Additional information on TV Guide (2 Viewers)


New Member
December 26, 2007
Home Country
Brazil Brazil

I am importing xmltv.xml file with the XmlTv plug-in of TV Server. It's working fine, but I have a question. Is it possible to display in MediaPortal additional information about the broadcasting program? Like director, actors, genre, date, country, original title... This information is included in the xmltv.xml file, but apparently it is ignored by MediaPortal. Here an excerpt from the xmltv.xml file with all additional tags:

<programme start="20090330223500 -0300" stop="20090331001000 -0300" channel="GSP">
<title lang="pt">Carga Explosiva 2</title>
<title lang="en">The Transporter 2</title>
<desc>Frank Martin é um ex-agente das Forças Especiais que trabalha atualmente para a poderosa família Billings. Quando Jack Billings de seis anos é seqüestrado, ele coloca suas habilidades em ação e parte em uma tentativa de resgate.</desc>
<director>Louis Leterrier</director>
<actor>Jason Statham</actor>
<actor>Alessandro Gassman</actor>
<actor>Amber Valletta</actor>
<actor>Kate Nauta</actor>
<actor>Matthew Modine</actor>
<actor>Jason Flemyng</actor>
<actor>Keith David</actor>
<actor>Hunter Clary</actor>
<category lang="pt">Filme</category>
<category lang="pt">Ação</category>
<rating system="Advisory">
<value>Programa impróprio para menores de 16 anos</value>
Another nice feature would be the possibility to search for actors or genres in the TV Guide. Is there a way to do this?




Portal Pro
May 26, 2008
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
That is cool... I don't think our EPG data from New Zealand is that detailed, lucky if we even get an accurate description half the time. :) None the less, this is worth noting.. That would be a very cool feature. Have you looked into For The Record...


New Member
December 26, 2007
Home Country
Brazil Brazil
Hello thesystemera

Yes, the EPG Data we get in this xmltv.xml file is very rich in details. That's why it is a pity, not being able to use or even display this information in MediaPortal.

I didn't get your suggestion, though... What is "For The Record"? Where should I look?



Portal Member
April 1, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
I also have REALLY detailed program info in my xmltv file it would really be nice if you could configure MP to display more info in the EGP.....

I know there are options in the tvserver for changing the EGP layout but it doesnt have actors or year ect ect....

Would be nice if mediaportal supported different colors for different genre as well..... and do it nativaly without having to run another plugin :)

or does it and I am jsut a moron and cant find it :)


Portal Member
January 19, 2008
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
+1 on this (and bump)

If I got this right this could be somewhat customizable by editing mytvguide.xml in your skin, I haven't tried this myself and I assume it's not recommended, and this would probably only affect your tvguide so you would also have to edit this everywhere else where there's a description as well...

I assume #TV.Guide.Description corresponds directly to the <desc> tag from tvguide.xml? What could be done is to do like #TV.Guide.CompositeTitle which I (again) assume is composed of various xmltv tags depending on the setting in 'show episode info', and add information from other xmltv tags to #TV.Guide.Description if they are present, right?

I know I'm just speculating widely now, is this described somewhere?

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