I have the below listed system. I have read all the threads I found on the theater 500 card and still cant get mine to work. I was able to view TV in beyondTV so I know that card and drivers work.
The MP Setup finds the card as ATI ELITE (same card really) and it is a H/W/ card. I verified the device-ID in the capture card config file is the same as GRAPHEDIT shows. When I scan the channels it finds all the right channels but there is no preview window to the left of the channel list (there was when I first tried MP w/ the 9800AIW)/. When I run MP and go into TV, it auto starts TV-on with TIMESHIFT-on but with a black TV screen. after about 15seconds each of these options will turn off (the red dot's switch off). If I select "record" while the dots are on, it will continue to record with the red dots on until I manually turn record off. then the red dots will go off also.
after a trial recording, this was the file created so at least recording appears to work. This does actually play in Windows Media Center (tho I would much prefer to NOT record to dvr-ms format):
- 24 HBO_Contact_200601211230p1430.dvr-ms
-------------------------------------- RC2
Athlon 64 3200+
GIGABYTE GA-K8NSNXP-939 nForce3 Ultra
1gb Ram, DDR SDRAM 400
ATI AIW 9800Pro
MMC 9.03
Catalyst 5.13 Windows XP Media Center Edition
XTASY Theater 500 w/driver ver.
system runs at 2.08ghz
this is the GRAPHEDIT while attempting to view TV
and this is the MediaPortal.Log
- 1/21/2006 1:50:54 is when the TV starts up
- 1/21/2006 1:51:06 is when the TV shuts down
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Mediaportal is starting up
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Set current directory to :F:\apps\mediaportal\mp
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM verify that directx 9 is installed
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Windows media player version:10,0,0,3646 installed
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Check if mediaportal is already started
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM delete old log\capture.log file...
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Check skin version
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load key mapping from keymap.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Init playlist player
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM creating the WINLIRC device
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Initialising WinLirc...
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Winlirc process not found
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM done creating the WINLIRC device
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Init players
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM initializing DirectX
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM start fullscreen
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM ClientSize: 1280x960 screen:1280x960
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM texturemanager:dispose()
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM TexturePacker
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load key mapping from keymap.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM load localized strings from:language\English\strings.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load fonts from skin\BlueTwo\fonts.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load skin BlueTwo
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM LoadWindowPlugins()
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load plugins from
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load plugins from
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM using sqlite 3.2.7
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM Loading references from skin\BlueTwo\references.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM original skin size:720x576
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM opening tvdatabase
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblversion
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: channel
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblPrograms
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: genre
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: recording
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: canceledseries
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: recorded
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblDVBSMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblDVBCMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblATSCMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblDVBTMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblGroups
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblGroupMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblChannelCard
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblNotifies
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblEPGMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM tvdatabase opened
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM xml:skin\BlueTwo\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM xml:skin\BlueTwo\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM Init MPScript
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM F:\apps\mediaportal\mp\scripts
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM Load plugins from
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM WindowManager.Load
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM load calibration1280x960.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM WindowManager.Preinitialize
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\black.bmp total:0 mem left:114294784
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM WindowManager.ActivateWindow
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM xml:skin\BlueTwo\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png 162x225 format:A8R8G8B8
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:1 mem left:114294784
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\hover_my plugins.png total:2 mem left:114294784
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM skin initialized
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM DX9 size: 1280x960
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM video ram left:111616 KByte
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM running...
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Mediaportal.OnStartup()
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Recorder: card:1 video device:ATI AVStream Analog Capture TV:True record:True priority:10
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Recorder: tv channel changed:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM PlugInManager.Load()
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Load plugins from
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM PlugInManager.Start()
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM PowerScheduler: version 0.3
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM PowerScheduler: Settings loaded - wakeup 1, shutdown 3, mode Suspend
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer activated, automatic shutdown in 3 minutes
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Loaded font:font13 height:21 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Loaded font:font16 height:26 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key:13 0xD (2)
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM texturemanager:dispose:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:3 mem left:94371840
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Total Memory allocated:4.15 MB
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder:enable dx9 exclusive mode
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM goto fullscreen:True
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:197
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM tv home init:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=24 HBO ts:True
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder
tartViewing on:24 HBO True True
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder:HandleView 24 HBO True True
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder
tartViewing() channel:24 HBO tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:False
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder: Turn tv on channel:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder: find free card
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder: found free card 1 prio:10 name:ATI TV Wonder Elite
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder: start timeshifting card 1 channel:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM TVCapture: change channel to :24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Playlistplayer.Stopfile
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM TVCapture.StartTimeShifting() Card:1 :24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:1
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM SinkGraphEx:CreateGraph() IN
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM FindInstance
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Number of cards:1
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM card#0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM using card:#0
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM filters available:1
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM filter#:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filters available:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filter#:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filters available:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filter#:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filters available:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filter#:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filters available:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filter#:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Create new filter graph (IGraphBuilder)
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Get the Capture Graph Builder (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Link the CaptureGraphBuilder to the filter graph (SetFiltergraph)
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Add graph to ROT table
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Adding configured filters...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <ATI AVStream Analog Capture> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <ATI AVStream Analog Capture> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <ATI AVStream Analog Tuner> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <ATI AVStream Analog Tuner> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Adding configured filters...DONE
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Adding configured pin connections...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Tuner>:0 with <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar>:0
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Tuner>:1 with <ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio>:0
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <1> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio>:0 with <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar>:3
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <3> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar>:0 with <ATI AVStream Analog Capture>:0
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar>:1 with <ATI AVStream Analog Capture>:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <1> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <1> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Capture>:4 with <ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer>:0
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <4> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Capture>:5 with <ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer>:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <5> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <1> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Adding configured pin connections...DONE
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM VideoCaptureDevice: found output pin
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM VideoCaptureDevice:HW MPEG2 encoder:True MCE device:False
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM VideoCaptureDevice:get Video stream control interface (IAMStreamConfig)
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM VideoCaptureDevice:got IAMStreamConfig for Capture
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM VideoCaptureDevice:got IAMStreamConfig for Preview
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Capturing:720x480
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:add new MPEG2 Demultiplexer to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:create video out pin on MPEG2 demuxer
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:create audio out pin on MPEG2 demuxer
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:find MPEG2 demuxer input pin
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:found MPEG2 demuxer input pin
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:MPEG2 demuxer map MPG stream 0xe0->video output pin
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:mapped MPEG2 demuxer stream 0xe0->video output
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:MPEG2 demuxer map MPG stream 0xc0->audio output pin
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:mapped MPEG2 demuxer stream 0xc0->audio output
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx:CreateGraph() OUT
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM GetFilterByName: Kernel Tee, Kernel Tee
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM GetFilterByName: WST Codec, WST Codec
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraph
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:99 country:1 standard:None name:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tuningspace:0 country:1 tv standard:None cable:True
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tuned to channel:99 county:1 freq:115.312 MHz. tvformat:NTSC_M signal
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM FixCrossbarRouting: use tuner:True use cvbs#1:False use cvbs#2:False use svhs:False use rgb:False
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM Find crossbar:#1
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM crossbar found:1
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM crossbar has 5 inputs and 2 outputs
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM check:in#0->out#0 / Video_Tuner -> Video_VideoDecoder
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM connect
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM connect success
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM check:in#1->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM check:in#2->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM check:in#3->out#1 / Audio_Tuner -> Audio_AudioDecoder
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM connect
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM connect success
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM check:in#4->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Audio_AudioDecoder
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM Find crossbar:#2
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM no more crossbars.:0x80004005
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM crossbar routing done
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:add Videoanalyzer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:add streambuffersink
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:render graph
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:render to :F:\video_capture\card1\live.tv
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:connect demux video out->analyzer in
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:demux video out connected to analyzer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:analyzer out->stream buffer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:connected to streambuffer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:demux audio out->stream buffer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:audio out connected to streambuffer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2
et folder:F:\video_capture\card1 filecount 6-8, fileduration:300 sec
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:lock profile
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2
tartTimeshifting() start mediactl
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2
tartTimeshifting() started mediactl
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM Recorder: currentfile: newfile:F:\video_capture\card1\live.tv
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM teletext: grab teletext for card:ATI TV Wonder Elite
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM Recorder
tartViewing off:24 HBO True True done
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM Playlistplayer.StartFile(F:\video_capture\card1\live.tv)
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM g_Player.Play(F:\video_capture\card1\live.tv)
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM StreamBufferPlayer
lay F:\video_capture\card1\live.tv
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM goto fullscreen:True
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM VMR9: now active
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:CyberLink MPEG Muxer to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:CyberLink MPEG Muxer to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:AC3Filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:AC3Filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:Realtek AC97 Audio to graph clock:Realtek AC97 Audio
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:Realtek AC97 Audio to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:ffdshow raw video filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:ffdshow raw video filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pins
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pin#0
VR Out - 1
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM render ok
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pin#1
VR Out - 2
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM render ok
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM vmr9: pin:0 not connected:80040209
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM vmr9: no input pin 1 found:0
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM vmr9: no input pin 2 found:0
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM StreamBufferPlayer9: switch to overlay
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM VMR9: not active
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM VMR7Helper:AddVMR7
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:CyberLink MPEG Muxer to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM playingFalse radio:False
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:CyberLink MPEG Muxer to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:AC3Filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:AC3Filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:Realtek AC97 Audio to graph clock:Realtek AC97 Audio
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:Realtek AC97 Audio to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:ffdshow raw video filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:ffdshow raw video filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pins
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pin#0
VR Out - 1
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM render ok
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pin#1
VR Out - 2
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM render ok
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM StreamBufferPlayer:GetVideoSize() failed
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM player:ended
1/21/2006 1:51:00 PM PowerScheduler: No pending events scheduled, disable wakeup timer (might be pending events too near in time to use wakeup)
1/21/2006 1:51:00 PM PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer deactivated
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM TVCapture.Stop() Card:1
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM TVCapture.StopTimeShifting() Card:1
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM SinkGraph
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM mpeg2
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM mpeg2:unlock profile
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM mpeg2
topTimeShifting() stop mediactl
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM mpeg2
topTimeShifting() mediactl stopped
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM mpeg2
topTimeShifting() stopped
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM TVCapture.DeleteGraph() Card:1
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM SinkGraph
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM mpeg2: close interfaces
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM mpeg2: stop mediactl
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM mpeg2: stopped mediactl
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM teletext: stop grabbing teletext for card:ATI TV Wonder Elite
1/21/2006 1:51:08 PM key:27 0x1B (2)
1/21/2006 1:51:08 PM Recorder
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM Recorder
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM Total Memory allocated:5.14 MB
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM Recorder:disable dx9 exclusive mode
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM goto windowed:True
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png 162x225 format:A8R8G8B8
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:2 mem left:73400320
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM key:27 0x1B (2)
1/21/2006 1:51:10 PM PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer activated, automatic shutdown in 3 minutes
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM key:13 0xD (2)
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM Mediaportal.OnExit()
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM TVCapture.Stop() Card:1
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM PlugInManager.Stop()
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM PowerScheduler: Stop()
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM MediaPortal done
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM dbs:close
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM dbs:close:TVDatabaseV21.db3
The MP Setup finds the card as ATI ELITE (same card really) and it is a H/W/ card. I verified the device-ID in the capture card config file is the same as GRAPHEDIT shows. When I scan the channels it finds all the right channels but there is no preview window to the left of the channel list (there was when I first tried MP w/ the 9800AIW)/. When I run MP and go into TV, it auto starts TV-on with TIMESHIFT-on but with a black TV screen. after about 15seconds each of these options will turn off (the red dot's switch off). If I select "record" while the dots are on, it will continue to record with the red dots on until I manually turn record off. then the red dots will go off also.
after a trial recording, this was the file created so at least recording appears to work. This does actually play in Windows Media Center (tho I would much prefer to NOT record to dvr-ms format):
- 24 HBO_Contact_200601211230p1430.dvr-ms
-------------------------------------- RC2
Athlon 64 3200+
GIGABYTE GA-K8NSNXP-939 nForce3 Ultra
1gb Ram, DDR SDRAM 400
ATI AIW 9800Pro
MMC 9.03
Catalyst 5.13 Windows XP Media Center Edition
XTASY Theater 500 w/driver ver.
system runs at 2.08ghz
this is the GRAPHEDIT while attempting to view TV
and this is the MediaPortal.Log
- 1/21/2006 1:50:54 is when the TV starts up
- 1/21/2006 1:51:06 is when the TV shuts down
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Mediaportal is starting up
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Set current directory to :F:\apps\mediaportal\mp
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM verify that directx 9 is installed
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Windows media player version:10,0,0,3646 installed
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Check if mediaportal is already started
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM delete old log\capture.log file...
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Check skin version
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load key mapping from keymap.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Init playlist player
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM creating the WINLIRC device
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Initialising WinLirc...
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Winlirc process not found
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM done creating the WINLIRC device
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Init players
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM initializing DirectX
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM start fullscreen
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM ClientSize: 1280x960 screen:1280x960
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM texturemanager:dispose()
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM TexturePacker
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load key mapping from keymap.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM load localized strings from:language\English\strings.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load fonts from skin\BlueTwo\fonts.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load skin BlueTwo
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM LoadWindowPlugins()
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load plugins from
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load plugins from
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM using sqlite 3.2.7
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM Loading references from skin\BlueTwo\references.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM original skin size:720x576
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM opening tvdatabase
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblversion
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: channel
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblPrograms
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: genre
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: recording
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: canceledseries
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: recorded
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblDVBSMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblDVBCMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblATSCMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblDVBTMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblGroups
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblGroupMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblChannelCard
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblNotifies
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblEPGMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM tvdatabase opened
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM xml:skin\BlueTwo\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM xml:skin\BlueTwo\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM Init MPScript
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM F:\apps\mediaportal\mp\scripts
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM Load plugins from
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM WindowManager.Load
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM load calibration1280x960.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM WindowManager.Preinitialize
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\black.bmp total:0 mem left:114294784
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM WindowManager.ActivateWindow
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM xml:skin\BlueTwo\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png 162x225 format:A8R8G8B8
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:1 mem left:114294784
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\hover_my plugins.png total:2 mem left:114294784
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM skin initialized
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM DX9 size: 1280x960
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM video ram left:111616 KByte
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM running...
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Mediaportal.OnStartup()
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Recorder: card:1 video device:ATI AVStream Analog Capture TV:True record:True priority:10
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Recorder: tv channel changed:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM PlugInManager.Load()
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Load plugins from
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM PlugInManager.Start()
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM PowerScheduler: version 0.3
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM PowerScheduler: Settings loaded - wakeup 1, shutdown 3, mode Suspend
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer activated, automatic shutdown in 3 minutes
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Loaded font:font13 height:21 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Loaded font:font16 height:26 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key:13 0xD (2)
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM texturemanager:dispose:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:3 mem left:94371840
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Total Memory allocated:4.15 MB
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder:enable dx9 exclusive mode
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM goto fullscreen:True
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:197
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM tv home init:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=24 HBO ts:True
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder:HandleView 24 HBO True True
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder: Turn tv on channel:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder: find free card
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder: found free card 1 prio:10 name:ATI TV Wonder Elite
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder: start timeshifting card 1 channel:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM TVCapture: change channel to :24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Playlistplayer.Stopfile
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM TVCapture.StartTimeShifting() Card:1 :24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:1
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM SinkGraphEx:CreateGraph() IN
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM FindInstance
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Number of cards:1
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM card#0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM using card:#0
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM filters available:1
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM filter#:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filters available:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filter#:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filters available:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filter#:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filters available:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filter#:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filters available:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filter#:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Create new filter graph (IGraphBuilder)
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Get the Capture Graph Builder (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Link the CaptureGraphBuilder to the filter graph (SetFiltergraph)
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Add graph to ROT table
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Adding configured filters...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <ATI AVStream Analog Capture> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <ATI AVStream Analog Capture> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <ATI AVStream Analog Tuner> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <ATI AVStream Analog Tuner> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer> with moniker <@device
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Adding configured filters...DONE
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Adding configured pin connections...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Tuner>:0 with <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar>:0
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Tuner>:1 with <ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio>:0
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <1> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio>:0 with <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar>:3
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <3> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar>:0 with <ATI AVStream Analog Capture>:0
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar>:1 with <ATI AVStream Analog Capture>:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <1> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <1> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Capture>:4 with <ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer>:0
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <4> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Capture>:5 with <ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer>:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <5> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <1> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Adding configured pin connections...DONE
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM VideoCaptureDevice: found output pin
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM VideoCaptureDevice:HW MPEG2 encoder:True MCE device:False
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM VideoCaptureDevice:get Video stream control interface (IAMStreamConfig)
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM VideoCaptureDevice:got IAMStreamConfig for Capture
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM VideoCaptureDevice:got IAMStreamConfig for Preview
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Capturing:720x480
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:add new MPEG2 Demultiplexer to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:create video out pin on MPEG2 demuxer
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:create audio out pin on MPEG2 demuxer
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:find MPEG2 demuxer input pin
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:found MPEG2 demuxer input pin
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:MPEG2 demuxer map MPG stream 0xe0->video output pin
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:mapped MPEG2 demuxer stream 0xe0->video output
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:MPEG2 demuxer map MPG stream 0xc0->audio output pin
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:mapped MPEG2 demuxer stream 0xc0->audio output
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx:CreateGraph() OUT
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM GetFilterByName: Kernel Tee, Kernel Tee
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM GetFilterByName: WST Codec, WST Codec
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraph
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:99 country:1 standard:None name:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tuningspace:0 country:1 tv standard:None cable:True
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tuned to channel:99 county:1 freq:115.312 MHz. tvformat:NTSC_M signal
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM FixCrossbarRouting: use tuner:True use cvbs#1:False use cvbs#2:False use svhs:False use rgb:False
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM Find crossbar:#1
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM crossbar found:1
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM crossbar has 5 inputs and 2 outputs
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM check:in#0->out#0 / Video_Tuner -> Video_VideoDecoder
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM connect
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM connect success
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM check:in#1->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM check:in#2->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM check:in#3->out#1 / Audio_Tuner -> Audio_AudioDecoder
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM connect
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM connect success
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM check:in#4->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Audio_AudioDecoder
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM Find crossbar:#2
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM no more crossbars.:0x80004005
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM crossbar routing done
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:add Videoanalyzer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:add streambuffersink
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:render graph
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:render to :F:\video_capture\card1\live.tv
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:connect demux video out->analyzer in
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:demux video out connected to analyzer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:analyzer out->stream buffer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:connected to streambuffer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:demux audio out->stream buffer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:audio out connected to streambuffer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:lock profile
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM Recorder: currentfile: newfile:F:\video_capture\card1\live.tv
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM teletext: grab teletext for card:ATI TV Wonder Elite
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM Recorder
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM Playlistplayer.StartFile(F:\video_capture\card1\live.tv)
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM g_Player.Play(F:\video_capture\card1\live.tv)
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM StreamBufferPlayer
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM goto fullscreen:True
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM VMR9: now active
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:CyberLink MPEG Muxer to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:CyberLink MPEG Muxer to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:AC3Filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:AC3Filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:Realtek AC97 Audio to graph clock:Realtek AC97 Audio
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:Realtek AC97 Audio to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:ffdshow raw video filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:ffdshow raw video filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pins
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pin#0
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM render ok
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pin#1
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM render ok
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM vmr9: pin:0 not connected:80040209
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM vmr9: no input pin 1 found:0
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM vmr9: no input pin 2 found:0
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM StreamBufferPlayer9: switch to overlay
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM VMR9: not active
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM VMR7Helper:AddVMR7
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:CyberLink MPEG Muxer to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM playingFalse radio:False
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:CyberLink MPEG Muxer to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:AC3Filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:AC3Filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:Realtek AC97 Audio to graph clock:Realtek AC97 Audio
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:Realtek AC97 Audio to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:ffdshow raw video filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:ffdshow raw video filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pins
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pin#0
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM render ok
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pin#1
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM render ok
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM StreamBufferPlayer:GetVideoSize() failed
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM player:ended
1/21/2006 1:51:00 PM PowerScheduler: No pending events scheduled, disable wakeup timer (might be pending events too near in time to use wakeup)
1/21/2006 1:51:00 PM PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer deactivated
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM TVCapture.Stop() Card:1
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM TVCapture.StopTimeShifting() Card:1
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM SinkGraph
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM mpeg2
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM mpeg2:unlock profile
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM mpeg2
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM mpeg2
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM mpeg2
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM TVCapture.DeleteGraph() Card:1
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM SinkGraph
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM mpeg2: close interfaces
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM mpeg2: stop mediactl
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM mpeg2: stopped mediactl
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM teletext: stop grabbing teletext for card:ATI TV Wonder Elite
1/21/2006 1:51:08 PM key:27 0x1B (2)
1/21/2006 1:51:08 PM Recorder
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM Recorder
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM Total Memory allocated:5.14 MB
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM Recorder:disable dx9 exclusive mode
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM goto windowed:True
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png 162x225 format:A8R8G8B8
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:2 mem left:73400320
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM key:27 0x1B (2)
1/21/2006 1:51:10 PM PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer activated, automatic shutdown in 3 minutes
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM key:13 0xD (2)
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM Mediaportal.OnExit()
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM TVCapture.Stop() Card:1
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM PlugInManager.Stop()
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM PowerScheduler: Stop()
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM MediaPortal done
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM dbs:close
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM dbs:close:TVDatabaseV21.db3