I know you can set the date format in MP Config under the Home plugin in a variety of ways.
However, I was wondering if the text version of day and month could be set to the abbreviated version, i.e Wed not Wednesday or Apr not April. This would be very helpful when skinning since it ensures a fixed number of character positions for the date when using text formats.
It would also be nice to be able to use a 24 hr time rather than just the am pm. But that doesn't really affect skinning, just a user preference
BTW what is the diff between this forum and the improvement suggestions forum under 'other features (of release or svn versions)'? I wasn't sure where to best post this
However, I was wondering if the text version of day and month could be set to the abbreviated version, i.e Wed not Wednesday or Apr not April. This would be very helpful when skinning since it ensures a fixed number of character positions for the date when using text formats.
It would also be nice to be able to use a 24 hr time rather than just the am pm. But that doesn't really affect skinning, just a user preference
BTW what is the diff between this forum and the improvement suggestions forum under 'other features (of release or svn versions)'? I wasn't sure where to best post this