Confusion regarding analog / digital TV tuner card (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
August 2, 2006

I have Comcast digital cable. I'd like to be able to record all the channels I receive. I do not receive HDTV or need to record it.

I'm looking at the Hauppauge WinTV-PVR-150 MCE. However it's an analog TV tuner card. Does this mean I'll only be able to receive the first 50-75 channels (I have Comcast digital)?

Sorry if this is a common question but I couldn't find any answers to it. Thanks!


Portal Pro
January 31, 2005
Hill AFB, UT
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United States of America United States of America
You'll have to run the cable box through the PVR 150 and use a blaster to change the cable box channels if you want anything other than "basic cable."

If you want to go the blaster/cable box through tv card route, there are many posts on setting up set top boxes in Media Portal.

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