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I've used part of the autohotkey script used in HDStarter plugin with the arcsoft plugin (all credit goes to hdstarter team). What it does is :

- opens powerdvd and waits for the mce remote 'clear' button to be pressed

-when the clear button is pressed, powerdvd closes and yo ugo back to mediaportal.

The way to use it is :

-Extract the files in the attched archive to a folder on your harddrive. Note the path

- In 'Blu-Ray / HD DVD plugin for Arcsoft player', select poweredvd, and put in th epath to the .exe file you extracted from the archive

- in the ini file, set the path for your powerdvd executable you want to use, and edit the process name to match the process that will be launched by the exe. (note that in powedvd 11, I had to copy the content of the CyberLink\PowerDVD11\Movie\PowerDVD Cinema folder to a new folder CyberLink\PowerDVD11\Movie\PowerDVDCinema and use the executable from there because of problems with spaces. )

Hope that helps

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