5 Second CPU spikes with recent SVN builds (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 10, 2005
See subject.

Is anyone else experiencing this?
This occured with version after the 18th May, I think with SVN <=25th May.

I'm not using dvbt epg updates. Nor is there anything in the logs to indicate any software errors/exceptions. I've also disabled powermanagement. All process plugins are disabled apart from "tv.com parser" which won't disable.

I appreciate dailybuilds come with no guarantees, but I've been tracking this bug for a couple of weeks and I should raise it if it's not already understood.

Using sysinternals processexplorer:

Every 5 seconds:
CPU usage jumps from 25% to >80% sometimes maxing out CPU with obvious results of interrupted streams.
(The extra time is spent in the kernel.)

Examining the exe, the spike corresponds to this entry point:
with massive number (hundreds) of context switches.
It's hard to get timing right - but thread stack may indicate it corresponds to sql access.
(This profile has same characteristics as dvb-t epg downloads which always caused me this sort of spiking, except this is disabled)


Portal Pro
January 10, 2005
It's ok, I've limited this problem to one of my two tuners - leadtek 1000T.
At some point the priority system was fixed or I switched them myself, if I use my other tuner compro300 then all is fine.
Leadtek's wintv software is fine, so my current thinking is this is a problem with Leadtek's BDA driver (which is consistent with the CPU usage being kernel time). I was able to generate a stack trace with bdaplgn.ax at the top, which is the interface with the driver i believe.
Oh well, guess I have to wait for a new driver or get a new card. For the record, the compro by comparison has a consistently lower and stable cpu usage.

Anyone else got a Leadtek 1000T and is seeing this same problem?
(I'll start a new thread for this).

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