is it posible to get the cover to show in the banner list ?
i know it's posible to show the banner (d'oh) with this cmd...
<texture flipY="true" diffuse="Thumb_Mask.png">#TVSeries.SeriesBanner</texture>
but is there a #TVSeries.* that gives me the cover insted ?
i can get the cover shown when a thumb is selected, but want it shown when i just roll over the banner.
is it posible to get the cover to show in the banner list ?
i know it's posible to show the banner (d'oh) with this cmd...
<texture flipY="true" diffuse="Thumb_Mask.png">#TVSeries.SeriesBanner</texture>
but is there a #TVSeries.* that gives me the cover insted ?
i can get the cover shown when a thumb is selected, but want it shown when i just roll over the banner.