Arcsoft Total Media Theater 3 Plugin (2 Viewers)


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April 23, 2009
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This is port of the HD_Starter plugin for PowerDVD from MoPhat. I hope MoPhat doesn't mind but I took his wonderful autohotkey script and modified it to work with Acrsoft Total Media Theater 3.

The benefit of this plugin is it will work with the default remote control settings from Media Portal (I do not have an MCE remote and as such the other TMT Plugin does not work for me). For installation instructions I am going to quote MoPhat's instructions

In the future I hope to modify this further to include the ability to have a ripped blu-ray library that can be started directly from Media Portal (just like My Videos) and load the ripped folder in TMT3.

the tool is created with autohotkeys from AutoHotkey - Free Mouse and Keyboard Macro Program with Hotkeys and AutoText.

How to install it?


Total Media Theater and MediaPortal must be installed in the path %PROGRAM FILES%\Team MediaPortal\ and %PROGRAM FILES%\Arcsoft

Otherwise the path information in the AutoHotKey Script (HD_Starter.ahk) should be changed and recompiled!

1. Copy the files HD Starter.dll and HD_Starter.exe and DLLFix.ex in the MediaPortal plugins\Windows directory
2. Execute the DLLFix in the plugins\Windows directory
3. Copy the MediaPortal Skin Image in the desired Skin\Media folder
4. Open the MP Config and choose the HD Starter plugin (its a MultiShortCurt plugin), select the desired icon and the HD_Starter.exe path (Use the full path: %PROGRAM FILES%\Team MediaPortal\plugins\Windows\HD_Starter.exe)
5. Enter the needed settings like in the Screenshot
6. You can now use the HD Player

the switch to 24p mode is done by CTRL+SHIFT+4 back to 50hz mode is CTRL+SHIFT+5!
You should define this profiles in you ATI Catalyst Manager, for NVidia i dont know how to do that

01 - Files.png

02 - Plugin setting.png


View attachment HD_Starter

View attachment Skin Images.rar


Portal Member
May 29, 2008
Actually, I was about to tell him that. But he actually did say that your plugin didn't work well with his remote.

Kuf, did you try KeyboardInputPlugin to see if it fixes your remote mapping?


New Member
April 23, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
Actually, I was about to tell him that. But he actually did say that your plugin didn't work well with his remote.

Kuf, did you try KeyboardInputPlugin to see if it fixes your remote mapping?

No I did not. I had both PowerDVD and Total Media Theater. That AutoHotkey script works perfectly for PowerDVD with my setup so I just ported it to work with Total Media Theater (a much better blu-ray player IMO). I shared in case anyone else wanted the same solution. I'm not trying to take anything away from the other plugin, it just wasn't a working solution for me.
I'm all about "it just works" and having to mess with multiple remote control configurations is a big minus in my book.

As I posted, I also hope to have it eventually be able to auto-play my ripped blu-ray folders in TMT. Still working on that one ;)


Portal Member
May 29, 2008
Well, I already tried mophat's plugin a long time ago. It works decently but I hate to have to install autohotkey and creating new hdstarter.exe scripts everytime I install mediaportal. And it isn't perfect with my MCE remote clone. In the first place my MCE remote doesn't map properly with Mediaportal no matter what I do in the settings, and mophat's plugin will cause several instances of autohotkey running depending on which button i use to exit TMT/Pdvd.

Tourette's plugin is so much better without all the fuss. And I don't get your messing with multiple remote control configurations. I don't even have to temper with anything in Mediaportal. I just install KeyboardInputPlugin, set it up and it will solve all my remote control mappings.


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    No I did not. I had both PowerDVD and Total Media Theater. That AutoHotkey script works perfectly for PowerDVD with my setup so I just ported it to work with Total Media Theater (a much better blu-ray player IMO). I shared in case anyone else wanted the same solution. I'm not trying to take anything away from the other plugin, it just wasn't a working solution for me.
    I'm all about "it just works" and having to mess with multiple remote control configurations is a big minus in my book.

    Requiring AutoHotkey or any other external programs is considered as a hacky solution :p But indeed it is true that currently the other plugin doesn't natively support other than MCE remote (but as Musa said KeyboardInputPlugin should solve that issue).

    Now, it is planned that the Arcsoft plugin will have few enhancements in near future:

    1) Support for all remote controls that MP itself supports
    2) Support for PowerDVD

    So, in the end there would be only one plugin that would be required to use 3rd party Blu-ray / HD DVD players. As it is much more user friendly than having multiple different plugins for the same purpose. Currently I'm a bit busy with other stuff, but hopefully rtv & Ghose have some free time to handle those improvements soon.


    New Member
    April 23, 2009
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    United States of America United States of America
    Sounds great. I'll try it again in the next Media Portal release.


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  • September 5, 2007
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    Good to hear that Tourettes. I already used your plugin with a modified HD starter for PowerDVD like in this topic (as said in the thread about your plugin). I now have bought TMT3 and it workes perfectly with you plugin. Would be nice indeed if all remotes are supported. Mine is working fine now with a remote2key application supplied with the IRtrans suite.

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