Area: Media Portal Program
MediaPortal Version: RC2 (2006-01-10)
MediaPortal Skin: mce
Windows Version: Windows XP (SP2)
.NET CLR Version: 2.0.50727
DirectX Version: (9.0c)
Audio Codec: DScaler Audio Decoder
Video Codec: DScaler Mpeg2 Video Decoder
CPU Type: AMD Athlon 64 3000+
Memory: 511 MB
Motherboard: A8N-E (ASUSTeK Computer INC.)
TV Card Model: Hauppauge PVR150MCE
TV Card Type: Hardware
TV Card Driver: -
Video Card Model: Radeon X300/x550 Series (omega 2.6.87) (256 MB)
Video Card Driver: -
Video Card Resolution: 1280x720
Video Render Type: VMR9
Audio Card Model: NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio
Audio Card Driver: -
I just reinstalled MediaPortal and windows. I have some TV recordings lying around from MCE and MediaPortal. Since the new Mediaportal installation wont recognize them as Recorded TV i thought i could just move them to my movie folder and watch them from there. However that only works for the DVR-MS files recorded by MCE, the ones from MediaPortal fail to play. The same goes if i just try to play them outside media portal in WMP. I also noticed earlier on that i cant convert the MediaPortal recordings using DVRMSToolbox, but i can with the MCE files. I had to convert them to mpeg2 using the compress plugin to do anything with them, but i cant do that now as the plugin only works on TV recordings.
So, how can i watch my" old" recordings?
Here is the relevant bit of the log:
11-01-2006 09:39:48 window:MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu init
11-01-2006 09:39:51 GUIVideoFiles::OnPlayBackStopped idFile=14 timeMovieStopped=0 resumeData=
11-01-2006 09:39:51 PlaylistPlayer.Play(C:\videos\Kanal 5
11-01-2006 09:39:51 player: file is not live tv, so stop timeshifting:C:\videos\Kanal 5
11-01-2006 09:39:51 g_Player.Play(C:\videos\Kanal 5
11-01-2006 09:39:51 StreamBufferPlayer
lay C:\videos\Kanal 5
11-01-2006 09:39:51 goto fullscreen:True
11-01-2006 09:39:51 app
witch to fullscreen mode False
11-01-2006 09:39:51 playingFalse radio:False
11-01-2006 09:39:51 app
witched to fullscreen mode
11-01-2006 09:39:51 VMR9: now active
11-01-2006 09:39:51 StreamBufferPlayer9:Failed to open file:C:\videos\Kanal 5 :0xc00d002f
11-01-2006 09:39:51 StreamBufferPlayer:GetInterfaces() failed
11-01-2006 09:39:51 player:ended
MediaPortal Version: RC2 (2006-01-10)
MediaPortal Skin: mce
Windows Version: Windows XP (SP2)
.NET CLR Version: 2.0.50727
DirectX Version: (9.0c)
Audio Codec: DScaler Audio Decoder
Video Codec: DScaler Mpeg2 Video Decoder
CPU Type: AMD Athlon 64 3000+
Memory: 511 MB
Motherboard: A8N-E (ASUSTeK Computer INC.)
TV Card Model: Hauppauge PVR150MCE
TV Card Type: Hardware
TV Card Driver: -
Video Card Model: Radeon X300/x550 Series (omega 2.6.87) (256 MB)
Video Card Driver: -
Video Card Resolution: 1280x720
Video Render Type: VMR9
Audio Card Model: NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio
Audio Card Driver: -
I just reinstalled MediaPortal and windows. I have some TV recordings lying around from MCE and MediaPortal. Since the new Mediaportal installation wont recognize them as Recorded TV i thought i could just move them to my movie folder and watch them from there. However that only works for the DVR-MS files recorded by MCE, the ones from MediaPortal fail to play. The same goes if i just try to play them outside media portal in WMP. I also noticed earlier on that i cant convert the MediaPortal recordings using DVRMSToolbox, but i can with the MCE files. I had to convert them to mpeg2 using the compress plugin to do anything with them, but i cant do that now as the plugin only works on TV recordings.
So, how can i watch my" old" recordings?
Here is the relevant bit of the log:
11-01-2006 09:39:48 window:MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu init
11-01-2006 09:39:51 GUIVideoFiles::OnPlayBackStopped idFile=14 timeMovieStopped=0 resumeData=
11-01-2006 09:39:51 PlaylistPlayer.Play(C:\videos\Kanal 5
11-01-2006 09:39:51 player: file is not live tv, so stop timeshifting:C:\videos\Kanal 5
11-01-2006 09:39:51 g_Player.Play(C:\videos\Kanal 5
11-01-2006 09:39:51 StreamBufferPlayer
11-01-2006 09:39:51 goto fullscreen:True
11-01-2006 09:39:51 app
11-01-2006 09:39:51 playingFalse radio:False
11-01-2006 09:39:51 app
11-01-2006 09:39:51 VMR9: now active
11-01-2006 09:39:51 StreamBufferPlayer9:Failed to open file:C:\videos\Kanal 5 :0xc00d002f
11-01-2006 09:39:51 StreamBufferPlayer:GetInterfaces() failed
11-01-2006 09:39:51 player:ended