I really like storing the images for each movie in its folder (the backdrop.jpg and folder.jpg) Would it be possible to get an option in moving pictures to store the images it downloads in each movies folder?
Its one hell of a manual task for 100's of movies. Not beeing any skilled in programming i dont know how hard this is to implement for developers, but it would be a really nice feature. There could of course be complications with it downloading multiple covers and fanarts.
If the plugin somehow could store backdrop.jpg and folder.jpg in the movie folder, it would make rebuilds take a lot less time. Additionaly it would lighten the load on the sites that host the images in the long run i guess. Most of the images that the plugin picks by default are fine, the task of replacing the very few you are not happy with is not such a huge task. This behavior should ofcourse be selectable by the user as not everyone stores movies in dedicated folder with images there.
Its one hell of a manual task for 100's of movies. Not beeing any skilled in programming i dont know how hard this is to implement for developers, but it would be a really nice feature. There could of course be complications with it downloading multiple covers and fanarts.
If the plugin somehow could store backdrop.jpg and folder.jpg in the movie folder, it would make rebuilds take a lot less time. Additionaly it would lighten the load on the sites that host the images in the long run i guess. Most of the images that the plugin picks by default are fine, the task of replacing the very few you are not happy with is not such a huge task. This behavior should ofcourse be selectable by the user as not everyone stores movies in dedicated folder with images there.