Hi everyone,
I'm playing around a bit with programming a dummy-plugin. Just to understand how MP works (as there is no complete documentation - if i didn't get this wrong)
That is what I wanted do to:
I want to have a selectButton which changes the text of a label if the button is selected.
What I've allready got:
So the selectButton works.
But I can't see my label1. What am I doing wrong? Do I have to register this label in my xml-File (somethingKategorien.xml)? Something else?
in advance!
I'm playing around a bit with programming a dummy-plugin. Just to understand how MP works (as there is no complete documentation - if i didn't get this wrong)
That is what I wanted do to:
I want to have a selectButton which changes the text of a label if the button is selected.
What I've allready got:
namespace something
public class somethingKategorien : GUIWindow
[SkinControl(2)] protected GUIToggleButtonControl btnPolitik = null;
private MPLabel label1;
public somethingKategorien()
public override bool Init()
return Load(GUIGraphicsContext.Skin + @"\somethingKategorien.xml");
public override int GetID
return 5001;
protected override void OnClicked(int controlId, GUIControl control,
MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action.ActionType actionType)
if (control == btnPolitik)
base.OnClicked(controlId, control, actionType);
public void OnButtonPolitik()
label1.Text = "Button was pressed!";
protected override void OnPageDestroy(int newWindowId)
private void SaveSettings()
using (Settings xmlwriter = new Settings(Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Config, "MediaPortal.xml")))
xmlwriter.SetValueAsBool("something", "politik", btnPolitik.Selected);
protected override void OnPageLoad()
private void SetBtnSelected()
using (Settings xmlreader = new Settings(Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Config, "MediaPortal.xml")))
bool politik = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("something", "politik", false);
btnPolitik.Selected = politik;
private void InitializeComponent()
this.label1 = new MediaPortal.UserInterface.Controls.MPLabel();
this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 24);
this.label1.Name = "label1";
this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 16);
this.label1.TabIndex = 0;
this.label1.Text = "Something";
So the selectButton works.
But I can't see my label1. What am I doing wrong? Do I have to register this label in my xml-File (somethingKategorien.xml)? Something else?
in advance!