Installed Moving Pictures last night - gutted i didn't do it sooner as it's an amazing plugin.
I have a quick question: With my movies allocated into different folders on my PC, can Moving Pictures display a folder view and not completely flatten the hierarchy? For example, on my PC i have three movie folders with titles thus "For the kids", "For the family" and "for the grown-ups" (along those lines anyway!) The built in My Videos plugin handles this well, so to put a movie on for my kids i just browse to the folder and they don't need to see all the 'scary' grown-up movie covers.
Moving Pictures however, whilst grouping them together as they are in the folders, has completely flattened the hierarchy. So to put a film on for the kids i now have to scroll through all the scary grown up film covers (The Strangers, My Bloody Valentine etc. etc. - understand what i mean?!) to get to the cartoons.
If Moving Pictures enables me to maintain the 'folder view' then great - please could someone advise how to do this. If not then i think it should definitely be considered as an enhancement to the plugin. i don't think it's right to group cartoons together with horror films and the like as the covers alone are enough to give kids nightmares.... (calling on all sypathetic parents to back me up here!)
Installed Moving Pictures last night - gutted i didn't do it sooner as it's an amazing plugin.
I have a quick question: With my movies allocated into different folders on my PC, can Moving Pictures display a folder view and not completely flatten the hierarchy? For example, on my PC i have three movie folders with titles thus "For the kids", "For the family" and "for the grown-ups" (along those lines anyway!) The built in My Videos plugin handles this well, so to put a movie on for my kids i just browse to the folder and they don't need to see all the 'scary' grown-up movie covers.
Moving Pictures however, whilst grouping them together as they are in the folders, has completely flattened the hierarchy. So to put a film on for the kids i now have to scroll through all the scary grown up film covers (The Strangers, My Bloody Valentine etc. etc. - understand what i mean?!) to get to the cartoons.
If Moving Pictures enables me to maintain the 'folder view' then great - please could someone advise how to do this. If not then i think it should definitely be considered as an enhancement to the plugin. i don't think it's right to group cartoons together with horror films and the like as the covers alone are enough to give kids nightmares.... (calling on all sypathetic parents to back me up here!)