TV-Server Version: 1.0
MediaPortal Version: 1.0
MediaPortal Skin: blue 2 wide
Windows Version: vista 64bit Business
CPU Type: AMD Phenom 9850BE
1. HDD: Samsung SP SATA-2 7200RPM Spinpoint 500GB
2. HDD: Samsung SP SATA-2 7200RPM Spinpoint 1TB
3. HDD: Samsung SP SATA-2 7200RPM Spinpoint 1TB
Memory: Corsair Dominator twin2x8500c5df DDR2 4096MB
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA78GPM-DS2H
Video Card: On board ATI 3200hd
Video Card Driver: catalyst 9.3
Sound Card: On board Realtek ALC889A
Sound Card AC3: ?
Sound Card Driver:Version:
1. TV Card: Hauppauge Nova-TD-500
1. TV Card Type: DVB-T
1. TV Card Driver:Version: 3.11.26253
2. TV Card: Hauppauge Nova-TD-500
2. TV Card Type: DVB-T
2. TV Card Driver:Version: 3.11.26253
3. TV Card: Terratec Cinergy 2400i DT
3. TV Card Type: DVB-T
3. TV Card Driver: Version:
4. TV Card:
4. TV Card Type:
4. TV Card Driver:
MPEG2 Video Codec: Powerdvd 8
MPEG2 Audio Codec: Ffdshow
h.264 Video Codec: Powerdvd 8
Satelite/CableTV Provider: Boxer
HTPC Case: Antec black v2
Cooling: stock
Power Supply:stock 430W
Remote: Microsoft MCE
TV: Limitedlabel 37"
TV - HTPC Connection: HDMI
I can´t get the tvserver to work ok if i use both Hauppauge Nova-TD-500 tvcards, the picture stutters evry 5 to 10 sekunds
making recordings or livetv unwatchable. If i have all 3 cards enabled in tvserver config and use 1 or 2 of the tuners for
livetv or recording itis all ok, but if i record on 3 or 4 tuners i get stutters and the tvserver stops responding so i cant
switch channel in mediaportal or start a new recording, but i can watcha movies from the hdd that are alredy recorded,
mediaportal is ok. I cant record 4 channels on 4 tuners (one on eatch) whitheout stutter but i can record 10 channels at the
some thime as long as i dont use mor than 2 tuners it is fine. And it dosentmather if i use 1 tuner on each card or 2 tuners
on one card, it works as long as i dont use mor than 2 tuners. But it is only whith the Hauppauge Nova-TD-500 cards, if i use
the Terratec Cinergy 2400i DT card and max 2 tuners from the Hauppauge Nova-TD-500 cards (i disable 2 of the tuners in tvserver setup)
i can use 4 tuners, and recordings, livetv and tvserver works. No problem whith switching channels or start recordings.
I hope some one have some tip to make it work.
Sorry for my bad english i hope you understand. :sorry:
MediaPortal Version: 1.0
MediaPortal Skin: blue 2 wide
Windows Version: vista 64bit Business
CPU Type: AMD Phenom 9850BE
1. HDD: Samsung SP SATA-2 7200RPM Spinpoint 500GB
2. HDD: Samsung SP SATA-2 7200RPM Spinpoint 1TB
3. HDD: Samsung SP SATA-2 7200RPM Spinpoint 1TB
Memory: Corsair Dominator twin2x8500c5df DDR2 4096MB
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA78GPM-DS2H
Video Card: On board ATI 3200hd
Video Card Driver: catalyst 9.3
Sound Card: On board Realtek ALC889A
Sound Card AC3: ?
Sound Card Driver:Version:
1. TV Card: Hauppauge Nova-TD-500
1. TV Card Type: DVB-T
1. TV Card Driver:Version: 3.11.26253
2. TV Card: Hauppauge Nova-TD-500
2. TV Card Type: DVB-T
2. TV Card Driver:Version: 3.11.26253
3. TV Card: Terratec Cinergy 2400i DT
3. TV Card Type: DVB-T
3. TV Card Driver: Version:
4. TV Card:
4. TV Card Type:
4. TV Card Driver:
MPEG2 Video Codec: Powerdvd 8
MPEG2 Audio Codec: Ffdshow
h.264 Video Codec: Powerdvd 8
Satelite/CableTV Provider: Boxer
HTPC Case: Antec black v2
Cooling: stock
Power Supply:stock 430W
Remote: Microsoft MCE
TV: Limitedlabel 37"
TV - HTPC Connection: HDMI
I can´t get the tvserver to work ok if i use both Hauppauge Nova-TD-500 tvcards, the picture stutters evry 5 to 10 sekunds
making recordings or livetv unwatchable. If i have all 3 cards enabled in tvserver config and use 1 or 2 of the tuners for
livetv or recording itis all ok, but if i record on 3 or 4 tuners i get stutters and the tvserver stops responding so i cant
switch channel in mediaportal or start a new recording, but i can watcha movies from the hdd that are alredy recorded,
mediaportal is ok. I cant record 4 channels on 4 tuners (one on eatch) whitheout stutter but i can record 10 channels at the
some thime as long as i dont use mor than 2 tuners it is fine. And it dosentmather if i use 1 tuner on each card or 2 tuners
on one card, it works as long as i dont use mor than 2 tuners. But it is only whith the Hauppauge Nova-TD-500 cards, if i use
the Terratec Cinergy 2400i DT card and max 2 tuners from the Hauppauge Nova-TD-500 cards (i disable 2 of the tuners in tvserver setup)
i can use 4 tuners, and recordings, livetv and tvserver works. No problem whith switching channels or start recordings.
I hope some one have some tip to make it work.
Sorry for my bad english i hope you understand. :sorry: