Channel entered doesn't match EPG (1 Viewer)


New Member
April 12, 2009
First off, thanks for the help on these forums. With it, I have just successfully completed my install; however, one thing remains to be fixed. The problem I am having is that my epg settings are mapped correctly to the channels I have, but if I enter a channel it is one ahead... for example

If I enter channel 57 on my remote control then channel 58 will be chosen with the correct epg information.
57 is mapped to channel 58 for some reason?

I am using xmltv plugin with the zap2xml program to obtain my information. I guess what i need is to have a channel labled 1 so that everything matches up after it. If this isn't clear sorry but any help would be appreciated!

Well never mind I found a little check box that said use index numbers as channel numbers... so I simply unchecked it and now everything matches!

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