Database updating problem and issue (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
September 5, 2010
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United States of America United States of America
MediaPortal Version: 1.1.0
MediaPortal Skin: StreamedMP
Windows Version: Win 7 Ult x86
CPU Type: Q9550
Memory: 4GB
Video Card: ATI 5770
Video Card Driver: 10.6
Satelite/CableTV Provider: DirecTV
Remote: Harmony 900
TV: Samsung LED LCD
TV - HTPC Connection: HDMI

I have 2 problems. First I have an issue with the music database updating. I have a large-ish collection (~29K tracks) and I've imported them, no problem. I have the update new entries check box checked but the date it shows for the last update is 1900 00:00:00 or something to that effect. Every time try to update new files, the importer rebuilds the entire database (which sucks and take forever). Why is it not setting the date of my last update correctly.

2nd issue. Maybe this is me just being a noob, but does have a now playing screen? When I go to that screen it just shows a black screen, the music continues and I can back out of it, but there is no visual. Is this a skin issue?



Portal Member
September 5, 2010
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Why is it not setting the date of my last update correctly
Provide logs and we can have a look.

Is this a skin issue?
Try with B3W and see what happens. plugin only has a single screen which acts as now-playing and stream selection etc

I'll upload the logs when I get home tonight. I get the selection screen, but when I hit the Red button on the remote the screen goes black. It could be that the Red button isn't pointing to anything in that plug in. I know it takes me to the now playing screen in my music and I though it would do the same in


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    when I hit the Red button on the remote the screen goes black. It could be that the Red button isn't pointing to anything in that plug in. I know it takes me to the now playing screen in my music and I though it would do the same in
    There has been some debate about what the red button should do and IIRC in music is actually takes you to the visualisation screen now and not now playing. Either way plugin only has a single screen so there is nothing else to goto anyway


    Portal Member
    September 5, 2010
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    United States of America United States of America
    OK, so which log file are we after? I don't see a music DB log, but I do see a music watcher log. It doesn't really say much, just when it started.


    Portal Member
    September 5, 2010
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    United States of America United States of America
    Here's the log, BTW I think I fixed the problem by moving the old DB and having MePo create a new one from scratch.


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  • September 15, 2004
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    Great, cause the log doen't show any scanning that you might have done.
    When the problem still persists, please do a rescan, close config and post the log again.

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