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    • J
      Here's another update. I have change so Live now is in the title, but instead of this "FIS Längdåkning: VärldscupenLIVE" it's looking like this "FIS Längdåkning: Världscupen: Live" And I did...
    • J
      Nice work. I did see that if the colons are removed with the #EPISODE search then programs with no subtitle after the episode-number would get the episode-number as the episode name, something...
    • J
      Does anyone know how I can make the span in this line optional: <h3>FIS Längdåkning: Världscupen<span class="live">LIVE</span></h3> I've another line that a made optional with <z(>...</z)?> but...
    • J
      Here is another update, where more programs are detected, but still no end time. The problem that I've fixed is the one with the extra span after the title row.
    • J
      Hi, I think that I've fixed the problem with the season and episode numbers and the episode name also. But there are still problem with the end time, I'll see if I can fix it, but I dont think...
    • J
      I'm trying to develop a new WebEPG grabber for sweden, but I got a few problem in parsing the html-file to get all programs. In the file attached to this post the problem is that there are a few...
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