AVerTV TwinStar (A188) or another? (1 Viewer)


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March 28, 2008
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Czech Republic Czech Republic
I would like to buy some dual DVB-T tunner, internal (doesn't matter if PCI or PCI-E).
My first favorite is AVerTV TwinStar PCI-E (A188) . It has everything what I need (dual tunner, support for XP, Vista, Windows7, mpeg4). But I read here about problem with MB GA-MA78GPM, which is bad for me, cos I have similar MB (GA-MA78GM).
Can anyone else share his experience with this tunner in combination with that motherboard? (and with MediaPortal of course:) )
I don't know if I should risk it and buy this tunner.
Or can anyone (especially who has also GA-MA78GM) recommend me another dual tunner, which is fine with MediaPortal? For example I was thinking about MSI TV@nywhere E-Duo, but it has no support for Windows7 and it probably doesn't support mpeg4.


Portal Member
May 18, 2009
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Spain Spain
I went exactly through the same issue as you when making up my mind about a dual DVB-T tuner for my GA-MA78GM-S2H. This will be my firts attempt to use the TV function with MP so I am a bit lost here.

I would like to bump this thread up, see if anyone with some experience can give us a helping hand.



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March 28, 2008
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Czech Republic Czech Republic
Finally, someone replied:)
BTW Few weeks ago I wrote to AverTV support and they quickly replied.

My message:
Hello, I don't have this card yet, but I would like to buy. But I have read about one problem here: AverMedia Twinstar PCI-E - Page 2 - Australian Media Center Community Two people have the same problem. Unfortunately I have very similar MB Gigabyte MA78GM-S2H. Now I don't know if I should risk it and buy this tunner. Don't you know details about this compatibility problem? Is there any possibility that it will be solved by new drivers, BIOS or new revision of this tunner? And second question, how IR receptor connected? Thru the card or by USB port?

Thank you for choosing AVerMedia.

This is a known issue in which we are still working at it. We do have an understand of what could be the cause of this but it will still take us some time to completely solve this compatible issue. At the moment, we don't recommend you to purchase this card. As for the IR receptor, it is connected to the 2 in 1 cable which is connected to the card.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to let us know.

Because I don't know about reliable dual tunner, I'm still using old (single) tunner.


Portal Member
May 18, 2009
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Spain Spain
Thank you for sharing that email from AverTV support!

Although it is always great to see a company aknowledging issues with their products, and not recommending them in specific cases, it does narrow the dual DVB-T tuners market for us quite a bit.

About the E-Duo all I can say is that it is very hard to find any interesting info about it. The only thing I have gathered from surfing the web is from a guy asking for help as his P2-M3A3200 system (same HD3200 as ours), with Windows 7 32 and 64 and all drivers updated to December 9, gets a black screen after some minutes of watching the TV. The thread is still unanswered though.

Even the Hauppauge Nova T-500 has a big isue when enabling S3 mode while running windows 7: Nova-T 500 Problem Starting TV when entering S3 inside MCE (Have to close/open MCE) - Hauppauge UK Forum

Where do we go from here? I am not sure I want to buy a graphics card to solve this issue so I guess maybe getting the Nova T-500 and disabling the S3 function should work until the issue is adressed by Hauppauge. :confused:

Actually I am leaning towards the Cinergy 2400i DT, wich is also compatible with windows 7, after reading some good reviews http://www.trustedreviews.com/multimedia/review/2005/11/19/Terratec-Cinergy-2400i-DT/p1


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  • December 29, 2007
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    I've got a Terratec 2400i and am currently trying to get it to work with MP (see other thread here). However the problem may be complicated by the local MPEG4 DVB-T transmission standard.



    New Member
    March 28, 2008
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    Czech Republic Czech Republic
    to Gusete: Cinergy 2400i DT doesn't look bad. Althought it is cca 4 years old card it is still very popular and possible to buy. It is more expensive than Aver A188 (just little bit), but it really seems to be OK. (now I don't know why I was ignoring that card before) Thanx for tip;)

    to ianc: Thanx for post. I read yours and others posts to mpeg4 problem (not only with Cinergy 2400i DT). In Czech Republic is broadcast in mpeg4 only in testing mode (and not in my area). So now this problem is not actual for me:)
    But, if I'm right, in Ireland you have only mpeg4 DVB-T? So you don't experience with mpeg2 and Cinergy 2400i DT, do you?

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