Area: My TV/Powerscheduler
MP Version: CVS build from 21/11/2005
Skin: BlueTwo
Windows Version: Windows XP SP2, .NET 2.0
CPU Type: Intel P4 2.8Ghz
Memory: 512MB, DualChannel
Motherboard Chipset: ? (Intel 865)
Video Card: Radeon X700
Video Card Driver: Catalyst 5.9
Video Card Resolution: 1920x1080i
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: Nvidia
Audio Codec Type & Version: Nvidia
TV Card: Haup 150MCE
Optional Log: N/A
Optional References:N/A
Synopsis: I have found that scheduled recordings that are set to record "Daily" do not trigger MP to wake from sleep. However scheduled recordings such as "Every time on this channel" or manual recordings for a specific date and time will result in the system waking properly.
It appears to me that the Powerscheduler is not setting the wakeup time correctly for "Daily" recordings.
I don't have access to the logs on the PC at the moment, so I will post the log files when I get back home.
MP Version: CVS build from 21/11/2005
Skin: BlueTwo
Windows Version: Windows XP SP2, .NET 2.0
CPU Type: Intel P4 2.8Ghz
Memory: 512MB, DualChannel
Motherboard Chipset: ? (Intel 865)
Video Card: Radeon X700
Video Card Driver: Catalyst 5.9
Video Card Resolution: 1920x1080i
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: Nvidia
Audio Codec Type & Version: Nvidia
TV Card: Haup 150MCE
Optional Log: N/A
Optional References:N/A
Synopsis: I have found that scheduled recordings that are set to record "Daily" do not trigger MP to wake from sleep. However scheduled recordings such as "Every time on this channel" or manual recordings for a specific date and time will result in the system waking properly.
It appears to me that the Powerscheduler is not setting the wakeup time correctly for "Daily" recordings.
I don't have access to the logs on the PC at the moment, so I will post the log files when I get back home.