.bat scripts for burning/ripping mp3/recorded tv/dvd (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
August 3, 2004
I have written a couple of .bat scripts that will use open source/freeware software to:

rip and burn dvds (sorry no dvd9 to dvd5 conversion yet, i'm working on it!)
rip dvd to divx
burn recorded mpeg2 tv shows
burn avi files to dvd
burn mp3s to audio cd
rip audio cd to mp3
copy audio cd

check them out at:
(Use a popup blocker!!!)



Portal Pro
August 3, 2004
Wait a minute...

I am sorry to say that the scripts are containing some errors.
Please wait an hour or two to test them so that i have time to correct the faults.
Terribly sorry about this.


Portal Pro
August 3, 2004
Known errors fixed!

All known errors should now have been fixed and are uploaded to the webpage. I haven't been able to do extensive testing since i made the required changes but to my knowledge everything should work now.



Portal Pro
April 22, 2004
I'm not reporting good news :)

I tested the CD to mp3 batch.

First thing first, my Windows XP is clearly not found of using a folder named C:\Program. It crashes badly.

Renaming the folder Program1, when I launch the .bat file, the process freezes here :

Cdrdao version 1.1.7 - (C) Andreas Mueller <andreas@daneb.de>
SCSI interface library - (C) Joerg Schilling
Paranoia DAE library - (C) Monty

Check http://cdrdao.sourceforge.net/drives.html#dt for current driver tables.

Using libscg version 'andreas-0.5-UNIXWARE_Patch'

1,0,0: SONY CD-RW CRX220E1 Rev: 6YS1
Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC - Version 2.0 (options 0x0000)

Reading toc data...



Portal Pro
August 3, 2004
That's not good...
Just some stupid questions to make sure there is something wrong with the scripts...

1.) Did you download the fixed batch scripts from saturday evening?
2.) Did you edit all the config files and set the paths right?
3.) Did you put cdda2wav in a specific directory apart from the other binaries? ( It uses a different version of cygwin.dll than the other programs.)
4.) Did you use the right script (cd_to_mp3.bat)
5.) Do you have the adaptec aspi drivers installed and working?
6.) There could be other errors as well, i know that some programs have trouble accessing the disc drives while media portal is running. Could you please test the script by double clicking it with media portal turned off.

Also please clearify what you mean with that your windows xp installation doesn't like "using a folder named C:\Program".

And download my compiled cdda2wav (available on the same page as the scripts).

One final question, are you logged on as administrator or not?



Portal Pro
April 22, 2004
It's really like cdrdao is causing the problem. It hangs reading the toc data, and after I can't kill it with the task manager, and have to hard reboot Windows.

Cdrdao scanbus seems to work fine. The Audio CD is ripped with no pain using CDex.

I've tried this command only :

C:\Program1\mp_scripts\mp3_convert>cdrdao read-toc --device 1,0,0 --driver generic-mmc temp.toc

gives me the same errors.

With another audio CD, the toc stage passed but bugged there

1,0,0: SONY CD-RW CRX220E1 Rev: 6YS1
Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC - Version 2.0 (options 0x0000)

Reading toc data...
?: No error. : scsi sendcmd: cmd timeout after 20.001 (20) s
CDB: 43 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 93 00
cmd finished after 20.001s timeout 20s
ERROR: Cannot read disk toc.

Track Mode Flags Start Length
1 AUDIO 0 00:00:32( 32) 03:59:53( 17978)
2 AUDIO 0 04:00:10( 18010) 06:58:57( 31407)
3 AUDIO 0 10:58:67( 49417) 02:58:18( 13368)
4 AUDIO 0 13:57:10( 62785) 04:50:67( 21817)
5 AUDIO 0 18:48:02( 84602) 03:56:53( 17753)
6 AUDIO 0 22:44:55(102355) 11:49:15( 53190)
7 AUDIO 0 34:33:70(155545) 03:19:67( 14992)
8 AUDIO 0 37:53:62(170537) 03:17:30( 14805)
9 AUDIO 0 41:11:17(185342) 08:12:68( 36968)
10 AUDIO 0 49:24:10(222310) 08:15:25( 37150)
Leadout AUDIO 0 57:39:35(259460)

1.) Did you download the fixed batch scripts from saturday evening?

Yep, Sunday night.

2.) Did you edit all the config files and set the paths right?


3.) Did you put cdda2wav in a specific directory apart from the other binaries? ( It uses a different version of cygwin.dll than the other programs.)

Now it's done. Nothing new.

4.) Did you use the right script (cd_to_mp3.bat)


5.) Do you have the adaptec aspi drivers installed and working?

Yes (aspichk reports that everything is fine and installed).

6.) There could be other errors as well, i know that some programs have trouble accessing the disc drives while media portal is running. Could you please test the script by double clicking it with media portal turned off.

It was tested outisde Mportal

Also please clearify what you mean with that your windows xp installation doesn't like "using a folder named C:\Program".

That was weird, my XP crashed (freeze) and when I reboot I received a message like the path C:\Program was causing some ... (I don't remember the word). The message was generated by The Visual Studio .Net debugger If I can remember.


Portal Pro
April 22, 2004
I've tried with an another drive (an old DVD drive extracted from a DVD player, not the best drive ever:) This time, the toc, cddb are passed with no problem but it doesn't creat mp3 files, only track.wav.

LAME version 3.95 MMX (http://www.mp3dev.org/)
Albumartist: Various Artists Albumtitle: Call On The Dark Year: CDBU
usage: C:\Program1\mp_scripts\mp3_convert\lame.exe [options] <infile> [outfile]f
eat. Peter Field)" Track number: 2
<infile> and/or <outfile> can be "-", which means stdin/stdout.

Try:: ROM, Vendor 'HITACHI ' Model 'DVD-ROM GD-2500 ' Revision 'A013' MMC+CDDA
"C:\Program1\mp_scripts\mp3_convert\lame.exe --help" for general
usage information 2.0_cygwin32_nt_1.5.11-0.116-4-2-_i686_i686, soundcard, libpar
or:a support
"C:\Program1\mp_scripts\mp3_convert\lame.exe --preset help" for informat
ion on suggested predefined settings no audio 2
or:e of Contents: total tracks:15, (total time 79:39.25)
"C:\Program1\mp_scripts\mp3_convert\lame.exe --longhelp" 5.( 3:38.52),
or "C:\Program1\mp_scripts\mp3_convert\lame.exe -?" for a complet
e options list, 12.( 5:27.55), 13.( 5:43.12), 14.( 5:01.23), 15.( 5:49.55),

""Various Artists" > D:\cdburn\meStupid\"Various Artists"
"Various Artists" " > D:\cdburn\meStupid\"Various Artists" , 5.( 92825),
The system cannot find the path specified.2), 9.( 189785), 10.( 212317),
""Love Like Blood / Dawnland" > D:\cdburn\meStupid\"Love Like Blood / Dawnland"
lead-out( 358300)
"Love Like Blood / Dawnland" " > D:\cdburn\meStupid\"Love Like Blood / Dawnland"


Portal Pro
August 3, 2004
Okey, i think i know what the problem is.
Dos doesn't like the letter "/" in the filenames. I´ll try to fix this as soon as possible. Thanks for helping me out here.



Portal Pro
August 3, 2004
Problem solved!

Try the latest zip from the page. It should remove the / signs from album name and track name. Everything should work now. I'll still have to check the problems with your sony burner. Let me know if you are still interested in the scripts and want this problem to be solved.


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