DisEqc fix for some BDA DVB-S cards (Terratec,Pinnacle,etc) (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 26, 2007
I posted this at wrong forum, since this is for TV-Server, it belong here.

I wrote this so I could use my Terratec Cinergy DVB-S 1200 with 4-port DisEqC switch in the latest TV-Server SVN(Rev. 15142)
I's based on the IBDA_FrequencyFilter.put_range function.
I'ts based on the C++ code from a post in DVBN forum "http://dvbn.happysat.org/viewtopic.php?t=39553", the orginal author is "biloute2121".
What I did, was to port it from c++ and implement it in TVServer.

PS!, use it at your own risk!!
Hopefully some one from the hardcore team can take a look at it and mabye add it to the svn.
The code is attatched to this post.
Please post your test teults.

Have fun!

If you use this code, remember to change the type from int to ulong in the functions:

public interface IBDA_FrequencyFilter
.................................................. .........
int put_Range([In] ulong ulRange);//int ulRange); //Changed by digi

int get_Range([Out] out ulong pulRange);//int pulRange); //Changed by digi

And add the following code in:

#Region Variables
//Add this line
GenericBDAS _genericbdas = null;

public ConditionalAccess(IBaseFilter tunerFilter, IBaseFilter analyzerFilter)

//Add the foolowing code after the hauppauge callings:
Log.Log.WriteFile("Check for Generic BDA card");
_genericbdas = new GenericBDAS(tunerFilter, analyzerFilter);
if (_genericbdas.IsGenericBDAS)
Log.Log.WriteFile("Generic BDA card detected");
_genericbdas = null;
And do the same in :
public void SendDiseqcCommand(ScanParameters parameters, DVBSChannel channel)
if (_genericbdas != null)
_genericbdas.SendDiseqCommand(parameters, channel);

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