ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre - Plugin (1 Viewer)


New Member
November 14, 2007
I was taking a look at MoPhats' good work with the PowerDVD plugin last night and it looks like it could be modified pretty easily to work with ArcSoft TotalMedia Theater. Anyone else try this? If not, I'll give it a try.


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  • March 16, 2008
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    All that needs to be done is to modify the hd_starter.ahk (source) with AutoHotKey and re-compile the .exe file. I've done this for ArcSoft on my machine and it seems ok (using MCE remote) but just can't get the remote to send the Escape key to exit the player properly. Pressing escape does however work.

    Admittedly it's not too pretty as the maximise command is slightly delayed, but it works well enough for me :D

    I've attached the modified files (.ahk source and compiled .exe) for Arcsoft Total Media Theatre. Installation assumes default install paths. You will still need the other files from MoPhat's post and follow his instructions. Just use my HD_Starter.exe

    Hope these help.


    New Member
    November 14, 2007
    Very nice, thank you. I will give it a try tonight and see if I figure out some of those issues you talked about.


    Portal Member
    November 7, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I've actualy done just this myself using the HD Starter from MoPhat's plugin and the MCE plugin that comes with TMT.
    Its actualy very very simple to setup :D
    Configure the HD Starter as below and voila, BluRay in MP.
    And you didnt even have to use the Auto-Hotkey file.



    New Member
    September 6, 2008
    Excuse me for reactivating this old thread but I've got a question.
    I tried the Arcsoft-Plugin combined with MoPhat's plugin like described in the first posting of his thread but I can't get it to work.
    When I open mediaportal and click on "HD Player", mediaportal minimizes but TMT doesn't start.
    Does anybody have an idea what could be wrong, here?
    Thanks in advance!

    Regards, nosurrender


    Portal Pro
    April 19, 2006
    doesn't TMT provide a plugin that integrates to MCE?

    guess it would be possible to ask arcsoft for an API and write a plugin for mediaportal

    edit: and this would be nice since i just moved to arcsoft since it seems all around better than powerdvd

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