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OK tried it with arcsoft with cineplayer support ticked, no go :(

I did check out the command lines to launch and autoplay  and is   player.exe  AUTOPLAY BD "%L"

where %L is driver letter.  Tried it and it worked for me. 

It's not really a big thing either way.  I could probably add it for myself if I can find a compiler (its been a while).

Return to mepo on stop my be a harder one.  I have mapped a close active program window key on my remote which really comes in handy and I just use this. There may be times when one may want to stop playback and not actually close the player.

Would be a user preference thing I would guess.

I hope development does continue where needed as domb said, plus I don't believe by what I have read so far that the internal player has no stereoscopic/3d support roadmapped?  For me at least 3d support is a big one and I would always need to use an external player until it does. I could be wrong however about 3d support as part of the development :eek:

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