Anime in MP TV-Series (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 5, 2009
Hi I'm New to this. I just started using Media Portal and MP TV Series. I was curious if anyone knew how to organize their anime with it. It seems to me that it doesnt seem to pull the right information from If anyone knows how to fix this problem I would greatly appreciate it.

The current animes that i'm watching are Naruto Shippuuden and Bleach. Here is the current format for each series.

[HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden 104 - 720p

Thank You for all of the help that I can hopefully get. :D


Portal Member
December 28, 2008
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Belgium Belgium
Season and episode have to be clearly available in following format: SxxExx (where xx stands for the actuall season/episode number.
Also the Series will be matched with the Text before the season/episode format.
If the series isn't named in your episodes, it will look for the folder name.

So in your case:

- Naruto.Shippuuden.S01E04.avi
- Bleach.S02E08


Portal Member
March 14, 2009
Home Country
Norway Norway
Anime is fairly difficult to get working correctly in MP TV-Series.

First of all, you will have to rename all files, and check Online TV Database - An open directory of television shows for HTPC software to see how the anime has been divided into seasons. Some will be only one season, so you can just add 1x in front of the episode number, or . Almost all fansubs are named in a way TV-Series won't pick up though, so you will need to make it clear to TV-Series by renaming the whole thing basically. Bleach 1x10 will work, as will Bleach s01e10 or s01-e10-11 for a double ep.

Secondly, you will need a new expression to handle episodes over 99.

I just gave up on TV Series for anime, and just have normal TV Series in it personally.


Portal Member
February 5, 2009
Thank you for the reply. really appreciate it. So is there another recommended plugin that you use to work with media portal or do you not use it at all and watch anime on a separate player?


Portal Member
November 7, 2007
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
normaly i wuld just add a string replacment for each show but unfortunatly you have picked the two shows that wont work with.
Instread use the following regexp (this has to be above all others):
Just replace Bleach with Naruto Shippuuden and put all your eps in a folder called Season 00.
Then pass them as Absolute.


Portal Member
February 5, 2009
thank for the help. I'm sorry im really new to this so I have no idea what you mean by adding that code above all the rest? if you could please explain a bit more in detail i would really appreciate it. thanks again for the reply.


Portal Member
March 14, 2009
Home Country
Norway Norway
thank for the help. I'm sorry im really new to this so I have no idea what you mean by adding that code above all the rest? if you could please explain a bit more in detail i would really appreciate it. thanks again for the reply.

That is a parsing expression. You can add them in the TV Series plugin config, under Import, Parsing Expressions. Top ones are tried first. It is the alternative to renaming files. It's basically how the plugin is able to parse the filenames and understand what show it is, which season and episode, etc.


Portal Member
February 5, 2009
Thank for the help. I added that code and for some reason it still not getting passed that first number. its taking that first number and considering it as the season. I dont know if im doing something wrong or what but I really appreciate you're help. if you dont mind helping me out more i'd really appreciate it.

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