Add whole list to playlist (1 Viewer)

enter/ok plays all tracks in a folder (not just the one selected) do you...

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  • January 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Currently if you press enter/ok on a track it adds the whole folder of tracks to the playlist and starts playing the selected item.

    I am trying to gauge peoples thoughts on this


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007
    AW: Add whole list to playlist

    I think the "AddPlaylistHandling" could be handled via contextmenu - thus giving the option to either add track, folder, album or whatever and let the user choose, what he really wants to add.


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  • January 27, 2005
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    Re: AW: Add whole list to playlist

    I think the "AddPlaylistHandling" could be handled via contextmenu - thus giving the option to either add track, folder, album or whatever and let the user choose, what he really wants to add.

    This poll is about the fact that when you press enter/ok when browsing some tracks then all the tracks will get played. I agree that there should be options in context menu but I need to know how you feel about the enter/ok doing this


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  • January 27, 2005
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    This thread has not really answered what I was hoping it would (probably because I have not explained it very well :oops:)

    Moved the relevant posts to the ideas thread and closing this one.
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