Black Screen with PWDVD & MP (1 Viewer)


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  • June 17, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany

    I have a Problem with some BluRays (wanted for example): After starting PowerDVD 8 from Moving Pictures, everthing seems to run as it should. The disc/image is recognized and the intro is running. But at the point where the disc menu should be shown, I only have a black screen! The sound is running fine and I can even start the film with the remoe, but have no picture.

    If I close MediPortal completly and start the film manualy it works fine!

    It also just with some BluRays, most of them do fine.

    Any Idea where's the problem?


    Portal Member
    June 4, 2008
    I'm suffering the same problem you have with dvd, it everything works fine in mediaplayer, kmplayer,etc... but when i use mediaportal player when menu has to change it goes blank screen and stop play.

    ¿Anybody knows about that?

    Thanks in advance

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