Hi all
Can someone tell me whats wrong with subtitles in MP, because since i installed 1.2 or 1.3 pre, words like "cabrões" or "mamáda" or "píto" (some Portuguese bad words), they are displayed as "cabr%es" or "mam´Bda" or "P#to" etc etc..
Windows media player does not have this problem and using the same vobsub, and i cant find any config for this in MP.
So... whats wrong?
P.S. - bad words where just used as example since they use ~ ^ and ´ .
Any help apreciated
Best regards
Can someone tell me whats wrong with subtitles in MP, because since i installed 1.2 or 1.3 pre, words like "cabrões" or "mamáda" or "píto" (some Portuguese bad words), they are displayed as "cabr%es" or "mam´Bda" or "P#to" etc etc..
Windows media player does not have this problem and using the same vobsub, and i cant find any config for this in MP.
So... whats wrong?
P.S. - bad words where just used as example since they use ~ ^ and ´ .
Any help apreciated
Best regards