Acronyms explained - interesting link (1 Viewer)



JulianBuss said:
just found this:
All technical shortcuts explained.

Are you joking? I assume you have never perused our own glossary.

If there is anything missing, better described or you have good links, then please feel free to get stuck in. Also, we need some nice photos for some of the hardware things i.e. sockets and plugs. Get snapping; I would like royalty free photos, and I think it would be nice to have some of our own members gear in there.

Enjoy. :p


Portal Pro
November 14, 2004
sorry, indeed I didn't read that wiki page... in fact I just discovered the page and wanted to check if there is anything I can add :)


forbes said:
Get snapping; I would like royalty free photos, and I think it would be nice to have some of our own members gear in there.

You want photos of EVERYTHING? I'll see if I can help out. I'll look at the gloassry and see if any photo's I have might help. Do you want us to insert them directly?



EvilDreamer said:
You want photos of EVERYTHING?

There is not that many things you can take photos of. Just the hardware things. I think if you count all the plugs and socket types you are only talking about half a dozen snaps.

EvilDreamer said:
Do you want us to insert them directly?

Yes please, that's the great thing about the wiki. Everyone can get involved. Be mindful about the size of the pictures though, the smaller the better, as long as you can see the detail sufficiently. They can be inserted directly and don't need external hosting.


Cool... I also noticed a few things missing... DTS, Optical, and Coax for example. I did notice you had SPDIF which could probably include coax... but... kind of a gray area.

I've never worked with Wiki so I'll play with it and see if I can figure it out.



EvilDreamer said:
I've never worked with Wiki so I'll play with it and see if I can figure it out.

Its easy. At the end of the day the most important thing is getting the content in there. Even if its messy, someone else can help tidy it up. If you want to know how to write the basic syntax, see here:

However the edit boxes on our wiki has buttons for things like bold, text size, etc so you should just be able to jump right in.

We've also got a "play" area, if you want to see how things works. Oh and don't forget to preview things before you commit them. Good luck.[/url]

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