Better mouse support (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
August 30, 2004

cheffe97 said:
Hi jadz,
checke dthe plugin. Unforunately when I enable it mouse does not work anymore for me (maybe just a config thing).

Check out the following. Out of the box when you enable the plugin it disables your mouse, but you can configure it to work nicely.

Girder Mouse Plugin said:
As shipped, some events as noted above are disabled. You can enable these
events and disable others via the configuration dialog:
(File|Settings|Plugins tab, highlight "Mouse" in the list box and press the
"Settings" button.)

The settings dialog is a grid with a column for each button and one for the
scroll wheel. Running from the top, the rows have the following effects:

1. A tick in this row means that normal messages will be sent to Windows
applications unless a function button is being held down at the time. You
should remove the tick if you wish to disable the normal Windows functions
of a button or the wheel. You cannot disable the Windows function of the
Left Button in the initial configuration (the one Girder starts with) but
you can disable it in additional configurations (see below). This is because
it would not be possible to tick this box again once it had been unticked!

2. A tick in this row enables cCLICK or WHEELUP and WHEELDN events to be
generated in Girder (i.e. un-shifted button and wheel movements). It not
recommended to have both row 1 and 2 ticked as the Girder events will have
"side effects" in Windows applications.

3. A tick in this row allows the button to act as a function shift and
generate all the messages with this button as "f". If you tick this row and
also row 1, the button is termed "dual use". This works well for simple
clicks, but adds a two second delay to the start of drag operations. It is
therefore not recommended to use the Left button as dual use, but it may
well be acceptable for Right button as this is rarely used for dragging.
See 5 below for an alternative.

4. This is only available if the button is enabled as a function button. It
causes fFUNCPR, fFUNCAB and fFUNCRL events to be raised. These events may
be useful for applications such as On Screen Displays, but enabling them
makes it difficult to learn ordinary function-shifted events.

5. This is only available if the button is set for "dual use". Ticking it
disables the intelligent dual use system and passes messages immediately
to Windows applications. This improves the responsiveness for drag
operations but means that function shifting may have "side effects". It
is therefore not recommended unless you know which application is in the


Portal Pro
August 10, 2004
Berlin, Germany
jadz maybe I am too dumb to get it working... :oops:
Pls. help me.
Got a sample or config file?
Or a simple howto lets say to open tv in fullscreen (instead of hitting x)?
Would be great. Guess all I need is a sample to see how it works.
Then I cn do the rest.


Portal Pro
August 10, 2004
Berlin, Germany
Jadz, thx for the wiki. Makes things clearer to me.
Question though: Is it possible to send Girder events to Subwindows in MP?
Sample: I want the left Mouse click on the TV preview window connected to the x button. I have t use the left mouse button b/c touchscreen allows only left mouse clicks.
So guess what I would have to configure is set left mousebutton to x and send it to the TV preview window (to the rectangle showing the TV picture) in MP but only if tv, movie or music windowed mode is active.
So it comes down to the question if Girder knows the subwindows of MP or oif it knows MP only generally as one big box.
When in TV fullscree left mouse click should bring up osd, double click should bring u back to windowed mode.
Hope I made myself clear.


Portal Pro
August 30, 2004
I do not think it will be possible to do what you are suggesting. They only thing that you might try is the mouse jestures. For example, left click and drag to the east (or west or north or south). Possible then you could get 6 unique events for your single input.

- single left click
- double lect click
- lefteast
- leftwest
- leftnorth
- leftsouth.

I know this works with right click on my mouse, you can try and see what you can do. Read the readme for all the different options in the mouse dll.


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