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    • hounddog
      hounddog reacted to ajs's post in the thread Trakt api not working with
      Thank You!
      Moved the changes in the Plugin to the Team repository. https://github.com/Mediaportal-Plugin-Team/Trakt-for-Mediaportal/pull/1/files Released a new release...
    • hounddog
      hounddog reacted to ltfearme's post in the thread Trakt api not working with
      Thank You!
      @hounddog, 1. Open your C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPorta.xml file for editing 2. Search for UseSSL 3. Change the value of no to yes 4. Restart MediaPortal / configuration
    • hounddog
      hounddog reacted to ajs's post in the thread Trakt api not working with
      Today, authorization in Trakt was lost, when trying to re-authorize I get the error: 2024-09-26 22:49:41.358 [DEBG] [Trakt][63]: Address: http://api.trakt.tv/oauth/device/code, Post...
    • hounddog
      hounddog reacted to ajs's post in the thread Trakt api not working with
      Is anyone else having this problem? Or is it my local issue? @ltfearme Any ideas?
    • hounddog
      hounddog replied to the thread Trakt api not working.
      It looks like doing this MediaPortal.xml - <section name="Trakt"> - <entry name="UseSSL">yes</entry> worked for me also
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