Configuring Mp for use with Sky Tv (UK/Europe) (1 Viewer)


New Member
November 22, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom

New to MediaPortal, and after a little assistance. Could someone tell me, in a sort of basic step-by-step format, how to set up MP to work with both a DVB TV input feed ( i have this working at present on it's own) and with a Sky Video feed connected to the machine??

I have installed MP no problems, and am currently installing the Microsoft replacement plugin my Arron for the MCE remote. The software needs to be able to control the Sky box via the blaster....change channels etc.

Thanks for a great bit of software, and thanks for any help given..



New Member
November 22, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom

New to MediaPortal, and after a little assistance. Could someone tell me, in a sort of basic step-by-step format, how to set up MP to work with both a DVB TV input feed ( i have this working at present on it's own) and with a Sky Video feed connected to the machine??

I have installed MP no problems, and am currently installing the Microsoft replacement plugin my Arron for the MCE remote. The software needs to be able to control the Sky box via the blaster....change channels etc.

Thanks for a great bit of software, and thanks for any help given..


Ermm. in that case, is anyone just using a Sky input & MCE blaster and could post their config file so that i could have a look and disect it please???

Thx again

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