the strict order to delete such threads without any warning.
Please follow ::the guideline:: to provide us with the info we need to help you. :)
We appreciate every help we get from the community, but posting incomplete reports is not helpful.
This is why all our...
We appreciate every help we get from the community, but posting incomplete reports is not helpful.
This is why all our...
Hey people, I have the same doubt. Patch to ignore the SID is already included in MP1.3 Final? I'm receiving the error "no PMT found" when I try the URLs below:
Hey people, I have the same doubt. Patch to ignore the SID is already included in MP1.3 Final? I'm receiving the error "no PMT...
MediaPortal Version: 1.2.0 beta
MediaPortal Skin: Default 3 Wide
Windows Version: XP SP3
CPU Type: Core Duo E6300
HDD: Seagate...
I managed to get the TechniSat CableStar Combo HD Ci to work on MediaPortal 1.3.x
I managed to get the TechniSat CableStar Combo HD Ci to work on MediaPortal 1.3.x...
MediaPortal Version: 1.2.0b
MediaPortal Skin: New standard - wide
Windows Version: Win7 - 32b - SP1
CPU Type: Intel Atom
Had the same problem (clients freezing upon playback of TV (or recordings) with no apparent reason, no error in the server log).
The fix alone didn't help, but disabling any EPG grabbing helped.
Always at the time I tried to start playback, the epg.log on the server showed something like this (stopped watching at 1:13 a.m., tried to...
Had the same problem (clients freezing upon playback of TV (or recordings) with no apparent reason, no error in the server log)...
After upgrade alpha to 1.2 beta when shutdown system appears this blue screen
After that i reinstalled all software and...
Hi there,
To install MS SQL Express, I simply downloaded and extracted all the files into: c:\sqlexpr
And then run the following:
C:\SQLEXPR\setup.exe /Q /CONFIGURATIONFILE="C:\SQLEXPR\MPSQL2008.ini" /SAPWD="Mediaportal"
This works for installing MS SQL onto my x64 bit OSs
I have included the ini file too - if it helps.
Hi there,
To install MS SQL Express, I simply downloaded and extracted all the files into: c:\sqlexpr
And then run the following...
The Deploy software seems to assume that the TVServer in a multiseat environment always runs with MySQL as the database.
Thanks for your efforts to help Andrew. Actually all that is changed in my system is upgrading from 1.2.1 (with the patch from this thread applied) to 1.2.2 so I would think that settings must be correct (as they were working on 1.2.1).
Before applying the patch from this thread on 1.2.1 I also had problems mounting. But it do seems...
Thanks for your efforts to help Andrew. Actually all that is changed in my system is upgrading from 1.2.1 (with the patch from this...
MediaPortal Version: Beta
MediaPortal Skin: StreamedMP
Windows Version: Win 7 32-bit Premium
CPU Type: AMD 435 unlocked...
Tried that and still got the message. I just didn't see MediaPortal anywhere on the list.
I finally did find the issue, though ... there was a blank unchecked field in the exception list, which I thought was odd. So I looked at the edit field... It was the missing MediaPortal.exe. I deleted and re-added MediaPortal.exe and...
Tried that and still got the message. I just didn't see MediaPortal anywhere on the list.
I finally did find the issue, though ...
MediaPortal Version 1.2:
MediaPortal Skin default:
Windows 7:
CPU Type Core 2 Quad:
HDD sata 7200RPM:
Memory 4GB DDR3...
Hi Guys,
Thanks very much - you solved the problem for me. I was convinced I had changed the recording path to a network path rather than using a shortcut assigned drive (L:) to the NAS. Maybe I had failed to press OK or something. But it is now correctly recording to the NAS drive using the full netowrk path
Once again, thank...
Hi Guys,
Thanks very much - you solved the problem for me. I was convinced I had changed the recording path to a network path...
MediaPortal Version: 1.2 Beta
MediaPortal Skin: StreamedMP
Windows Version: XP Pro SP3
CPU Type: AMD Athlon II X2 240e
You can use the HDMI pin hack, so that PC or AMP doesnt know your TV is turned off. Thats the easy way.
You can try the other methods, UltraVNC or EDID override.
Disable 'Monitor Off' detection, how?
You can use the HDMI pin hack, so that PC or AMP doesnt know your TV is turned off. Thats the easy way.
You can try the other...
MediaPortal Version: MP 1.1.2
MediaPortal Skin: StreamedMP
Windows Version: Windows 7
CPU Type: Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 775...
Hi mm,
I've recieved my card from the shop and did some testing and right away it worked
switching worked great.
a question tho and not sure if posting here is the place
theres far too many unknow channels ( I did change the scan value 30, 60 thingy)
I've tested with DVBdream and every channel has a name and epg worked...
Hi mm,
I've recieved my card from the shop and did some testing and right away it worked
switching worked great.
a question...
MediaPortal Version: MP 1.2 beta
MediaPortal Skin: default
Windows Version: Win 7 x64
CPU Type: AMDPhenom X4 9350e 2.0GHz
This appears to be a known issue:
0003749: Unable to type non-english characters in virtual keyboard - MediaPortal Bugtracker
As I understand, the keyboard layout is currently hardcoded and cannot be modified. There was a wonderful proposal to make the layout user configurable, but this proposal is marked as "unlikely to be done =>...
This appears to be a known issue:
0003749: Unable to type non-english characters in virtual keyboard - MediaPortal Bugtracker
1. Virtual keyboard always had a loop feature, meaning we could get, for example, from "a" to "j" by pressing left arrow two times...
Hi jameson_uk,
I just wanted to mention that when upgraded to 1.2.1 the remote started to behave even worse (didn't do any more in depth tests) and soon as I overwrote back your version of XML file that you sent me earlier everything went back to normal.
Hi jameson_uk,
I just wanted to mention that when upgraded to 1.2.1 the remote started to behave even worse (didn't do any more...
MediaPortal Version: 1.2 beta
MediaPortal Skin: Standard
Windows Version: Win XP, Win 7
CPU Type: Core2Duo
Motherboard: Acer...
So was their agreement that changing to DVB-T fixed this no tuner card error? I have started to have this after having a nicely running system. A reboot didn't fix. Running TV Service Config gave a database connection error but a restart got it working. Happened again last night when watching TV. Server config popped up no issue this...
So was their agreement that changing to DVB-T fixed this no tuner card error? I have started to have this after having a nicely...
MediaPortal Version: 1.2.0 Beta
MediaPortal Skin: Default
Windows Version: XP Pro SP3 (Relatively fresh install, not many...
Hi Seidelin, :thx: for responding. The behavior is just as you describe:
When first channel is selected and I click up it goes to the last channel.
When last channel is selected and I click down it goes to the first channel.
This is what I would expect with the checkbox "Loop guide seamlessly (top & bottom)" on the "General...
Hi Seidelin, :thx: for responding. The behavior is just as you describe:
When first channel is selected and I click up it...
MediaPortal Version: 1.2.0 svn 27898
MediaPortal Skin: Maya
Windows Version: Win7 ultimate
CPU Type: Intel E6400 2.13GHz
This might be of interest :) - forum.team-mediaportal.com/general-development-no-feature-request-here-48/experimental-tsreader-development-102693/#post811296
This might be of interest :) -...
MediaPortal Version: 1.2.0 Beta
MediaPortal Skin: Default
Windows Version: Windows 7 x64
CPU Type: AMD Athlon x2 245 Processor...
Info for anyone thinking of a Digital Devices S2 card: I´ve now received and tested a replacement card from Digital Devices, and this new version of the card works well also with the high symbol rate.
I still have some TvService crashes though, but don´t think it´s related to the card.
Info for anyone thinking of a Digital Devices S2 card: I´ve now received and tested a replacement card from Digital Devices, and...
MediaPortal Version: 1.2 Beta
MediaPortal Skin: PurevisionHD
Windows Version: Vista Home Premium 64bit
CPU Type: AMD 4850e
Thanks. I already started with a clean install, and upgrading to Win7 is not an option unfortunately. I have been playing around a bit though, and although I haven't done enough testing to tell for sure, it seems to look a lot better now.
One thing I noticed was that TvService was continuously using 10-15% of CPU due to this bug...
Thanks. I already started with a clean install, and upgrading to Win7 is not an option unfortunately. I have been playing around a...
MediaPortal Version:
MediaPortal Skin: StreamedMP
Windows Version: XP Service Pack 3
CPU Type: Core 2 Duo 2.4Ghz
Something is strange...
I've been doing some testing here. Starting at ~01:05.30 I did 5 consecutive scans in rapid order. Scan 1, 2, 3 and 5 identified channels correctly, but scan 4 saw them as unknown... The parameters used were 11785MHz, SR30000, H, 8 PSK (not 8 PSK2) and FEC, Pilot and roll-off set to the default 'not set'...
Something is strange...
I've been doing some testing here. Starting at ~01:05.30 I did 5 consecutive scans in rapid order. Scan...
MediaPortal Version: 1.2.0 svn 27898
MediaPortal Skin: Maya
Windows Version: Win7 ultimate
CPU Type: Intel E6400 2.13GHz
okay, got it. You where totaly right.
I understood that the channel detail folder just contains "links" to the channels. The ones from 1.1.3 are outdated so he scans on wrong frequence. Now, with the list from 1.2 the scan looks good. When i wont report anymore it works for me. Btw the folder is in C:\ProgramData\Team...
okay, got it. You where totaly right.
I understood that the channel detail folder just contains "links" to the channels. The...
MediaPortal Version: 1.2beta
MediaPortal Skin: none
Windows Version: Windows 7 SP1, 64bit
CPU Type: Intel Atom CPUD525