Hi!, i have several questions in the middle of the browser screen development of my ComicViewer plugin. Maybe some question was wrong due to my ignorance of the code ;p. Maybe this isn't the right place to put this questions. Sorry for the inconveniences.
1) How is the method or who i need to contact to develop the correct graphics for the mce skin?. And for the others?. If you see the picture attached i have the text "Info". I need the same image but with the text "Comics". And the focus / nofocus bars need to be redraw at the size of 425x75.
1b) And the language entries?
2) Can i suggest some kind of thumb align? (vertical and horizontal)
Is for align [left-middle] the no thumb image items like folders and other things.
3) I have extended the types of Views, and in adition to List,Icons & Large Icons i have made the Catalog View (see screenshot attached)
4) How i can capture the event of select another item in the thumbpanel, to change the zoomed image of the comic? Now i use a nasty dirty trick and i'm unhappy about that.
5) In the image catalog thumbs was blurred, but my generated thumb file is well defined (see the other image). What i'm doing wrong?
*** This is the code i used to change the normal loading of the item thumb:
string strSelectedItem=m_history.Get(m_strDirectory);
ArrayList itemlist = m_directory.GetDirectory(m_strDirectory);
foreach (GUIListItem item in itemlist)
GUIListItem item2 = item;
if (item.HasThumbnail)
string newThumb = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(item.ThumbnailImage)+@"\"+
if (File.Exists(newThumb))
item2 = new GUIListItem(item);
item2.ThumbnailImage = newThumb;
*** This is the xml of mce skin:
<description>Thumbnail Panel 2</description>
thx for advance.
and sorry sorry sorry for my English.
The screenshot of the browser:
The thumb catalog generated from cbz file:
1) How is the method or who i need to contact to develop the correct graphics for the mce skin?. And for the others?. If you see the picture attached i have the text "Info". I need the same image but with the text "Comics". And the focus / nofocus bars need to be redraw at the size of 425x75.
1b) And the language entries?
2) Can i suggest some kind of thumb align? (vertical and horizontal)
Is for align [left-middle] the no thumb image items like folders and other things.
3) I have extended the types of Views, and in adition to List,Icons & Large Icons i have made the Catalog View (see screenshot attached)
4) How i can capture the event of select another item in the thumbpanel, to change the zoomed image of the comic? Now i use a nasty dirty trick and i'm unhappy about that.
5) In the image catalog thumbs was blurred, but my generated thumb file is well defined (see the other image). What i'm doing wrong?
*** This is the code i used to change the normal loading of the item thumb:
string strSelectedItem=m_history.Get(m_strDirectory);
ArrayList itemlist = m_directory.GetDirectory(m_strDirectory);
foreach (GUIListItem item in itemlist)
GUIListItem item2 = item;
if (item.HasThumbnail)
string newThumb = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(item.ThumbnailImage)+@"\"+
if (File.Exists(newThumb))
item2 = new GUIListItem(item);
item2.ThumbnailImage = newThumb;
*** This is the xml of mce skin:
<description>Thumbnail Panel 2</description>
thx for advance.
and sorry sorry sorry for my English.
The screenshot of the browser:
The thumb catalog generated from cbz file: