It's possible add this function to TvCardAnalogBase class for asign quality to HAUPPAGE cards?
Add en declarations
int _minKbps;
int _maxKbps;
bool _isVBR;
Add in a constructor of class TvCardAnalogBase default values
_minKbps = 2000;
_maxKbps = 4000;
_isVBR = true;
Add function
public void SetQualityHAUPPAUGE(int minKbps, int maxKbps, bool isVBR)
_minKbps = minKbps;
_maxKbps = maxKbps;
_isVBR = isVBR
change in BuildGraph this line
_haupPauge.SetVideoBitRate( 2000, 4000, true );
_haupPauge.SetVideoBitRate( _minKbps, _maxKbps, _isVBR );
Exist other way for change the quality on a HaupPauge Cards?
Add en declarations
int _minKbps;
int _maxKbps;
bool _isVBR;
Add in a constructor of class TvCardAnalogBase default values
_minKbps = 2000;
_maxKbps = 4000;
_isVBR = true;
Add function
public void SetQualityHAUPPAUGE(int minKbps, int maxKbps, bool isVBR)
_minKbps = minKbps;
_maxKbps = maxKbps;
_isVBR = isVBR
change in BuildGraph this line
_haupPauge.SetVideoBitRate( 2000, 4000, true );
_haupPauge.SetVideoBitRate( _minKbps, _maxKbps, _isVBR );
Exist other way for change the quality on a HaupPauge Cards?