Double Episode Trouble (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 13, 2008
Home Country
Using MediaPortal 1 and Tv Series 2.0.3296.

I'm having trouble getting the file "Babylon 5 - 0x07 - 0x08 - Voices in the Dark.avi" to be recognised as two episodes.
I'm using the original default expressions, and have had this as two episodes previously, but after reimporting the database I can't seem to get this to import properly.

Log File Section
00000011 - 25/01/2009 16:58:16 - ***************     Gathering Local Information     ***************
00000011 - 25/01/2009 16:58:16 - Starting Local Filename Parsing, processing 2787 files
00000011 - 25/01/2009 16:58:17 - Finished Local Filename Parsing
00000011 - 25/01/2009 16:58:20 - Adding 1 new file(s) to Database
00000011 - 25/01/2009 16:58:20 - Succesfully read MediaInfo for D:\Videos\Babylon 5\Movies\Babylon 5 - 0x07 - 0x08 - Voices in the Dark.avi
00000011 - 25/01/2009 16:58:20 - ***************     Identifying Unknown Series Online     ***************
00000011 - 25/01/2009 16:58:20 - All Series are already identified
00000011 - 25/01/2009 16:58:20 - ***************     Retrieving Metadata for new Series     ***************
00000011 - 25/01/2009 16:58:20 - Nothing to do
00000011 - 25/01/2009 16:58:20 - ***************     Get Episodes     ***************
00000011 - 25/01/2009 16:58:30 - Found 118 episodes online for "Babylon 5", matching them up with local episodes now
00000011 - 25/01/2009 16:58:30 - "Babylon 5 - 0x7 - Voices in the Dark: Over Here" identified
00000011 - 25/01/2009 16:58:33 - Found 2 episodes online for "Being Human", matching them up with local episodes now


Portal Member
April 13, 2008
Home Country
Thanks for the reply - turns out I'd accidentally altered one of the parsing expressions. But it still didn't work

Edit - It worked if I imported the file as "Babylon 5 - 0x08" first, and then renamed it to to what you suggested.
I think I've found a bug in double episode importing.

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