Difference between TVServer and TVEngine3? (1 Viewer)


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  • August 31, 2006
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    What is the difference between TVServer and TVEngine3?

    In the SVN changelogs there are changes to both TVServer and TVEngine3.

    If I use the SVN build for the new TVEngine3 will the SVN changes for TVServer also apply to my setup or only to those who run the internal TVServer in MP?


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  • June 15, 2004
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    there is some kind of mixup with those two names ;) The upcoming version of MP's is 3 so it's calles TVEngine3. It's architecture is Client/Server, so it consists of a server part and a TV plugin, which is the MP client part. So maybe things labeled TVEngine3 are general changes which affect the whole engine (like support for hybrid cards) and TVServer only affects the server part.



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  • August 9, 2005
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    TVServer and TVEngine3 are basically two parts of the same thing. Each require the other.

    The TVServer is what provides the TV streams to the new TVEngine within MediaPortal. The new TVEngine can only use used while using the server.


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    October 5, 2006
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    from the wiki
    The Tv-Server (also mentioned TvEngine v0.3 sometimes) is an application which allows....

    Now that was not very hard to find i think?


    As the lead developer I can see how you would find most information on MP easy to find and while mocking your users may be personally satisfying, I don't think it will help build your community.

    MP is not calc.exe, and if you don't respect the perspective of the novice user I suggest you learn to get used to the idea of continuing to see posts like those of the original poster.



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  • April 22, 2004
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    As the lead developer I can see how you would find most information on MP easy to find and while mocking your users may be personally satisfying, I don't think it will help build your community.

    Perhaps look at it from the other way.
    We try to keep the wiki up-2-date containing many questions people asked us.
    Offcourse this takes time (besides developing) and its not the most pleasant job. However i think documentation should be available, especially for the new tvserver

    Now to me its just annoying that most people dont take 1 minute to read it, instead they rather spend 10 minutes on posting the question here and if we dont react within 30mins they get angry since they dont get an answer



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  • August 31, 2006
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    First of all I want to thank you all for all the replies and also the developers of MediaPortal for a great product. It is today the only TV tool my family is using.

    I'm a IT Architect on one of the big IT consultant companies in Europe with more than 10 years of work in the IT consultant industry. And the attitude from you Frodo suppries me because I have the greatest respect for you and the work you have accomplished with MP. I have seen the documentation in the Wiki, but it evolves all the time that note wasen't available when I read the original documentation of the TVServer. This is the reason why I didn't look in the wiki for this answer. I only wanted to make sure that all the good work that you do and that is in the changelog for both TVEngine3 and the TVServer applies to what I'm using at home.


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  • December 26, 2004
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    Now to me its just annoying that most people dont take 1 minute to read it, instead they rather spend 10 minutes on posting the question here and if we dont react within 30mins they get angry since they dont get an answer
    good post :)


    New Member
    October 5, 2006
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    Now to me its just annoying that most people dont take 1 minute to read it, instead they rather spend 10 minutes on posting the question here and if we dont react within 30mins they get angry since they dont get an answer
    good post :)

    I've heard people say that two wrongs make a right, so I suppose that you also feel that two annoyances make a right?

    Anyhow, I understand all sides, and my point is that mocking your users is not helpful to anyone but the person doing the mocking, and I suspect at the end of the day that value is small, but it's your choice to do it or not.

    I too hope that the MP community (and that includes the software) becomes all that it can.



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  • April 22, 2004
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    First of all let my apologize for my first reaction
    Now that was not very hard to find i think?
    When i made my first reply to this post, i was having a bad day at work
    so sorry for that.

    About my second post, this is something which indeeds annoys me
    but perhaps i should reacted a bit differently
    I guess i shouldnt blaim cul8er for this, but it would be nice if people actually
    read the wiki before posting threads.


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