I have no problems with MP1.0 after standby it restart without problems, (I have set on config to restart after standby)
but with Build 21658 MP is closed (killed) but it does not restart
Logs Attached
11/02/2009-9.15.07: Starting "restart.vbs" with "C:\Windows\System32\WScript.exe" (v. 5.7)
11/02/2009-9.15.07: Looking for "tskill.exe" in "C:\Windows\System32"
11/02/2009-9.15.07: "tskill.exe" not found
11/02/2009-9.15.07: Kill utility will be "taskkill"
11/02/2009-9.15.07: Executing "taskkill /T /F /IM MediaPortal.exe"
11/02/2009-9.15.08: Killed "MediaPortal" (Exit code=0)
11/02/2009-9.15.08: Executing "MediaPortal"
11/02/2009-9.15.09: Started "MediaPortal" (Exit code=0)
You can anyway improve logging to check the value of this var
The updated restart.vbs does not solve this issue for me. And I think it's not the cause of the problem.
You need the Windows Scripting host running to run this script - however I never needed this service before - the previous released svn from 23.1. runs fine after standby/hibernation. The restart.vbs is not needed for my system.