Hi, first of all i wat to do you many compliments for the skin that i have used without any problem from a month. Today ia have installed the final version (1.0) of Mediaportal and i used it with your ultimate update, but, Mediaportal crashes immediately when it opens. With the RC4 this never happen, why?
My screen after starting MP was like that even i already replaced the three fonts in installer by three fonts in zip file.
my MP version: 1.0 final on XP SP3
my mediastream version: MediaStream by pilehave v9.zip (14/01/09)
I did some testing (on two XP systems) and found the following errors:
- MP-RSSTicker
- Using MP-RSSTicker version from V8 or V9 -> MP crash (after some seconds) when using Weather
- Using MP-RSSTicker version from V8 or V9 -> disable Weather -> no MP crash
- Using current MP-RSSTicker version -> no MP crash but no Weather informations are displayed
- Media
- defect image (V8 and V9), top (1/3) of image is black
- albumnocover.png
- defaultAudioBig.png
- defaultdvdcover.png
- defaultVideoBig.png
- missing_coverart.png
- TV-Series
- Wrong backgroud image is shown
(tv_bg.png is shown and not my in config selected one)
- Moving Pictures
- mark as watched not working -> no change from *UnWatched.png to *watched.png
- Sudoku
- Enter Sudoku and click the left icon (Back to last screen?) in topbar -> not working
- Enter Sudoku and click "new game" and than the left icon in tapbar -> working