Cannot see Blu-Ray/HD-DVD playback in MP front end (1 Viewer)


New Member
February 21, 2009

I've had a mooch around the forums, checked the FAQ, but haven't been able to find a solution to this problem...

I'm using Windows XP Pro SP3.

I've installed MP v1.0.0, DT (Daemon Tools Lite), and PowerDVD Ultra 7.3.
I want to use MP as a front end when playing Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, which are stored as ISO's on my HDD (ripped as images using AnyDVD-HD)

When I load up MP, it displays a list of my ISO's, but when I click on a movie in the list, DT mounts the ISO, and PowerDVD plays the movie in the background 'behind' MP. I can hear the movie, but cannot see it. All I see is the MP front end, and if I close down MP, I can see the movie playing correctly in PowerDVD.

I have PowerDVD configured to auto-play when disc is mounted, and I have MP configured to see DT (under the MP general tab in configuration).

I there some way to configure things so that the movies display in the MP front end?

Grateful for any help, please.


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