Audio/Video PIDs (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
October 23, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi there,

I was wondering if there is a way of programmatically finding out the Audio/Video PIDs of a given channel. I have tried using something like this:

            // Lets get the desired channel
            Channel channel = GetChannel(channelID);

            if (channel != null)
                // Try to get the PIDs out of this one...
                IList tuningdetails = channel.ReferringTuningDetail();
                foreach (TuningDetail td in tuningdetails)
                    _log.Debug("MPController: Video PID (" + td.VideoPid + ") - Audio PID (" + td.AudioPid + ")");

But this returns -1 for both PIDs. Looking at the code for Channel.ReferringTuningDetail() it simply gets these from the Database, and from reading through the forums it looks like these are never stored anyway as TVEngine autodetects them every time a channel is tuned in. So I guess the question is: Is there any way of retrieving the PIDs for any channel with the currently available API, or are there plans to implement this?

Otherwise I'll have to hack my way into the code, but I rather use an "officially approved" way of doing this :)



Portal Member
October 23, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
HI there, thanks for the info, but what I'm looking for is to do this programmatically with TVE3's API and not with a 3rd party tool as I need the information within my program which is a client for TVE3.



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  • October 31, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    Sorry, that is not possible.
    The pids are replaced by TvServer with fake pids.
    They are not held/stored (not even temporarely) by TvServer.
    So they are not accessable by any API.
    For what reason do you need these infos?


    Portal Member
    October 23, 2006
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi gemx,

    We are putting together a proof of concept system where the client is a set top box. The STB can extract the PIDs from the PAT/PMT tables, but at this point, until development is concluded on that side we needed a way of communicating these to the client from the server (we use Web Services for Server/Client comms).

    So the idea was that the sever could send both the RTSP address as well as the Audio/Video PIDs for the client to quickly process these... This would be only a temporary solution (demo time approaches and client code is not mature yet!)

    When you say that fake PIDs are used, are these placed on a new PAT/PMT set within the TS for the client to process?


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